Friendly Fighter

Raven Grimbriar's page

25 posts. Alias of Knight Protector.


Male Human Ranger 1

Shaking off the wounds he just sustained from the skeleton's scimitars, Raven backs up along the wall (5 ft. step) towards the northern door and swings his short sword at the skeleton in front of him.

Attack roll vs. Skeleton 1: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Confirmation: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Raven strikes the skeleton's ribcage, however the weapon seems to be unable to cause any significant damage. He places his back up against the wall and prepares to get into a defensive stance.

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven just shakes his head in disbelief and then slides his pack down his arm in order to pull out a torch and light it.

Dark in here... anyone else have a light? As he says this, he reaches his left arm out holding the torch into the room and then steps in towards the bodies, checking the corners of the room as he enters.

He stops midway between the entrance and the bodies near the center.

Looks like their gear. Raven twists his body to the left moving the torch light over a set of three packs lying on the stone floor. One of them appears to be full, while the other two lie flat.

Someone search that pack. I'm going to check for doors. Raven carefully walks over to the bodies, stepping over a skeleton as he steps up a few of the stairs leading up to a foot-high platform. As the torchlight follows him, a door appears in the dancing light on the left. He walks up to it and quickly scans it, but then turns around and maneuvers over the bodies to reach the other side where another door is revealed on the opposite side to the right.

Well, there are two ways out-- Before Raven is able to finish, another piercing wail is heard that echoes from the southern side of the room which is located to your left.

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven stands up and looks straight down to find a skeletal arm with hand still attached.

This... these bones... they are quite aged. Their former host did not perish with the animals.

He squats back down again to examine them.

Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

These remains are probably more than a decade old. Either they were already laying out here and our unfortunate beasts of burden fell upon them as they died, or, it was one of the attackers.

Raven grabs hold of the horse carcass at the rear legs and then begins to attempt to pull the creature off of the skeletal remains.

Strength: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

With some struggled effort, Raven is able to pull the corpse off of the skeleton. It's hands end in sharp, bony claws, and it's skeletal frame is still quite in tact despite its age. Stuffed into it's busted ribcage are the horse's saddlebags.

What do we have here? Raven picks up the bags and rifles through them quickly, turning them upside down to reveal their emptiness. Bah.

The man stands back up and approaches the ajar door within the archway of the crypt.

Let us proceed then. Hennon, stay at my back. I may need your axe if we get into trouble. With that, Raven grabs hold of the ajar door and pulls it wide, stepping inside.

Male Human Ranger 1

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven looks stunned as he stares at the scene before him. He completely ignores Abbrathil and Hennon as he approaches the horses and kneels down to examine them, attempting to ignore the stench.

Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

These creatures were slain about two days ago. Looks like they were cut down with crude blades or swords as the cuts are not very clean.

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven points down the overgrown path to the south along the lake.

Down this path. We should reach the valley of the Crypt in about three hours if we keep a steady pace. Let's get going.

Male Human Ranger 1

I have no idea. Except, that whatever dined on this fellow's chest carried within it's mouth the poison that killed him. Either that or he bled out from the wounds after escaping whatever monster this lake produced.

Raven turns back towards the path.

Well? We have a few more hours of travel and then we should reach the Crypt. If we get moving, we may just reach it before this rain falls. What say you?

The man drops the drawn arrow back into the quiver and then turns back to Hennon and Abbrathil, patiently waiting for a reply.

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven stands by after having backed away from Abbrathil's interesting display. He lifts his right arm up, covering his nose and mouth as the gnome disappears underneath the corpse in order to reappear again, the cadaver's foot lying idly on the ground. Bloody cripes, man! What are you thinking?!

I have no interest in preserving this man, this... bandit I'm guessing, and making some macabre display out of his bones.

Raven begins walking away while shaking his head. He looks up briefly and then turns back to Abbrathil and Hennon.

Lets just take our spoils and move on. We have about three hours ahead of us, and...

Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

It looks like rain. Blast it.

Male Human Ranger 1

Ahh... no. This I have not seen. Let us approach with caution, it may be the corpse of an animal.

