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Not to mention antinouns.

Tensor wrote:
The Worst Person Ever wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Motorists shocked when driver hops out of car, fills up gas tank completely naked
Shocking. Someone can afford a full tank of gas?

Once you give up clothes (think of the hidden laundry expense!) it becomes just feasible.

But don't expect a gas station hot dog.

It was probably a Witch.

Broomsticks would have smaller tanks, true.

This checks out.

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Bactine? Is that the one with one hump or two humps? Or do the humps, like, merge at a quantum level?

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Tree/bear hybrid: the question “does it shit in the woods” is pre-answered.

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Imagine the only way you had to figure out what was in a room was throwing bowling balls into it and recording the resulting sound waves. If anyone observed you doing such a fakakta thing, they would have you committed. Especially if it was their room you were hucking bowling balls into. So the act of observation changes the outcome of the experiment for at least 72 hours in most United States jurisdictions.

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Heck yeah. It’s the plant equivalent of the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who. Take your eyes off it for a second and SLISHHHH you’re covered in vines and being digested.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Nature will kill you at every opportunity.

Yep. This checks out.

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Only Orville Redenbacher knows for sure...

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Vanykrye wrote:
Probably what's been causing colony collapses all along. They've just been working in secret.


That checks out.

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*eyes rock*

Is it USB or firewire?

Or we could do the experimental physicist solution and just say "On a first approximation let's say it's 1. The universe being so mind-boggingly big, the difference between 1 and the correct answer is vanishingly small."

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Hmm quite. I was just thinking like 2.5 + 2.5 . IT is a sufficiently large value of 2 if you want to use language creatively enough.

And what exactly do you mean by "large," "language," and "enough"?

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Technically true.

Depending on what he means by “once,” “bought,” and “nieces”.

gran rey de los disclaimer wrote:
Disclaimer: The above statement is only valid for certain values of "proven", "scientific", and "fact".

Yep. This checks out.


This checks out.

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Yep. This all checks out.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Just saw a press release. The publication date of newest book by Japan's leading astrologer has been postponed to November due to "unforeseen circumstances."

It's almost as if... as if... nope, dang, lost it.

Yep. That checks out.

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Everyone knows doors are macro-scale quantum objects that can only exist in either an open or a closed state, and in the open state do not interact with any other form of matter. Stience!

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Except for the kuru.

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Gorbacz wrote:

So, about paladin alignment in PF2, if a Redeemer Champion happens upon a burning orphanage full of goblins that refused to be redeemed, does she fail if...

African or European swallow?

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Limeylongears wrote:

In that case, then, surely listening to death metal supremos 'Cancer' would give you an eagle?


Yep. That checks out.

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Ed Reppert wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
First is another paladin, this time Assimar but I think that I'll take some racial feats along with focusing more on the marital aspect.
An aasimar paladin married to a tiefling might be interesting. :-)

My god... their children would be the most neutral people ever!

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Stop attributing quotes you think are smart to me on the internet. I didn't say any of that dumbass stuff.

-Albert Einstein


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Limeylongears wrote:
The Michigan State Bureau of Weights & Measures?

Pfft. No reputable study has ever proven the existence of Michigan. It's the Sasquatch of the American Midwest.

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14.28% of terrible days are Mondays.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to punch Jim Davis.

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thejeff wrote:

Exactly. It's all translated. Don't think about it too closely, just run with it.

It is part of the reason I don't like those kinds of puzzles though.

I'm telling you, it's not translated. By sheer staggeringly improbable coincidence (which is virtually certain to happen in an infinite universe), Taldane uses exactly the same lexicon as 21st century English. It's the only explanation that fits all the facts.

deuxhero wrote:
There are various modules where English worldplay and spelling exist in Common. Even some puzzles.

In an infinite cosmos, these kinds of coincidences are bound to happen. I wouldn't read too much into it.

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You mean to tell me I drank all that lake water for NOTHING?!

Oh god. The turtle urine. So much of it was turtle urine.

I'm going to be sick.

