Kaleb Hesse

Randee Sauvage's page

51 posts. Alias of Jereru.


AC: 16 (T: 12 FF: 14) | Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +4 | CMB: +1 CMD: 13 | Init: +2 | Perception: +6, Dark vision, Light Sensitivity


HP: 14/14 | Malign Eye 7/7 | Active Conditions: None.


Male Human Eldritch Godling 2

About Randee Sauvage

Intro, Defense & Offense:

Randee Sauvage
Male Human
Eldritch Godling 2

CG Medium Humanoid (Human, Orc)


Speed 30 ft
Initiative: +2

STR 10 (+0)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 13 (+1)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 18 (+4) 16 Base +2 Race

AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 14
10 +2 Dex
HP 14 6 +2 Con + (4 +2 Con)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4
CMD: 13

Dagger: -1 1d4 P/S 19-20(x2)

Ray of Force: +1 1d3+2 Force (x2) 30ft.

CMB: +1

Class & Race Features:

Spell List Selection and Spellcasting Attribute: Wizard/Sorcerer (Cha).
Dispel Resistance: SR 10+Godling Level vs dispel and antimagic effects.
Concentration and Arcane Spell Failure: Doesn't suffer from Arcane Spell Failure, doesn't need concentration checks and doesn't need a free hand.
Major Ascendencies
·Uncommon Element (Su): Force May change descriptor and damage of a spell to Force.
Minor Ascendencies
·Talent for Mysticism (Su): Force of Personality All Saves and three skills change the attribute to Charisma.
Lineage Domain: Luck (Curse)
Divine Traits:
•Mystic Inheritance I (Orc Bloodline)

Favoured Class Bonus (Eldritch Godling): +1 Divine Trait

+2 Cha
Bonus Feat: One extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: One extra skill point per level.

Traits & Feats:

Magical Lineage: Sky Bolt (Magic)
Fate's Favored (Faith)
Paranoid (Drawback)

1- (Ftr 1)
Spell Focus: Evocation
Mage's Tattoo: Evocation (Human Bonus Feat)


Armour Check Penalty: -2

Skill Points: 2 +1 Int +1 Skilled
Acrobatics: -2 (0 Rank +2 DEX +0 Class -2 ACP)
Bluff: 4 (0 Rank +4 CHA +0 Class)
Climb: -2 (0 Rank +0 STR +0 Class -2 ACP)
Diplomacy: 5 (1 Rank +4 CHA +0 Class)
Disable Device: 0 (Untr) (0 Rank +2 DEX +0 Class -2 ACP)
Escape Artist: 0 (0 Rank +2 DEX +0 Class -2 ACP)
Fly: 0 (0 Rank +2 DEX +0 Class -2 ACP)
Heal: 1 (0 Rank +1 WIS +0 Class)
Intimidate: 8 (1 Rank +4 CHA +3 Class)
Kn Arcana: 8 (Untr) (1 Rank +4 CHA +3 Class)
Changed to Charisma due to Force of Personality.
Kn Dungeoneering: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Local: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Nature: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Planes: 5 (Untr) (1 Rank +1 INT +3 Class)
Kn Religion: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Perception: 6 (2 Rank +4 CHA +0 Class)
Changed to Charisma due to Force of Personality.
Ride: 0 (0 Rank +2 DEX +0 Class -2 ACP)
Sense Motive: 1 (0 Rank +1 WIS +0 Class)
Spellcraft: 9 (Untr) (2 Rank +4 CHA +3 Class)
Changed to Charisma due to Force of Personality.
Stealth: 0 (0 Rank +2 DEX +0 Class -2 ACP)
Survival: 1 (0 Rank +1 WIS +0 Class)
Swim: -2 (0 Rank +0 STR +0 Class -2 ACP)
Use Magic Device: 4 (Untr) (0 Rank +4 CHA +0 Class)

Skill Points: 2
Appraise: 6 (2 Rank +1 INT +3 Class)
Craft: 1 (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Handle Animal: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 WIS +0 Class)
Kn Engineering: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Geography: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Kn History: 5 (Untr) (1 Rank +1 INT +3 Class)
Kn Nobility: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Linguistics: 5 (Untr) (1 Rank +1 INT +3 Class)
Perform: 4 (0 Rank +4 CHA +0 Class)
Profession: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 WIS +0 Class)
Sleight of Hand: 0 (Untr) (0 Rank +2 DEX +0 Class -2 ACP)


Arcana: You gain the orc subtype, including darkvision 60 feet and light sensitivity. Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.
Blood Power: Blood Havoc (Mutation)
Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage belonging to a school you have selected with Spell Focus, add 1 point of damage per die rolled.

DOMAIN Luck (Curse)
Malign Eye (Su): As a standard action, you can afflict one target within 30 feet with your malign eye, causing it to take a –2 penalty on all saving throws against your spells. The effect lasts for 1 minute or until the target hits you with an attack. You can use this ability for a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

·Detect Magic
·Mage Hand
·Ray of Frost CD: 15
·Read Magic

LEVEL 1 2/4 CD: 15
·Sky Bolt CD: 16


Component Pouch
a Courtier's Outfit + Jewelry
Scroll Case (empty)
Belt Pouch
Cash: Gp:15 Sp:0
Total Weight: 25/38 lb (Light Load)