ROTHE102's page

Organized Play Member. 29 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.

Grand Lodge

I am looking for 4 characters of Race and Class from the Core Rulebook to play the Reign of Winter AP.

Start off with max HP and starting gold for your chosen class.

We will be playing on weekends in an online session (probably skype). I DO NOT WANT TO DO A PBP so don't ask.

PM me if you have any questions.

Don't have much experience as a GM but want to try. I thought I would start off with the Shattered Star AP. I need 4 players from the Core Rulebook who can play over skype on weekends. DO NOT WANT TO DO A PBP. PM me for more info. Thread closes next Sunday at 1:00 pm.

Grand Lodge

Hello reader. I live in a small town with no game store and no one who wants to play for miles around. I am hoping that there is a GM out there that is looking for a player for an online game. I don't go to conventions and like I said, I don't currently have a group to play with. I live in Kansas. I am not looking to play in a PBP. I have tried them and they have never worked. I have a fairly flexible schedule so if there is a time difference of a couple of hours between me and you then I can more than likely make it work. If you need to know things about my character then let me know and I will tell you what you want to know.

The discussion thread is now connected to the campaign thread.

The discussion thread is now connected to the campaign thread.

You wake up with a splitting headache. The only thing you remember about last night is heavy drinking at the bar. You feel yourself swaying around as if you were drunk..... or on a ship. You barely get the chance to stand up when a you hear heavy footsteps. The door opens and unmerciful light fills the room. Several men walk into the room, one of them has a whip.

The man with the whip says: " Still hurting from last night are ye. Well its time for you to meet the captain so get up on deck before he flays you and has you cooked for dinner."

Hello, reader, I am a first-time GM. I will be running the Skulls & Shackles Adventure Path. I am looking for 4 characters at level 1.
Rules for creation are as follows:

Maximum starting HP
Average starting gold
Core Races ONLY
Core Classes ONLY (With the exception of the Gunslinger.)
A Campaign Trait
Stat Rolls are 4d6 6 times

As I said before, I am a first-time GM and as such I will take suggestions on how to make the game more enjoyable.

Recruitment closes on AUGUST 2, 2012.

I have looked for a group to play with in my town but have failed. I turn to this website in hopes that i will find a group to play with regularly. I would prefer to be a player and to play over skype.

I have tried to find a group to play with in my town but cannot. I have decided to look here for a group of people to play with regularly. I would like to be a player and not a GM/DM.