Lieutentant Pavo Voc

Raymond Cornwell's page

1 post. Alias of Derz.

Strength 16
Dexterity 10
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14

About Raymond Cornwell

The little Background I know:
My name is Raymond. That's really it.

An Unbeatable Foe:
If it's unbeatable and it's caught me chances are I won't escape it, so my best chances are to make myself as unappealing a target as possible. Shore up my defenses, make sure I can make it feel pain when it comes for me. Maybe that'll convince it that I'm not worth it.


Diplomacy (Cha), 1+3+2=6
Heal (Wis), 1+3+2=6
Intimidate (Cha)(Str), 1+3+1+3=8
Knowledge (nobility) (Int), 1+3=4
Knowledge Planes (Int), 1+3=4
Linguistics (Int), 1+3=4
Perception (Wis), 1+3+2=6
Profession (Wis),
Ride (Dex),
Sense Motive (Wis), 1+3+2=6
Swim (Str),

Skill Points/Level: 4+0(int)+1(Human)+1(favored class)=6
Background Skills: Knowledge Nobility, Linguistics
Extra Class Skills: Linguistics, Knowledge Planes

Class Features:

Proficiencies: Sentinels are proficient with simple weapons, as well as light armor and bucklers. In addition, if this is this character's first level in any class, they may select a Martial Tradition of their choice (see Martial Traditions in Additional Rules).

Combat Training: A sentinel may combine combat spheres and talents to create powerful martial techniques. Sentinels are considered Expert practitioners and use Wisdom as their practitioner modifier.

Martial Tradition
Knightly Arts
Training in the Knightly Arts includes learning how to wear and maneuver in chainmail, full plate, and other armor designed for warriors who fight in the vanguard, as well as learning how to wield weapons suitable for such combat. In addition, most knights are trained in horsemanship and the art of leadership.
Bonus Talents: Equipment: Armor Training, Knightly Training
Shield base sphere
Variable: Individuals trained in the Knightly Arts tradition gain either Beastmastery (ride package) or Warleader as a bonus sphere.

Equipment Sphere
The Equipment sphere handles what equipment you are trained to use and how you use it. When you gain the Equipment sphere, choose one Equipment talent of your choice and gain it for free the first time you take this sphere.

Dedication: Shields: As long as your focus is dedicated to the Equipment sphere and you have a shield or buckler equipped, you may spend a free action that can be taken even when it’s not your turn once a round to redirect the damage from a successful attack against you to your shield. Attacks that do not target you directly or which do not deal hit point damage cannot be redirected in this manner.

Armor Training
You gain proficiency with light armor and medium armor. If you are already proficient with light armor, you instead gain proficiency with medium armor and heavy armor. You may take this talent up to two times.

Knightly Training (discipline)
You gain proficiency with the bastard sword, greatsword, halberd, heavy flail, heavy mace, heavy shield, heavy pick, light mace, light pick, light shield, lance, longsword, morningstar, and warhammers. In addition, you gain a +1 competence bonus to attack and CMB rolls made as part of a charge with these weapons. At +10 base attack bonus, this bonus increases to +2.

Shield Base Sphere:

Active Defense: If you are using a shield and you are attacked by a creature you are aware of while not flat-footed, you may spend an attack of opportunity to increase your shield bonus to AC against that attack by +1, +1 per 4 points of base attack bonus you possess. This decision must be made before the roll is made. Talents with the (deflect) tag grant additional effects to this ability. Each use of active defense may only benefit from one (deflect) talent. You may apply one (deflect) talent per round with no cost; each (deflect) talent after the first requires spending an additional attack of opportunity. You may expend your martial focus to apply a (deflect) talent in place of spending an attack of opportunity.

Dedicate: As long as your martial focus is dedicated to the Shield sphere, you do not lose your shield bonus to AC when making an attack with your shield. Additionally, you may make shield bash attacks with a buckler as if it were a light shield. Reduce the damage as if the shield bash was one size smaller when used this way. Associated feat: Improved Shield Bash.

Warleader Sphere
Practitioners of the warleader sphere learn techniques for organizing, rallying, and directing their allies in battle. Regardless of whether they are charismatic warriors leading from the front or canny tacticians directing their troops from a secure position overlooking the battlefield, it is the superior talent for directing their troops to coordinate the correct response that makes them invaluable forces on the battlefield.
Tactics (dedicate): Tactics are coordinated battle plans that require continuing direction from the practitioner to maintain. A creature must have line of sight to, and be able to see, the practitioner to benefit from a tactic. Beginning a tactic is a standard action that requires you to have your martial focus dedicated to the warleader sphere, and it can be maintained each round as a free action. Once activated, you may switch between any tactics you know as a swift action. Tactics affect all allied creatures within a radius of 10 ft. + 5 ft. per point of base attack bonus the practitioner possesses, and may be centered on any square the practitioner has both line of sight and line of effect to. A practitioner may recenter an ongoing tactic at a new location as a swift action. The benefits of your tactics end immediately if you cease to have your martial focus dedicated to this sphere.
When you first gain the warleader sphere, you gain the following tactic:

Aggressive Flanking: While within the affected area of this tactic, allied creatures are considered to be flanking as long as they both threaten the same creature, regardless of their comparative positioning.

