Belkar Bitterleaf

Rappan_Athuk's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.



Fromper wrote:
Bear in mind that the Advanced Class Guide classes aren't final. Anything overpowered should (theoretically) be better balanced in the final version. We'll have to see how that actually goes.

I get that they are not final. But even as playtest classes they are still legal PFS classes. This shouldn't have been the case until the official document was released. They do need a major overhaul


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Gunslingers seem to be the most disliked here and I completely agree. I'm an old-school GM and don't really like firearms in a fantasy setting (unless I'm running a Freeport/Pirate style game, in which case the rules for guns are still broken but acceptable.
But the classes I believe should not be PFS legal are any out of the Advanced Class Guide. We have been playtesting those classes for a while now and I have to say they are all broken or way overpowered. While the concept of hybrid-style classes was a great idea, some don't work the way you might think. I know i'm gonna catch flak for this opinion but thats what my table has experienced.