
Rasim Kader's page

103 posts. Alias of Brian Minhinnick (RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16).


Acrobatics +8, DD+8, Know Local +6, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +9


HP 9/9 // AC 17, T 17, FF 13; CMD 19 // Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5 (+2 vs Fear) // Perception +7 // Initiative +4

About Rasim Kader

M Human (Keleshite) Monk (Zen Archer) 1 Age 20

LN Medium Humanoid (Human)

Init +4; Senses ; Perception +7


AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 13 (+4 dex, +3 wis)

HP 9 (1d8+1)

Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5 (+2 vs fear effects)


Speed 30 ft.

Melee unarmed strike +2 (1d6+2)

Ranged shuriken +2/+2 (1d2+2) 10' range increments (+1/+1 within 30')

Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft.

Flurry of Blows (Ex):Starting at 1st level, a zen archer can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action, but only when using a bow (even though it is a ranged weapon). He may not make a flurry of blows with his unarmed attacks or any other weapons. A zen archer does not apply his Strength bonus on damage rolls made with flurry of blows unless he is using a composite bow with a Strength rating.

A zen archer’s flurry of blows otherwise functions as normal for a monk of his level.

A zen archer cannot use Rapid Shot or Manyshot when making a flurry of blows with his bow.

Perfect Strike (Ex):At 1st level, a zen archer gains Perfect Strike as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. A zen archer can use Perfect Strike with any bow. At 10th level, the monk can roll his attack roll three times and take the highest result. If one of these rolls is a critical threat, the monk must choose one of his other two rolls to use as his confirmation roll.

This ability replaces stunning fist.

Unarmed Strike:
Unarmed Strike

At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk's attacks may be with fist, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk may make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk may thus apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes.

Usually a monk's unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but he can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on his attack roll. He has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.

A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

A monk also deals more damage with his unarmed strikes than a normal person would, as shown above on Table: Monk. The unarmed damage values listed on Table: Monk is for Medium monks. A Small monk deals less damage than the amount given there with his unarmed attacks, while a Large monk deals more damage; see Table: Small or Large Monk Unarmed Damage.


Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16 , Cha 8

Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 19

Necropolis Native - Rasim has spent most of his life in Wati, and has snuck into the Necropolis on multiple occasions.

Bandit (Stealth) - Rasim grew up on the "streets" of Wati's Bargetown. He's been a member of one gang or another for as long as he can remember, just to stay alive.

Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Rapid Shot
Perfect Strike

Skills (6 Points - 4 monk, 1 int, 1 human):
Acrobatics +8 (1 rank, 4 dex, 3 class)
Disable Device +8 (1 rank, 4 dex, 3 class)
Knowledge (Local) +6 (1 rank, 1 int, 3 class, 1 trait)
Perception +7 (1 rank, 3 wis, 3 class)
Sense Motive +7 (1 rank, 3 wis, 3 class)
Stealth +9 (1 rank, 4 dex, 3 class, 1 trait)

Racial Modifiers:+2 dex, bonus feat, skilled

Languages:Common, Osiriani, Keleshite

Favored Class: Gunslinger

Location: On Persons
Carrying Capacity Light:58 lbs. Medium:59-116 lbs. Heavy:117-175 lbs.
Money:14 GP 5 SP 0 CP

Outfit, Pickpocket's 3 lbs. - 5 GP (Free starting clothes)

Father's destroyed pistol 4 lbs. - 0 GP (Unusable)
Shuriken x15 1.5 lbs. - 3 GP (hidden in clothes, DC 16 perception)

Belt Pouch .5 lbs - 1 GP (10/10 lbs. carrying capacity)
-Thieves' Tools, Common 1 lbs. - 30 GP
-Rope, Silk 5 lbs. - 10 GP
-Grappling Hook 4 lbs. - 1 GP
-Black cloth mask 0 lbs. - 1 SP

Jewelry 2 lbs. - 4 GP
-Brass and bead necklace
-Silver earrings
-Thick silver rings on four fingers
-Two silver armbands

Total Weight:17.5 lbs.

