About Reagan FaolanAppearance and Personality:
Height: 4’9”, Weight: 89 lbs, Age: 22, Hair: Red, shoulder-length, usually in a bun, Skin Color: pale
Clothing (formal): Grey and tan dress over relatively loose corset. Pastel green undershirt and neckerchief. brown pin-on hat with pastel green fake flower. Clothing (business): Grey men's’ jacket, loose skirts, newsboy’s hat. Worn leather gloves. Distinguishing Features: Missing left canine tooth, bite scars on right hand. Portrait: Here Background:
Five Background Elements
1. Born January 12, 1869, to an Irish family living in Whitechapel, London. When she was 13, her brother Cahal smashed his knee at a factory job, destroying his leg. With no ability to work, he slipped into a depression that ended quite suddenly when he started visiting pubs with a group of new friends. This group called themselves the Irish Republican Brotherhood, and, after some cajoling, they sometimes allowed Reagan to tag along with them. 2. Reagan went to work to help support her family. Thanks to her small size, she was sent into the mines, where she worked for a while as a thruster, pushing mine carts. While working in the mine, she studied the dynamiters, making small suggestions that increased the mine’s efficiency. Before long, she was given the job of running explosives. 3. When her brother was implicated in the Tower of London dynamiting of 1885, a few sticks of unexploded dynamite were presented as evidence. The wrappings pointed toward the mine Reagan worked at, and further investigation showed she’d stolen and cut the explosives for her brother. 4. Reagan served five years in the Brixton Convict Prison for her role in the Tower of London dynamiting. There, she learned a lot about fighting, like where to hit, how to make her small size an advantage, and most importantly, how to take a hit well. She lost a tooth and has permanent bite scars on her hand for her troubles. 5. After getting out, Reagan started looking for her brother’s old IRB contacts, trying to figure out a way to get him out of prison. Her efforts got her back in the eyes of the police, and she probably would have been arrested, were it not for a message to meet Lord Walker at Westminster Abbey. Though a devout Catholic, her curiosity was piqued. Two Goals 1. In-Character Goal: Get her brother out of jail. While it’d obviously be easiest if she could do that through some sort of heroism that deserved a pardon, if an opportunity presented itself, she’d take less-than-legal action to make it happen. She just needs a plan... 2. Out-Of-Character Goal: I want to play a female character in an environment that doesn’t view women as equals. I’m not a chauvinist monster or anything, I just think the role-playing challenge would be fun. Two Secrets 1. One She Knows: Reagan’s sentence was supposed to be ten years. While she was trying to find the IRB after her release, one of her contacts discovered that her documents had gotten switched with those of another woman with a lighter sentence. She’s often consumed with a very Catholic guilt over this, and has only confided the truth to her priest. She often says she got out of prison for ‘good behavior’ while smiling to reveal her missing tooth. 2. One She Doesn’t: Since getting out, Reagan has also been looking for her mother, who went missing one night in Whitechapel. There have been a few bodies that might have been hers, but Reagan refuses to believe. Three Characters 1. Cahal Faolan: Older Brother, 27. Currently serving a life sentence of penal labor for his role in the Fenian dynamite campaign. Prior to his imprisonment, Cahal had been a happy-go-lucky kind of man. Then, he got maimed at his job, fell in with the IRB, and ended up in Barwon Prison. 2. Francis Glynn: Priest, 49. A Catholic priest in London who’s sympathetic to the cause of the IRB, if not their actions. He’s one of the people Reagan trusted with her experiences in prison, and he’s helped bring her back into the faith after she lost it during her incarceration. 3. Abby Taylor: Former Inmate, 29. Abby was in Brixton for repeated instances of petty theft. Her father had been crippled in an early IRB bombing, and she’d been trying to make ends meet. During her time in the prison, Abby repeatedly singled out Reagan on the exercise yard, and twice got into her cell to continue the beatings. She got out two years before Reagan did, much to the Irish girl’s happiness. Three Memories 1. The smell of the River Bandon passing past Kinsale. She went back to her family’s home in Ireland once, when she was a wee lass and her grandparents were still alive. She remembers the smell of salmon being brought in as she crossed the river’s many bridges with her mother. 2. The thrill that ran down her spine when the dynamite went off at the Tower. She was hiding half a mile away with some friends, and they all covered their ears and jumped. So did Reagan, but to her, the sound was one of the most beautiful she’d heard. 