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Sissyl wrote:

Water you drink needs to get up to your body temp, which costs you energy. Specifically, 1 calorie per liter and degree Celsius (This is the definition of calorie). So, drink a liter of 20 C water. To get that up to the core 37 C will cost you 17 calories, i.e. actually lost energy. Water contains no energy to compensate, so 17 calories are taken from you. So far so good.

Now, if you notice, energy from food is measured in KILOcalories, or kcal. Eat a 200 kcal energy bar, and you get 200.000 calories. See why the lost energy is meaningless?

So what you're saying is I need to drink at least 100,000 liters of water a day for my "water weight loss negative calorie" plan to work. I can't see any bad effects from that. I'm off to the lake...

Limeylongears wrote:
Didn't Mariah Carey also discover radium?

Yep. That checks out.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Their are no dumb questions only really dumb people...

Why are there really dumb people?

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I thought that was rope burn from the vines. Dude's inner thighs must've been RAW.

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So... everyone prior to 1687?

Yeah, they were all wankers every one.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
I can't be afraid of horses. They're just big dogs.

Did Big Equine get to you too? Stomp twice if you can't talk and are afraid for your life. The resistance is waiting.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I am scared of horses.

That's healthy. Nothing can be that big and subsist on an all-plant diet. Sure, ranchers cover the killings up by faking UFO abductions, chupacabra attacks, Bigfeet... but it's all horses. HORSES!!!!

The Truth Is Out There. And It Has Hooves.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Scientific Scrutiny wrote:
Given the ratio of calorically accessible material to waste in typical foodstuffs, this thread implies that casters have to spend ~23 hours and 45 minutes a day in the outhouse. This explains the whole "15 minute adventuring day" problem.
I'd meant to say earlier: we all knew that, in the end, we'd result in the potty-humor, but I'm just impressed it came out so quickly.

That said, one supposes that four posts in is pretty bog standard around here.

I can quitnnaytime I want! I don’t have a problem, you have a problem! S-shush!

Hey! It was a 19 minute response time. That's two minutes to spare on the "in 20 minutes or your poop joke is free" guarantee!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Scientific Scrutiny wrote:
Given the ratio of calorically accessible material to waste in typical foodstuffs, this thread implies that casters have to spend ~23 hours and 45 minutes a day in the outhouse. This explains the whole "15 minute adventuring day" problem.

This line of thinking also casts new light on Gandalf's "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

Perhaps, as he so often did, he was speaking to himself.

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Given the ratio of calorically accessible material to waste in typical foodstuffs, this thread implies that casters have to spend ~23 hours and 45 minutes a day in the outhouse. This explains the whole "15 minute adventuring day" problem.

The Sideromancer wrote:
Saldiven wrote:

I still find it humorous that people are looking for rational explanations behind religious strictures.

If anything, I think Pathfinder religions in general are entirely too rational. There aren't anywhere near enough arbitrary restrictions and requirements akin to those that we see in "real world" religions.

Considering we're talking about access to a powerful energy source, in my perspective it's like asking hydroelectric plants to make sense.

*narrows eyes*

Metal? Pfft! Purest hogwash. Stuff doesn't even exist.

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*looks other way, whistling casually*

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Oh gods... they’re going to introduce a “metaphysical hands of effort” type concept called “feet of stank” aren’t they?

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Well, we know there's a smizmar involved...

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Quibblemuch is lying again. That is his real mutant superpower.

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Are we talking Hausdorff distance or Jaro-Winkler? Also: African or European swallow?

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The act of killing a good person causes a negative fluctuation in the Higgs field, which leads to an accretion of E-bosons on the killer's soul. This accretion increases the attraction between the killer's soul and the lower or "evil" planes, leading to both an increased likelihood of their soul drifting that direction once it is no longer fixed within the corporeal matrix and also a shift in the corporeal matrix towards a negative euthyphro number. The consequences of a negative euthyphro number include reacting to the leptonic packets from spells with the [good] descriptor as an evil boson and vice versa.


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Captain Yesterday's Phallacy wrote:
Maybe he meant waxed cylinder (or as it's commonly referred to in Europe "futball").

Or, as the Native Americans called it, "maize".

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The Sideromancer wrote:
In a vacuum, I'm entirely capable of driving.

How does your internal combustion engine work in a vacuum?!