Rain Quinn's page

1 post. Organized Play character for Sitrein.

Halloween is at the end of this week and I'd very much like to go as an android this year. Specifically the one from the cover of the Iron Gods Player's Guide (I fell in love with her the moment I saw her). Here's two pictures of her so you have an idea what I'm talking about:


Now the armor and gear is standard cosplay stuff that I'm probably going to just do a quick crappy job with for now and then I'll try and do something more awesome for Paizocon (or think about it a lot and never actually do it. Either way). What I'm wanting to know is how to do the skin? I'm not overly experienced with body paint type things so any thoughts will be appreciated. What's really getting me is how to do the circuitry lines which should seem to glow. Perhaps a special metallic pink paint that shines really nicely when it catches the light just right?

Does anyone have any insight into this? Also if anyone happens to have some pro-tips on how to do the armor/gear then that's wonderfully cool as well but mainly wondering about the skin.


I have a group of 6 players on roll20 who would all like to play PFS and I would like to run it but we're all completely new to organized play like this. I've read over the latest version of the guide and I noticed it doesn't address online play at all.

I'm slated to run The Confirmation on Wednesday January 29th (tomorrow) but I'm still confused as to how certain things work. Namely, how do I check over my players' character sheets and ensure they get their chronicle sheets so that they can take their characters elsewhere and play without any problems?

I have no idea how to check their character sheets remotely but for the chronicle sheets, I'm thinking that I might be able to electronically fill and sign the sheets then email them to my players? I just worry that if they took that to their FLGSs or to a convention, the GMs there might not accept it. Does anyone have any experience with this?

Thank you,

I've been listening to the Know Direction podcast lately and they mentioned something about it being a really good idea to show up a day early and that there's a lot of unofficial con stuff the day before. Does anyone know anything about this? Is it worth it? Should I be planning on being there Thursday though Monday? Does anything even happen on Monday or do people just go home? This will be my first convention ever so I really have no idea what to expect =x


I told all of my players that I want to approve their characters before play, mostly as a formality

However, one player who decided to read the Inner Sea World Guide stuff wanted to play a Dhampir Rogue who's birth was engineered by the Whispering Way. He doesn't know this and is a worshiper of Pharasma but, given the WW's involvement in the game, that could be a bit... well...

It also has the potential to really tie the character to the story nicely which could be good but the problem is that I have only read HoHS so I have no idea how it could effect the other 5 parts.

Please let me know what you guys think. Thanks! =)