Deadly Herdsman (tactic)
Whenever you or an ally benefiting from this tactic successfully deal damage to an enemy with an attack made using the attack action, they may forcibly move the target of the attack 5 ft. in any direction. Creatures affected by this ability cannot be moved into a space they could not normally occupy. If your base attack bonus is +10 or higher, this forced movement provokes an attack of opportunity from threatening allies other than the one initiating the movement.

Shouts: Shouts are sound-based effects centered on the practitioner that affect creatures within a radius of 10 ft. + 5 ft. per point of base attack bonus the practitioner possesses. The effects of shouts last for a number of rounds equal to 1 + 1 for every 5 points of base attack bonus the practitioner possesses. Unless otherwise noted, using a shout is a standard action that expends your martial focus. Deaf characters or characters otherwise lacking the ability to hear gain a +5 bonus on all saves against shout effects. Practitioners in the area of a silence spell or otherwise unable to make a sound cannot use shouts until they are once more able to be heard.
When you first gain the warleader sphere, you gain the following shout:

Fierce Shout: When you use fierce shout, you and all affected allies gain a morale bonus on damage rolls equal to 1 + 1/2 your base attack bonus (rounded down, minimum +1) on their first attack roll each turn. This is a mind-affecting emotion effect.

Guardian Sphere
Guardians specialize in protecting their allies and drawing the ire of their enemies.

You gain a delayed damage pool equal to your 3 x your base attack bonus. When you receive damage, as part of taking the damage you may redirect all or part of it to your delayed damage pool. Apply damage reduction and resistance before redirecting the damage. You may not redirect damage that would exceed the maximum capacity of the damage pool. Your delayed damage pool empties at the end of your turn each round, inflicting any damage stored in the pool on you, bypassing any damage reduction or resistance you possess and resetting to 0. Any additional effects of the attack, such as poison, are still incurred immediately even if the entire damage of the attack is redirected to the delayed damage pool. Any healing you receive in excess of your maximum HP automatically reduces the amount of damage in your delayed damage pool. Should you lose access to the Guardian sphere, any damage (or other effects if you possess certain talents) is immediately incurred.

Dedicate: As long as your martial focus is dedicated to the Guardian sphere, you gain +1 attack of opportunity per round, +1 per 4 points of base attack bonus you possess. You may make attacks of opportunity even when flat-footed. These additional attacks of opportunity stack with those granted by the Combat Reflexes or Muscular Reflexes feat.

In addition, choose one of the following guardian packages:
Challenge: You may expend martial focus as a move action to issue a challenge to a creature you can see. A creature must perceive your challenge to be affected by it. The creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls that do not include you as a target and a +2 bonus on attack rolls targeting only you. Creatures receiving this effect are aware of it, though do not gain insight to its duration. This penalty (but not bonus) increases by 1 for every 4 points of base attack bonus you possess. The challenge lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + 1/2 your base attack bonus. When you issue a new challenge, any previous challenge you have active ends.

Multiple challenges do not stack; if a creature is affected by challenges from more than one creature, they suffer no penalty against the source of any challenge against them and likewise gain the bonus against the sources of all of the challenges. Creatures with no Intelligence score (Intelligence score of (-)) cannot be targeted by your challenge.

Guardian Challenge (Ex): At 1st level, whenever a sentinel uses the challenge ability of the Guardian sphere, for the duration of the challenge she gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against a challenged creature. At 5th level and every four levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level.

Sentinel’s Reserve (Ex): Each day, a sentinel gains a number of reserve points equal to 1/2 her sentinel level + her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). She can spend a reserve point as a swift action to gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to two times her base attack bonus + her Wisdom modifier; these temporary hit points last for 1 minute or until lost, whichever comes first. She regains reserve points after resting for 8 hours, although she may only regain reserve points once every 24 hours.

Wise Reflexes (Ex): A sentinel can use her Wisdom modifier in place of her Dexterity when determining her initiative and Reflex save bonus, although this bonus cannot exceed her class level.

Muscular Reflexes
Intimidating Prowess

Campaign Trait:
Enduring Stoicism: Even though your pulse is pounding in your ears when you awake in the asylum, you feel strangely nonplussed. You can recognize that the situation you find yourself in is horrific, but you refuse to let that fear control you. It doesn’t feel like it’s worth worrying over too much. You know that when you face unspeakable forces, keeping your cool will keep you alive. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against spells or effects with the fear or emotion descriptors. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks due to your intimidating presence, as people don’t know what to expect from you.

19 GP

Bastard Sword
Scale Mail
Heavy Wooden Shield
a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a clay mug, a dagger, two fishhooks, a flint and steel, a sewing needle, a signal whistle, 50 feet of string, 50 feet of thread, a waterskin, a week’s worth of trail rations, and a whetstone.
40 Arrows
20 Blunt Arrows
Tabard - red and golden-yellow sunburst with a scimitar over it
Signet Ring same as the tabard