3. The first taste of her own blood when Abby Taylor knocked her out in the exercise yard at Brixton. It was her second day there, and she’d made the mistake of explaining why she’d been arrested. Abby had had family injured in a previous IRB bombing, and didn’t take kindly to Reagan’ pro-Irish pride. Two Items 1. Uncle Padraig’s Pistol: Uncle Padraig served in the Second Anglo-Sikh War in India, and came home with an old but immaculate pistol. He’d originally willed it to Cahal, but Reagan ended up with it after the bombing and got it back when she got out of prison. Reagan wears it on a set of straps that tuck it into her right side, next to her rib cage. 2. King James Mine Satchel: Reagan keeps her bomb-making things in a plain canvas satchel labeled “King James Mine” to cut down on the suspicion someone might feel if they saw an Irish lass carrying 10 pounds of dynamite. It’s stained with coal dust and covered in patches, but a couple extra straps offer more support than a usual satchel. Character Sheet:
Reagan Faolan Female Human Alchemist (grenadier) 3 CN Medium Humanoid (human) Initiative +3; Perception -1 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor) HP 24 (3d8+6) Fort +4, Ref +6, Will 0 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee Dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20) Ranged Uncle Padraig’s Mwk Pistol +6 (1d8/x4) Bomb +6 (2d6+5+splash) Special Attacks: Bombs (4), Point-Blank Shot Extracts 1st (4/day): -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 12 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 16 Wis 09 Cha 12 BAB +2, CMB +3, CMD 16 Feats: {Class} Throw Anything: No penalties for throwing improvised weapons, +1 to attack rolls with splash. {1st}Point-Blank Shot: +1 to ranged attack/damage within 30 feet. {Human} Precise Shot: No penalty for throwing/shooting into melee. {3rd} Rapid Reload (firearms): Reduces time to reload a 1-handed firearm to 1 move action. Traits: Slippery (combat): +1 to Stealth, is class skill. Focused Burn (magic): +1 damage/2d6 damage for bombs that deal fire damage. Focus on Freedom (religion): 1/day, can gain +2 on a skill check before rolling. Guilty Fraud (drawback): -4 to bluff vs. creatures that are indifferent or better. Skills (Format is name: total (explanation for total) (14 (+4 BG) Ranks Total) Craft (alchemy): 10 (3 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS, 1 class) Disable Device: 9 (3 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS) Intimidate: 4 (3 rank, 1 ability) Knowledge (arcana): 9 (3 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS) Knowledge (engineering, BG): 6 (3 rank, 3 ability) Knowledge (nature): 9 (3 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS) Profession (miner): 4 (2 ranks, -1 ability, 3 CS) Sleight of Hand (BG): 11 (3 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS, 2 race) Stealth: 12 (3 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS, 2 race, 1 trait) Survival: 5 (3 rank, -1 ability, 3 CS) (+4 in urban/underground) Languages: English, Gaelic, Latin, Welsh -------------------- Equipment -------------------- Equipment (On Person): Uncle Padraig’s Mwk Pistol (1300, 4), Mwk Parade Armor (175, 20), Alchemy Crafting Kit (25, 5), Dagger (2, 1) 30 Bullets (30, .5), 2 Alchemist’s Fire (40, 2), Courtier’s Outfit (30, 6), Mwk King James Mine Pack (50, 4), 1 Tanglefoot Bag (50, 4), Miner's Lantern (15, 2) Encumbrance: 50/100/150 (Currently 48.5) Finances: 37 Q -------------------- Race/Class Features -------------------- Human Favored Class (alchemist): +1 hit points/level Bonus Feat: +1 Bonus Feat at first level. Heart of the Slums: +2 to Sleight of Hand/Stealth, +4 to Survival in urban/underground. Can roll twice vs. diseases. Alchemist Grenadier Alchemist: Can prepare a number of formulae each day, etc. It’s complicated, follow the link. Bomb: Class+Int Mod/day, 1d6+Int Fire damage, Splash Mutagen: Create a brew that increases physical stats at the cost of mental ones. Throw Anything: Bonus Feat, +int to damage w/ splash weapons. Martial Weapon Proficiency (pistol): Chooses one martial weapon to be proficient in. Replaces Brew Potion. Discoveries Earns Discoveries every other level. Cognatogen: Create a brew that increases mental stats at the cost of physical ones. Precise Bombs (bonus): Choose up to +Int Mod squares that aren’t hit by bombs. Replaces Poison Use. Alchemical Weapon: Can infuse an alchemical liquid/powder into a weapon/ammunition. Replaces Poison Resistance. Swift Alchemy: Can create alchemicaal items at twice normal speed. ====================================================================
Formulae Book:
1st: Shield, Bomber’s Eye, Expeditious Retreat, Bouncy Body, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Heightened Awareness |