
Raven_Black's page

Organized Play Member. 39 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

So this is just a place for me to consolidate my campaign world ideas.
Feel free to steal these ideas, or even contribute your own; just don't expect much in the way of readability, as these are essentially notes on scratch paper.
Oh, and if there is some better place for this thread to go, let me know and I'll happily move it.

Binary star system- red and blue in synchronous orbit, but from our view appears as one purple sun. everything held in place by magical forces as opposed to scientific forces. one star emits infrared light, the other emits ultraviolet light, and only when both stars are 'visible' do the rays overlap and provide visible light.
so when (from the prime material's perspective) one star is behind the other, the sun 'goes down'. this happens every twelve hours, perfectly (heh, magic), and year round the world gets 12hr days and 12hr nights. or, rather, 10hr day-> 2hr dusk-> 10hr night-> 2hr dawn, etc.

four planets, in order, are the elemental plane(t)s of:
Fire (closest to the sun, all fiery and whatnot)
Earth (close enough to be scorched and dry, but not molten)
Water (in the 'habitable zone' {but really, all of the planes are habitable to their indigenous elementals})
Air (gas giant, with one moon)
And that 'moon' is, in fact, the Prime Material Plane! Hooray!

So the other four plane(t)s are, from our view, four big ol' moons, three of which have randomly determined states of fullness on any given night, due to their orbits being along different axes. axises. axes, as in the plural of axis, not that each is sitting on a colossal axe. although....nah...
The big moon (Air, the closest) is full every 36 days, and this gives us a 36-day month, which we've divided into 6 weeks of 6 days each.
Aaaaaand, we have 360 days in the year, so that makes ten months.