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Rehgar Earthfury's page

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About Rehgar Earthfury

Intro, Defense & Offense:

Rehgar Earthfury
Male Half-Orc Magus (Primagus)/Eldritch Scion Gestalt 8

NG Humanoid (Human, Orc)


Speed 30 ft
Initiative: +5

STR 26 (+8) (16 Base +2 Race +4 Special +2 Level +2 Enh)
DEX 10 (+0)
CON 10 (+0)
INT 14 (+2) (12 Base +2 Special)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 20 (+5) (16 Base +2 Special +2 Enh)

AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-Footed 19 (10 Base +7 Armor +5 ConCha +1 Deflect +2 Natural)
HP 112 (8x9 + 8x5 Cha)
Fort +18 (6 Base +8 ConStr +2 Luck +2 Resistance)
Ref +14 (2 Base +8 DexStr +2 Luck +2 Resistance)
Will +18 (6 Base +8 WisStr +2 Luck +2 Resistance)
CMD 30 (10 Base +6 BAB +8 Str +5 DexCha +1 Deflect)

Thunderfury +15/+10 2d4+13 S (18-20)x2
(To Hit: +6 BAB, +8 Str, +1 Enh, +1 Competence)
(Dmg: +12 Strx2, +1 Enh)
Power Attack: -2 to hit, +6 dmg
Combat Expertise: -2 to hit, +2 AC
Spell Combat: -2 to hit, cast a spell
Arcane Accuracy (1 AP): +5 to hit whole round

Acid Splash +7 1d3+2 Acid x2 45ft

CMB: +14

Class & Race Features:

MAGUS FEATURES (Primagus, Hexcrafter)
Class Skills
Spells (Primagus)
Arcane Pool (Su) (Primagus version)
Spell Combat (Ex) (Primagus version)
Spellstrike (Su)
Magus Arcana Arcane Accuracy (Su)
Spell Recall (Su)
Hex Magus (Su) Flight (Su)
Bonus Feats (Primagus version)
Magus Arcana Broad Study (Ex)
Knowledge Pool (Su)
Metamagic Adept (Ex)
Medium Armor (Ex)
Rage (Ex)
Improved Spell Combat (Ex)

Spellcasting Options
Spellcasting Attribute: Str
Spell List: Oracle
Major Ascendancy: Uncommon Element (Su) (Sonic)
Choose one of the following damage types: acid, force, sonic. Whenever the godling casts a spell from her godling spell list that deals hit point damage, she may change the type of damage it does to the selected damage type. The spell loses any of the following descriptors: acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, and sonic. It gains the type of damage it now deals as a descriptor.
Minor Ascendancy: Eldritch Magic (Ex) (Shocking Grasp)
You may add one spell from any spellcasting class’s spell list to your class spell list. The spell is simply added to your godling class list, you do not automatically learn it.
Lineage Domain
Divine Trait +1 (FCB)
Divine Trait I
Divine Trait +1 (FCB)
Minor Ascendancy: Talent for Mysticism (Su)
You gain a bonus scion talent. The talent must be a spell-like or supernatural ability.
Scion Talent: Force of Brawn (Su)
You may add your Str mod, rather than any other ability scores, to your saving throws.
Divine Trait +1 (FCB)
Divine Trait II
Divine Trait +1 (FCB)

Total: 8 points (3 Base +4 FCB +1 Feat)
Divine Portfolio I: The godling selects one oracle mystery. He gains one revelation from the mystery.
·Revelation: Nature's Whispers (Ex) You may add your Charisma modifier, instead of your Dexterity modifier, to your Armor Class and CMD.
Divine Portfolio I: (x2)
·Revelation: Elemental Aegis (Air) (Su) You can conjure an enveloping, protective force that grants you a +4 armor bonus to AC (this manifests as a solid rush of air over your body). At 7th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 2. You can use this armor for 1 hour per day per oracle level.
Mystic Inheritance I: The godling selects one sorcerer bloodline or wizard arcane school. If the godling selects a bloodline, he gains the bloodline arcana and the bloodline power gained at 1st level.
·Bloodline Arcana: Orc Bloodline
·Bloodline Power: Touch of Rage (Sp)
Mystic Inheritance II: The godling selects one sorcerer bloodline or wizard arcane school he has already selected with mystic inheritance I. If he selects a sorcerer bloodline, he gains a power granted by the bloodline at 7th level or lower.
·Bloodline Power: Fearless (Ex)
Mystic Inheritance I: (x2)
·Bloodline Arcana: Goblin-Blooded Bloodline
·Bloodline Power: Fierce Spirit (Sp)

Favoured Class Bonus (Eldritch Godling): +8/2 Divine Trait

+2 Str
Orc Blood
Orc FerocitySacred Tattoo
Weapon FamiliarityFey Thoughts (Perception, Sense Motive)

Traits & Feats:

Metamagic Master: Shocking Grasp (Region)
Fate's Favored (Faith)

FEATS (EitR Feat Rules)
Noble Scion of War
Emergent Divinity
Spell Focus: (Evocation)
Elemental Boost: Sonic
Intensified Spell
Empowered Spell (Magus Bonus)
Spontaneous Metafocus: Shocking Grasp
Spell Penetration
Spell Specialization: Shocking Grasp