Advancement Choices:

1st:Monk (Zen Archer); Bonus feat (rapid shot), flurry of blows, perfect strike, unarmed strike, point blank shot (human), precise shot
2nd:Fighter (Lore Warden); Bonus Feat (deadly aim)
3rd:Gunslinger (Pistolero); deeds, grit, gunsmith, rapid reload (pistols)
4th:Gunslinger (Pistolero); nimble +1, +1 dex
5th:Gunslinger (Pistolero); deeds, extra grit
6th:Gunslinger (Pistolero); bonus feat (weapon focus (pistol))
7th:Gunslinger (Pistolero); pistol training, vital strike



In 4695 AR, Hapthet Khomparr, an ethnic Osirian from Alkenstar made his way north to the land of his ancestors. He was a gunslinger, skilled in the use of the black powder firearms that had made his home city so famous. He disembarked in Sothis ready for adventure. Hapthet fell in with a small group of like minded adventurers and they all headed off south down the Sphinx river. They stopped in the area of the three cities: Wati, An and Tephu. After a couple of successful explorations of nearby tombs they returned to the three cities laden with wealth. Hapthet took up with a prostitute and pesh addict named Samira in Wati. She was an ethnic Keleshite whose family was left over from the time of the Qadiran conquest. Samira was beautiful, but badly troubled. She suffered from depression and was unable to break her addiction to pesh. Despite their imperfections Hapthet and Samira found something resembling love. Samira soon stopped seeing other clients, and allowed herself to become pregnant. It was shortly after Rasim was born that Hapthet came down with mummy rot during a disastrous raid on a tomb. The rest of his party was killed, and Hapthet barely escaped with his life. By the time he got back to Wati, he was near death and couldn't afford to pay for the healing magics necessary to save himself. Hapthet died shortly after, while Rasim was still an infant. All he left behind was his hopelessly broken pistol, which had been twisted and destroyed by some destructive spell.

Samira returned to the life of a woman of the night as best she could with a small baby. Between her clients, the pesh and living in a whore house, she knew she was terrible mother. She wanted something better for her son. Samira went to a temple of Irori and begged the priests to adopt Rasim, telling them her story. The priests agreed to send the boy to one of their monasteries. Samira gave them Hapthet's pistol, and made them promise to give it to Rasim when he was older. She made them promise to tell Rasim that his father was a great adventurer who was felled by a mummy's curse, and that his mother died in childbirth. The priests followed her instructions, and as soon as he was old enough to walk they took the baby Rasim to live at the Temple of An Alak, in the Salt Hills to the east. Rasim spent his early childhood learning from the monks, and following their monastic lifestyle. He developed into a strong, fast and perceptive boy. The monks gave him his father's ruined pistol, and told him the lies his mother had instructed them to. Rasim accepted the story without question, and instantly longed to be like the father he had never known. By the time he was eight years old, Rasim felt totally trapped in the Temple. The monks were extremely strict and ascetic, and Rasim simply wasn't suited for the lifestyle. He started to act out, disobeying the monks, starting fights with the other acolytes, and stealing whatever he wanted. He even ran away from the monastery a couple times, and had to be tracked down and retrieved by the monks.

Over the next year Rasim's behavior grew increasingly worse. The monks attempted to use disciplinary measures to correct it several times, but failed. Finally in desperation, the elders of the temple decided to expel Rasim. They sent him with the next supply caravan to Wati, and dropped him off at an orphanage there with a small purse of gold and an admonishment to correct his path before it was too late. Rasim gave them a rude hand gesture, and ran away from the orphanage at the first chance he got. Though he was only ten years old, he was already a skilled brawler, sneak and acrobat. He made his way to Bargetown and started to sleep on the streets there, stealing food to get by. He only wanted to be a great adventurer like his father was before him.

