
Rebelshade's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


Hello, all!
I'm the paladin from the trio of adventurers, and I'd like to thank everyone for their vote first and foremost. We thoroughly enjoy dressing up every year, and coming out to support one of our favorite (if not most favorite) game.

I just wanted to say a little bit about each of the costumes since a lot of time and effort went into each one. We have been working on our outfits off and on since just after Gen Con last year. Already we are plotting for next year.

The Alchemist: the shirt, pants, boots and two belts were the only items purchased and not modified. The vest is made of suede leather and was hand sewn. The bandolier and backpack was hand made from scratch without patterns of any kind. The bracers were created last year. All of the small bottles we filled ourselves, and the larger ones Nicole hand painted. All of the scrolls were hand dyed, and there was over 40 of them, most given out to Con goers as souvenirs. There were also a few small necklaces with bottles, but the scrolls were more popular. The scrolls had actual spells from the game typed onto them, written in a form of draconic text.

The Half Orc Bard: The wands were created by Amy and myself, both of us following the actual game rules for crafting wands in the fact that we made sure the level of spell was allowed as a wand. The wand holders and scroll holders were made by myself. Amy made that hat herself. The rest of the items were purchased.

The Paladin: I created my tabbard with the help of my mother. The holy symbol of Iomedae is hand stitched on. I painted the insignia on the shield myself, and yes it all has different meanings. The 3-piece breastplate and 3-piece backplate (worn last year) was created by myself and my father who is a blacksmith. The rest of my armor was purchased (due to time limitations and such). Most of it might have been bought, but it was still @ 60 pounds of metal.

Also, all of the shoulder creatures were made by Nicole (dragon, phoenix, wolf creature). Yes, she takes commissions.

Awe, gotta love that moment when the doors open and the flood of nerds starts flowing.

Go Amy and Josh! Love you guys! So glad the outfits worked out well.

Even though I'm one of the Adventuring Party members, I give my vote to Jean-Marc and Luc as the paladins. Because they're paladins!

(And it doesn't seem right to vote for oneself!)