Armor Check Penalty: 0

Skill Points: 8x(2 +2 Int +1 Skilled) = 40
Acrobatics: 0 (0 Rank +0 DEX +0 Class -0 ACP)
Bluff: 5 (0 Rank +5 CHA +0 Class)
Climb: 8 (0 Rank +8 STR +0 Class -0 ACP)
Diplomacy: 5 (0 Rank +5 CHA +0 Class)
Disable Device: 0 (Untr) (0 Rank +0 DEX +0 Class -0 ACP)
Disguise: 5 (0 Rank +5 CHA +0 Class)
Escape Artist: 0 (0 Rank +0 DEX +0 Class -0 ACP)
Fly: 0 (0 Rank +0 DEX +0 Class -0 ACP)
Heal: 1 (0 Rank +1 WIS +0 Class)
Intimidate: 11 (1 Rank +5 CHA +3 Class +2 Race)
Kn Arcana: 6 (Untr) (1 Rank +2 INT +3 Class)
Kn Dungeoneering: 2 (Untr) (0 Rank +2 INT +0 Class)
Kn Local: 2 (Untr) (0 Rank +2 INT +0 Class)
Kn Nature: 2 (Untr) (0 Rank +2 INT +0 Class)
Kn Planes: 13 (Untr) (8 Rank +2 INT +3 Class)
Kn Religion: 6 (Untr) (1 Rank +2 INT +3 Class)
Perception: 12 (8 Rank +1 WIS +3 Class)
Ride: 4 (1 Rank +0 DEX +3 Class -0 ACP)
Sense Motive: 10 (6 Rank +1 WIS +3 Class)
Spellcraft: 10 (Untr) (5 Rank +2 INT +3 Class)
Stealth: 0 (0 Rank +0 DEX +0 Class -0 ACP)
Survival: 10 (6 Rank +1 WIS +3 Class)
Swim: 8 (0 Rank +8 STR +0 Class -0 ACP)
Use Magic Device: 11 (Untr) (3 Rank +5 CHA +3 Class)

Skill Points: 16
Appraise: 7 (2 Rank +2 INT +3 Class)
Craft: 2 (0 Rank +2 INT +0 Class)
Handle Animal: 7 (Untr) (2 Rank +5 CHA +0 Class)
Kn Engineering: 2 (Untr) (0 Rank +2 INT +0 Class)
Kn Geography: 2 (Untr) (0 Rank +2 INT +0 Class)
Kn History: 2 (Untr) (0 Rank +2 INT +0 Class)
Kn Nobility: 2 (Untr) (0 Rank +2 INT +0 Class)
Linguistics: 9 (Untr) (4 Rank +2 INT +3 Class)
Perform: 5 (0 Rank +5 CHA +0 Class)
Profession (Gladiator): 12 (Untr) (8 Rank +1 WIS +3 Class)
Sleight of Hand: 0 (Untr) (0 Rank +0 DEX +0 Class -0 ACP)

Magus Spells:

Spell Book
CL 8
+2 vs SR
Concentration +13 (8 CL +5 Cha)

Cantrips DC 15 Cast Defensively: 15
·Acid Splash
·Arcane Mark
·Detect Magic
·Mage Hand
·Read Magic

Level 1 DC 16 (6/6) Cast Defensively: 17
·Chill Touch
·Enlarge Person
·Shocking Grasp +2 CL Evo
·True Strike

Level 2 DC 17 (5/5) Cast Defensively: 19
·Bladed Dash
·Mirror Image

Level 3 DC 18 (3/3) Cast Defensively: 21
·Dispel Magic
·Storm Step

Godling Spells:

Spell Book
CL 8
+2 vs SR
Concentration +16 (8 CL +8 Str)

Cantrips DC 18 Cast Defensively: -
·Create Water
·Detect Magic
·Detect Poison
·Purify Food and Drink

Level 1 DC 19 (7/7) Cast Defensively: -
·Cure Light Wounds
·Divine Favor
·Liberating Command
·Shocking Grasp +2 CL
·Unbreakable Heart

Level 2 DC 20 (7/7) Cast Defensively: -
·Restoration, Lesser
·Zone of Truth

Level 3 DC 21 (6/6) Cast Defensively: -
·Invisibility Purge
·Resist Energy, Communal

Level 4 DC 22 (3/3) Cast Defensively: -
·Blessing of Fervor


+2 Enhancement to Str
+2 Enhancement to Cha
+1 Enhancement to weapon
+1 Enhancement to armor
+2 Resistance to saves
+1 to Natural Armor
+1 Deflection to AC

Thunderfury (Mwk Falchion) 375 gp (- lb)
Runestone of Power I 2000 gp (8 lb)
Ioun Gauntlet 1600 gp (5 lb) with
Craked Pale Green Prism 4000 gp (- lb)
Wand of Shield 750 gp (- lb)
Wand of CLW 750 gp (- lb)
Mnemonic Vestment 5000 gp (- lb)
Knife 2 gp (1 lb)
Canteen 2 gp (1 lb)
Belt Pouch 1 gp (.5 lb)
Backpack 2 gp (2 lb)
Traveler's Outfit 1 gp (5 lb)
Blanket .5 gp (3 lb)
Flint and Steel 1 gp (0 lb)
Scroll Box 1 gp (1 lb)
-Mount 25 gp
-Comprehend Languages 25 gp
-Delay Poison 125 gp
-Calm Emotions 125 gp
Scroll Box 1 gp (1 lb)
-Disrupt Silence 450 gp
-Remove Curse 450 gp
-Water Breathing 450 gp

Cash: 16137.5/16500 gp