Raven takes out his bow, nocks an arrow, and then begins carefully approaching the strange object lingering near the lakeside.

Stealth 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Making no audible sound, Raven deftly approaches the form, keeping an eye on the nearby surroundings for any sign of an ambush. As he nears it, he stops and his back straightens. He looks around again and then turns back to face his companions.

It's a man. Raven keeps his voice low, yet loud enough so he is assured that he can be heard.

Heal : 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

He's been dead for several weeks. I'm surprised his body is in this condition. Raven squats down, keeping the arrow nocked to his bow while holding the shaft with the fingers of his left hand. With his right he grabs hold of the corpse's tunic and pulls it away.

Bloody curse. Looks like he was bitten in the chest several times. It's likely that the creature was poisonous, given that nothing has bothered to touch the body. He looks out towards the fog-covered lake. Mmm.. perhaps it's best if we depart.

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven places his left hand up on Hennon's right upper arm as he looks down at the wolves.

A sad thing, indeed, brother. Come, let us eat.

Raven lets go of Hennon's large arm and pats it once as he turns to trudge back through the wood towards the clearing where the fire still blazes bright.

As Raven returns to the fire, he finishes cooking the venison, scattering some spices on it and then cuts it up with a cutting board he removes from his pack. The four of you along with Ifrit feast upon the tender venison. Most remain quiet following the encounter with the wolves, but everyone seems to regard Raven with appreciation for the tasty meal provided.

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven shakes off the shock from his eyes and quickly steps over to give Abbrathil a hand.

Yes, yes, what am I thinking? Let me help. Raven takes hold of Sarenae's hand with his right, and takes hold of her arm just above her elbow to assist Abbrathil in lifting her up. The entire time he continues to eye Hennon, watching his reaction after his immense show of energy and strength which frightened the wolf away.

Quite a show you put on there, Ab...Abbra... uh, friend. What was that?

After helping up the young woman, Raven steps back but continues to shift his gaze between Hennon and Abbrathil.

Hmm... Perhaps we should put an end to these wolves. A mercy kill, if you will. Apparently game is thin around here. Better to die now, then to die of starvation later...

Raven looks to Hennon once again, and before he even moves over to squelch the life from the unconscious animals, he waits for his input. While doing so, he shifts his gaze to the wounded Sarenae and gives her a look signifying his request for approval. When she grabs at her tattered cloak, covers her wound with her hand and looks away, Raven looks back to Hennon once again.

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven pauses and lifts up his head. Ah, we have some wolves about. Careful now... they are a bit closer than they sound. Just stay close to the fire and they may not bother us.

Continuing to dress the deer, Raven looks back down but keeps darting his eyes about looking through the trees as he digs into its flesh.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven takes the kindling from Hennon and nods as he sets it near the bottom of his growing stack of firewood.

Pulling out a set of steel cookware, he sets the deer down and begins to dress it. As he is doing so, a blast of flame shoots past his backside and sets the pile of wood on fire.

Raven spins around after hearing what sounds like a small explosion followed by a penetrating heat through the seat of his pants.

"Whaa!" He shouts as he spots the flames slowly engulf the pile of wood. "What in bloody blazes was that?" His head turns towards Abbrathil's direction as he hears the gnome giggle beneath his bedroll. "Gnomes..." He mutters to himself, and then continues to dress the deer.

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven slows his pace as he begins to search the area for a place to stop and rest. As you traveled he frequently paused to pick up some dry pieces of wood and carry them under his arms. He also handed some to Hennon seeing how much he could carry.

Ah, here we go. This should suit us. Raven suddenly breaks off from the path and makes his way through to a mostly clear spot to the side of the trail. He allows his backpack to fall to the ground and pulls out some flint and tinder along with some old weathered parchment.

Hennon if you would assist me in building a fire with those logs, we can take a load off and rest here for the night.

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven smiles at Hennon's comments as they begin to depart.

No fear my half-orc friend, I shall lead us right to the Crypt and then triumphantly back to Kassen with the Everflame in tow. We shall feast greatly upon our return and exaggerate the many obstacles which attempted to impede our success. In other words, good food and good times for all!

