Erioch Ourevest

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I wanted to make this scene more cinematic - so I added a little stress to the situation.

The players were resting in the Faceless Ones lair when they heard a roar and felt the ground shake. Then after some time they could hear stuff being torn apart (like heavy stones being tossed into walls).

They made their way out to the dark Cathedral to find the Ebon Aspect standing there waiting for them. Most of the pillars had been destroyed and the elevator was destroyed. However I had the chain dangling about 20 feet above the floor.

After a good fight the Ebon aspect took his final blow - as he was falling the Priest who was standing in front of the Ebon aspect saw the its face stretch and twist into that of Theldrik then, Grallak Kur, then the Faceless one before collapsing onto the ground. It was no ordinary collapse... when he hit the ground shook, the walls shook, a massive crack formed at the Ebon aspects body, travelled across the floor, up the wall across the ceiling and then a massive chunk of the ceiling came crashing into the pool of water.

The clock was ticking. I gave my players 12 rounds to escape before the entire place collapsed in on itself. They made use of the rope of climbing to reach the chain and then climbed the chain the rest of the way. There were a few times when characters would fall but the priest who was on the bottom made some good uses out of a spell from the Spell Compendium that thrust the priest into the air. (Can't remember it's name)

In the end... the Elf and Half Orc were standing up top trying to pull the Wizard and Priest to the top. I added further stress by saying that the bolts that were holding the spool of chain were coming lose. As soon as the Priest stepped out of the elevator shaft the entire chain and spool came lose and fell into the shaft, then the floor started to collapse. Whithin seconds the entire places was collapsing and caving in around them. I had them make 2 Reflex saves (DC 15) to avoid being trapped as walls and ceiling fell around them. I also had them each make 1 Ballance check DC 10 near the exit of the mine. The priest was knocked to the ground, but the wizard came back helped him stand up.

Ultimately they made it out alive... but it really got their blood pumping trying to get out of their fast. I heard the wizard player, saying he wished he had taken levitate or fly.