Spontaneous Casting Inflict Wounds Spells, Cultist Alternative Class Feature (+2 to Bluff Checks; immune to magical attempts to discern the truth, Dragon 353, p. 88)
Common, Chelaxian, Infernal
Witness of the First Lord
About Razghul of Korvosa
HP 9
AC 19, touch 12, flatfooted 17
Init +6 (Dex + feat); Listen +2, Spot +2
F+3, R+3, W+4
BAB +0; Grapple +1
Melee heavy mace +1 (1d8+1)
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8, 19-20)
Feats: City Born (from Korvosa, +2 to Intimidate Checks), Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Persuasive (+2 to Bluff and Intimidate Checks), Skill Focus (Bluff) (+3 to Bluff Checks)
Flaws (Check Dragon 324, p. 96): Chivalrous Courtesy (Prerequisite: Good or Lawful alignment, you suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls vs a creature you can tell is of the opposite gender), Honorable Challenge (Prerequisite: Lawful alignment, you suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls vs. creatures that have not explicitly challenged you or made and attack against you. For the purposes of this flaw, an attack against you includes any action that would end an invisibility spells)
Spells (Domains: Law (+1 CL to all Law spells), Trickery (Bluff, Disguise and Hide are all class skills) CL 1st, 3/2+1)
Possessions: unholy symbol, spell component pouch, light crossbow, 20 bolts, chainmail, heavy steel shield, heavy mace, traveler's outfit, backpack, belt pouch, waterskin, 3 gp.
Razghul is a member of the Korvosan branch of the Asmodean Cult. Though young, he was tasked by the temple elders to assume role of Muad-dib, a novice of Abadar, so that he might travel the length and breadth of the Varisian countryside to uncover the socio-political and economic situation of the region.
The temple elders have come to view Razghul's gift for gab, as a sign from their deity that he was fit to undertake the task. To this end, the temple elders had provided Razghul with a counterfeit holy symbol of Abadar at the back of which is engraved the ruby rod symbol of Asmodeus.
On the other hand, Razghul heard rumors that his mission came at the behest of Queen Ileosa herself. But he can't be sure.
Braving the uncertain roads, Razghul/Muad-dib arrived at Sandpoint just in time for the re-dedication of their new temple.
Appearance: With a smile ready to greet anyone he meets, Razghul/Muad-dib has a handsome face accentuated by his high cheekbones, well-trimmed beard and closely cropped black hair.
Though stocky, his constant travels has served to maintain some muscle tone to his physique.
He wears heavy clothes and a cloak to cover his armor. He keeps the faux symbol of Abadar prominently displayed on a chain he keeps around his neck.
Personality: Razghul is an honorable man who can be counted on to honor the terms and conditions of any deal.. to the letter. This has made him a very scrupulous man, always sifting through the details - a trait desirable in an observer.
He introduces himself as "Muad-Dib" but swiftly intimates that his friends call him "Raz."