
Randall the Stag's page

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Animal Companion of Alfentinius Lentinels Ferington


Male Elk Animal Companion | Hp:24 /24 | AC:17 T:14 FF:13 | CMD:15 (17 vs trip) | Fort:+5 ,Ref:+7 ,Will:+3 | Init:+ 5| Perc:+6 (low-light vision)

About Randall the Stag

Male Elk
Neutral medium Animal (Elk)
Init: +5; Senses; low-light vision Perception: +6


AC: 17; Touch 14; Flat-Footed 13; (+4 Dex, +3 Natural armor)
HP:24 (3d8+6)
Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Defensive Abilities ; DR ; Immune ; Resist ; SR


Speed: 50 ft
Melee : Attack gore +3 (1d6+1)


Str 13, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 8
Base Atk 2; CMB +3; CMD +15 (+17 vs. trip)

Special Qualities:

Link (Ex): Allfentinius can handle his animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move action, even if he doesn’t have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. He gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion.

Share Spells (Ex): Alfentinius may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his animal companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on himself. A druid may cast spells on his animal companion even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion's type (animal). Spells cast in this way must come from a class that grants an animal companion. This ability does not allow the animal to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells.


+8 :Acrobatics [1] Rank, +5 Dexterity, +3 trained
+11 :Stealth [1] Rank, +5 Dexterity, +3 trained, +3 feat
+6 :Perception [1] Rank, +2 Wisdom, +3 trained

-4: Appraise, Craft, Knowledge, Linguistics, Spell-craft,
-1: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, Use Magic Device
+0: Climb, Swim,
+2: Heal, Profession, Sense Motive, Survival,
+4: Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Sleight of Hand,


8 total...

attack, come, defend, down, exclusive, guard, heel, and watch


Run : When running, you move five times your normal speed (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load) or four times your speed (if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load). If you make a jump after a running start (see Acrobatics), you gain a +4 bonus on your Acrobatics check. While running, you retain your Dexterity bonus to your Armor Class.

Skill Focus (Stealth): You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving the Stealthl. If you have 10 or more ranks in stealth, this bonus increases to +6.

Combat Gear:

Starting Statistics:


Starting Statistics

Size Medium; Speed 50 ft.; AC +1 natural armor; Attack gore (1d6) or 2 hooves (1d3); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 5; Special Qualities low-light vision.

Totem Guide (Companion Archetype):

Totem guides embody the wisdom and spirituality of the natural world, providing guidance as well as aid in combat. Once a totem guide is chosen, a character may replace the companion if it is slain but may not choose a different kind of totem guide.

Spiritual Guidance (Sp)

At 3rd level, a totem guide can use guidance as a spell-like ability at will as a full-round action, targeting itself or its master.

In addition, a totem guide's master can spontaneously cast the following spells while adjacent to the totem guide by sacrificing a spell slot of equal or higher level:

detect animals or plants (1st), augury (2nd), helping hand (3rd), divination (4th), commune with nature (5th), and find the path (6th).

The totem guide serves as a divine focus for these spells, but costly material components must still be provided.

This ability replaces evasion.

Beast Speech (Ex)

At 6th level, a totem guide can speak with its master as though the two shared a common language, and it can speak with other animals of its species (or, at the GM's discretion, other creatures with similar types).

This ability replaces devotion.

Eldritch Claws

At 9th level, a totem guide gains Eldritch Claws as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces Multiattack.

Ghost Guardian (Ex)

At 15th level, a totem guide's natural weapons deal full damage to incorporeal creatures and its natural armor bonus applies against incorporeal touch attacks. A totem guide can never be raised or animated as an undead creature.

This ability replaces improved evasion.