
Raegar's page

5 posts. Alias of Nayr Trebrot.

Full Name

Raegar Sajugon




Unarmed Fighter / 1












Galo, Euros


General guardsman, specialist enforcer

Strength 18
Dexterity 13
Constitution 15
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 6

About Raegar

Raegar is massive, even for a Galoman. He stands several inches over seven feet tall and weighs over 300 pounds. His skin is a deep shade of purple that nearly blends in with a starless night. His eyes are small beads in a skinless head that is undeniably ugly. His muscles are taught, massive, and well-scarred from a life of battle. Most often, he can be seen wearing his spiked armor and a surly frown.

Raegar was born with his feet on the ground of the northern reaches of Tan-Dula. A product of the push for repopulation that happened in the decades after the Galomen arrived on their new shore, Raegar was largely unremarkable save, perhaps, for his immense size and his particularly ugly features. He grew up in a household that was devoted to the Galomen cause, which was the eventual rulership of this new land. His parents were loyalists but largely penniless, being that they were low society born and not intelligent or skilled enough to make the best of their lot in life.

Because of their poverty, Raegar was raised in squalor, hunger and soiled clothing his constant companions. He learned to fight for every morsel he could find, which caused two things. First, Raegar learned to put himself first...for no one else was bound to do it. And, second, Raegar learned to brawl and grapple with some of the best fighters that the city streets had to offer.

In time, Raegar parlayed his skill with his hands and his titanic strength into work, and he became a very low-level operative in the government of Gargan. His responsibilities were few and simple, but he took to them with the fervor of someone who had known hunger for most of his life. He currently works as a guard and enforcer for some of the minor players in Gargan, but his years of squalor have born in him a hunger to be something more.

Init +1; Perception -2
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13
hp 13
Fort + 4, Ref + 1, Will + 0
Spd 40 ft.
Melee: + 5
Unarmed Strike 1d4+6
Cestus 1d6+4
Armor spikes 1d8+4
Base Atk +1; CMB + 6; CMD 17
Feats: Dragon style (+2 save vs sleep, par, stun; charge over difficult terrain or allies squares, add 1/2 str to damage on 1st unarmed strike / round)
Improved unarmed strike
Improved grapple (+2 grapple, no AOO)
Traits: Bully (+1 intimidate)
Galoman born (+1 HP / level)
Skills: Intimidate + 2, Linguistics +1
Galomen are a tough breed and gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against poisons, spells, and spell like abilities
Galomen are very hard to move or knock over. They gain a +2 to resist Trip and Bull Rush attempts
Galomen have nasty tusks and can deliver a vicious bite
Galomen have a tough hide awarding them a +1 Natural armor bonus
90 GP
Combat Gear: Cestus, Studded leather armor (spiked)
Other Gear: