Axe Lord

Rados Ellart's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts (4 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Sovereign Court

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Greetings friends. My group's long haul through Reign of Winter is nearing it's end, and while preparing for The Witch Queen's Revenge I became curious about how other DM's have interpreted the character of Baba Yaga.

Obviously, she's old. She's probably also spiteful, and quick to anger at incompetence and boorish, selfish behavior. But, all these basic points aside, did you have a neat twist on her? Did she speak in riddles often? Did she constantly come up with strange insults to berate the PCs with? Did she have secrets, like other identities she adopts on Earth or otherwise?

I've come up with a crackpot idea that I might include in our version, that she is secretly Earth's Santa Claus, because I have a thing for the old 'Ravel Puzzlewell in disguise' elements of Planescape: Torment.

Anyway, got any tips? Stories? Please share!

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This has done me wonders. I open every session with this, and it really has that fairy tale feel. Plus, it's old enough to not be immediately recognizable unless your players are cinephiles. It doesn't kick ass, it's definitely not for combat, but it's got that sweeping feeling that seems right (to me) to start off a session.

Edward Scissorhands Theme!