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I recently picked up #356 issue of Dragon Magazine and of course read it front to back as usual and I ran across the Savage Tide section that ties into Dungeon of course and I see the Figurine of the Ivory champion page #69.I think I know I have seen something like that elsewhere, low and behold the Eastern Front Studios miniatures of the new statues are perfect for DM's to hand out for players.So I spoke to Mickey and asked if he had them in stock yet and apparently they had just got the shipment in like a week ago.I told him the thing looks just like the statue and he says yep he was already painting one up the day before to send to Lisa :).Is that a kicker or what!!!the ivory icon is like 2 inches tall and both these new pieces are also there abouts.I hope I didnt spoil a surprise to the ceo but thought to point out such a nice miniature from a excellent little company.To see more of their great minis visit their section here or their main site www.easternfront-studios.com

woohoo the new EFS have arrived!!! resin goodness and great new characters especially the ogre pirate.maybe I should say hill giant,this guy is massive!!!!

heres a update I just found on the EFS site www.easternfront-studios.com

quote:ok as promised here is the pricing for the resin :

packs of 5-10 barrels and crates or combo packs of 5 each

$5.99 for packs of 5
$9.99 for packs of 10..

painted are $11.99 for packs of 5 and $19.99 for packs of 10

***unlike our competition these will be available to stores and distributors as well as e-tailers as well as direct through our contact points in the US. also noted all products painted in the United Stetes. ***

Ghengis, heres a link to the site which has alot of great pics and upcoming miniatures. www.easternfront-studios.com

Hi Ghengis, me also I like the eyecandy on the gaming table and who has time to paint??

I have spoken to the EFS fellas at GenCon and through emails but the best updates is usually through their site which has a pile of fantastic minis I cant wait to see in person.The Jason Wiebe ettin looks amazing!!We are going to go to AdventureCon in Knoxville and I think they are planning on attending there in June.

but getting back to the resin from what I understand the resin will be available unpainted for the gamers who enjoy to paint and painted as they are opening up a branch of their Studio to do that....((ok 30 min later)).....ok I just asked them if they can shed some light on the whole project with us so looks like they will let us know asap, and very cool news they are sending the paizo store the intial run of resin how sweet is that :) :)..packs of everything bundled together((sorta DF style)) and packs of what you just would need, so 5-10-20 packs of resin barrels for example, crates..urns etc...sweet deal now Im getting ancy to play!! I recall playing the Dungeon adventure "mad gods key" in Dungeon issue 114 and not having anywhere near enuff to do the docks proper.

I'm a big mini fan and I'm just wondering when there will be a section to focus on all the other miniatures sold here on the site.I see one dedicated to Magnificent Egos but then there are alot more in the miniatures section.Perhaps I have just overlooked it since im new.

Im told Eastern Front Studios who are part of the Paizo store will have unpainted and prepainted "Dungeon Dressings" soon at half the price of DF.