Giant Frog

RaptorTurtle's page

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Female Gnome Sorcerer

*a disheveled Gnome stomps in the front door, brushing dirt out of her sky blue hair, which had, up until a few minutes ago, been done up in a stylish beehive*

Stupid mammoth! SEE IF I EVER INVITE YOU TO ANOTHER PUN WAR! That last one was a classic!

The Gnome looks around the room until she sees a likely proprietor. She does her best to put on a winning smile as she approaches.

Good sir, my mount has decided that your delightful tavern looks like a good place to stop for the night. Would there be room for a tiny thing like me to get in out of the cold? The mammoth can stay outside, he'll be comfortable enough, so long as no one with a love of puns approaches him. shouts loudly towards the doorWeird creature has no sense of humor!