Male Human Ranger 1

This way. Raven points down the path you have been following.

We have several more hours of travel ahead of us. He pauses to look up at the sky. ... and we have another four hours of daylight or so. I suggest we go for three more hours and stop somewhere for the night.

Male Human Ranger 1

Chop the tree down if you wish, friend. He says to Hennon. But, I think it a waste of our time. Whoever was here appears to be gone.

With that, Raven rapidly strings an arrow and fires it up through the tree right through where he suspects the tree-climber would be located. He waits a moment and when he hears no response he shrugs.

Thought it worth a shot. Get it, shot? Ha! He smirks and looks around for reactions.

Perhaps we should move on. I don't think there's anyone here. This boot-wearing fellow might be trying to ambush us again down the path. Perhaps we should avoid it?

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven points out the tracks which you note are located right behind two tree trunks which split about two feet off the ground. The leaves have mostly fallen off of this tree, so you glance upward and do not see anything in the branches above.

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven stands baffled as he lowers his bow, staring at the spot where the Orc illusion once laid after having fallen.

In all the years I've spent in the surrounding woods, I have never come across illusory Orcs. My gnome friend, you ask an excellent question. If those things were magical figments, then someone was probably behind them. Let me see if I can find the location of this conjurer.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Raven heads over to the eastern part of the path first and then begins examining the ground carefully. He steps over some brambles and heads further into the woods until he stops.

Ah, I think I've found something. Yes. I found some tracks. They are humanoid which appears to have been wearing some light boots or shoes.

He pauses with a "Hmph..."

...Strange...I see where the tracks lead to this spot, but it doesn't appear that they have left. Unless this fellow can walk perfectly backwards through his own tracks, he either disappeared completely or flew off.

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven turns his head towards the lumbering half-orc and smirks as he approaches.

"Birdhead? My name is Raven... R-A-V-E-N. Like the bird, you know? Wait... ah, nevermind." He smiles widely at Hennon. "Sure, big guy, you can carry the doe. No problem."

He stops and then lifts the deer off his shoulders and then hands it over to Hennon. As Abbrathil approaches, Raven turns his attention to the gnome and begins walking with him.

"Don't concern yourself about the Mayor's words. It's all tradition." he says with a laugh.

The man quickly turns his head to glance at Hennon, watching him carry the doe.

"He says that every year. Usually, its just some of the town guard and the Mayor himself who heads off to the Crypt. It's always, 'dangerous quest,' this, 'may never return,' that. I know some of them, and let me tell you, if they can make it back, then I seriously doubt we'll have much difficulty. This is going to be a stroll in the wood."

He slaps his hand upside Abbrathil's shoulder and then keeps walking, intentionally trying to keep a lead.

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven smiles and turns to the three of you. "I will lead the way, friends! I have been in the area surrounding the Crypt and know where it lies."

Male Human Ranger 1

"Abbra? Ah, I see. You're a wizard aren't you? Abbracadabra! Pleasure to meet you." Raven smirks and then turns his attention to the Mayor who hands him a backpack and a rolled up parchment.

"Ha! I have no need of this, Mayor. I know these lands like the back of my hand. In fact, I could lead them to the Crypt blindfolded."

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven smiles and turns to the three of you. "I will lead the way, friends! I have been in the area surrounding the Crypt and know where it lies."

Male Human Ranger 1

"Abbra? Ah, I see. You're a wizard aren't you? Abbracadabra! Pleasure to meet you." Raven smirks and then turns his attention to the Mayor who hands him a backpack and a rolled up parchment.

"Ha! I have no need of this, Mayor. I know these lands like the back of my hand. In fact, I could lead them to the Crypt blindfolded."

Male Human Ranger 1

Raven looks up to Hennon and smirks. "It'll be good to have one of your size with us. I hear there are fowl things living within the Crypt... undead, perhaps. Unnatural creations. Fun to hunt, though."

The man then looks down at Abbrathil. "You're a strange fellow. Whats your story?"