About Ragnar Sveinsson
Ragnar Sveinsson, Ulfen Barbarian (Hurler)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Desna
Languages: Common, Skald
Homeland: Land of the Linnorm Kings
Strength 14/+2
Dexterity 18/+4
Constitution 14/+2
Intelligence 10/+0
Wisdom 10/+0
Charisma 10/+0
Defenses: Fortitude +4, Reflex +4, Will +0
Armour Class: 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14
Initiative: +6
Hit Points: 14
Speed: 30ft
BAB: +1
CMB: +3
CMD: 17
Acrobatics 1/+8
Intimidate 1/+4
Knowledge (Nature) 1/+4
Perception 1/+4
Survival 1/+4
Swim 1/+6
Point-Blank Shot
Power Attack
Special Abilities
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skill
Skilled Thrower (Increase thrown range by 10ft)
Rage (6 turns/day)
Exile (+2 to Initiative)
Armour Expert (-1 to armour check penalty)
Great Axe (Dmg 1d12, x3, Slashing)
4x Throwing Axes (1d6, x2, Slashing)
Chainmail (AC+4, Dex+4, Penalty-2)
Winter Blanket
Traveler's Outfit
23gp 3sp 8cp
Ragnar Sveinsson is a young man who has recently traveled south into Varisia after being exiled from his home in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. During a duel of honor with a fellow Ulfen he accidentally killed the man who was his opponent, not knowing the man was the son of an important merchant from a nearby village. When the man’s father exerted influence through his contacts and money Ragnar quickly found that it would be better to flee his homeland rather than being executed on charges the merchant had paid to be invented.
Since arriving in Varisia Ragnar has traveled the region working as a mercenary and bodyguard for various people using his skill as an axe hurler to earn his way. Recently he found himself arriving in Sandpoint after a contract to guard a caravan ended with his arrival in the small town. With little money to his name and no set direction in which to wander Ragnar has spent the last few days in the Tavarn drinking the local swill hoping some work will come his way before his coin gives out.
Ragnar is a tall man with a long hawkish face, a large hooked nose, pale skin covered in freckles and long dark red hair he keeps pulled back in a ponytail as is custom amongst his people. He typically wears a dark blue quilted shirt over which he wears a chain shirt and a kilt that proudly displays his homes tartan pattern. Across his back he wears a great axe and four throwing axes are looped to his belt.