Soon enough he accidentally invaded the territory of a street gang called the Dung Beetles. The group of ruffians were mostly urchins, led by a few big teenagers and a sadistic man named Ahmed. A few of the Dung-ers (as they called themselves) caught Rasim trying to steal some food from a boat when no one was looking. They surrounded him and the largest one, a boy several years older than Rasim, tried to beat him up and take the food. Rasim quickly beat the larger boy into submission, and was about to break his arms when the other Dung-ers intervened. They pulled him off the larger kid, and insisted that he come with them, dragging him along. They took him to the stinking hold of a nearby boat, where Ahmed made his home. They told the gang leader what had happened, and Ahmed informed Rasim that he was part of the Dung Beetles now. Outnumbered, and with no better options than going back to the gutter, Rasim went along with Ahmed.

Over the next decade Rasim was forced to do all the things that criminal gang members do. He extorted protection money from people, burgled houses, boats and shipments. He helped to sell and transport drugs. While he did what he had to to get by, Rasim never enjoyed any of it. The constant threat of Ahmed's twisted wrath, and the relative safety of gang membership kept him going. He still dreamed of being an adventurer like his father had been. But it remained just that, a dream. Rasim slowly rose within the Dung Beetle's informal hierarchy to become Ahmed's second. Rasim didn't want the job, but his natural talents for violence and burglary made him invaluable to Ahmed. The longer he was with the Dung-ers, the more Rasim came to hate his life. The endless and pointless violence, the constant hiding and sneaking, running from the law or other gangs. Even the posturing and facade he had to maintain at all times sickened him. He remembered the peace of his childhood with envy. The Bargetown had become his prison, one that he would do anything to escape.

When it was announced that the priests of Pharasma would open a lottery to the general public for the rights to explore and raid the city's necropolis, Rasim finally saw his chance. It was common for him and the other thieves of Wati to cut through the city's necropolis at night to avoid the guards and other prying eyes. He knew it's streets better than most, and had no fear of trodding on the "sacred" ground. If he could win the lottery, he'd walk out of the necropolis rich enough to put Ahmed and Bargetwon behind him forever. Ahmed wasn't going to just let him walk away though. He always kept the gang member in debt to him, so that he had leverage to hold over their heads. It was a thinly veiled excuse for him to torture to death anyone who didn't do what he wanted. The night before the scene in the Blue Macaw, Rasim went on a job. He broke into a jeweler's house in the Veins and made off with a handful of rings which he fenced immediately. By the rules of the Dung Beetles he should have given the money to Ahmed, to be put towards his gang dues and debt. Instead Ahmed hid out in the Necropolis all night. Now he's in the Blue Macaw, betting his life on getting picked in the lottery and with only fourteen gold coins to fall back on should he lose the bet.


Aloof; Rasim likes to mind his own business, and let others resolve their own problems (unless it benefits him to help them).

Cautious; Rasim has learned that mild paranoia often pays off in his line of work.

Private; Rasim doesn't like to share too much truth about himself. Especially with new people.

Curious; Rasim is driven by curiosity as much as ambition. He wants to be an adventurer to see new things and have new experiences.

An Eye for an Eye; Rather than treating other as he would like to be treated, Rasim treats others as they treat him.

Honorable Thief; Rasim has no problem with lying or stealing, but he keeps his promises and won't betray a friend.

Ht:5' 11"
Wt:170 lbs
Hair:Shaved head
Eyes:Dark brown
Skin:milky coffee color, tanned dark

Rasim is a slightly taller than average. He has a shaved head, and black kohl painted around his eyes. He is muscular and fit looking. There is a broad, crescent-shaped scar across the middle of his forehead, just above his eyebrows. He wears only a simple linen shendyt in normal osiriani style, held in place with a thick belt. He has a large leather pouch strapped to the belt at the small of his back, and is also wearing leather sandals. Around his neck and shoulders is a brass and bead necklace, with hawk headed clasps. He is further festooned with numerous pieces of gaudy silver jewelry: earrings, armbands and several rings. There is what appears to be some kind of pistol tucked into his belt, but its so rusted and twisted that it seems impossible it could work.