Shema Sarwar

RAU-012's page

3 posts. Alias of Aebliss.

Full Name





Alchemist 1







Special Abilities

Alchemy, Bomb, Constructed, Emotionless, Exceptional senses, Mutagen, Nanite surge




Brigh, Irori, Pharasma


Common, Ancient Osiriani, Hallit, Osiriani

Strength 10
Dexterity 15
Constitution 14
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About RAU-012

True Neutral female Android Alchemist 1
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light vision, Perception +1

AC 14 (+2 Dex., +2 armour)
hp 10
Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +1

Speed 30 ft.


+1 Point-blank shot bonus within 30 ft.

Str 10, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD +12

Brew potion
Point-blank shot
Throw anything

Acrobatics +5 (1 rank, +1 Wis., +3 class skill)
Craft (alchemy) +6 (1 rank, +2 Int., +3 class skill)
Craft (alchemy) +7 [to craft] (1 rank, +2 Int., +3 class skill, +1 class level)
Disable device +6 (1 rank, +2 Dex., +3 class skill)
Knowledge (engineering) +8 (1 rank, +2 Int., +3 class skill, +2 trait)
Linguistics +3 (1 rank, +2 Int.)
Sense motive -3 (+1 Wis., -4 Emotionless)
Spellcraft +6 (1 rank, +2 Int., +3 class skill)
Stealth +7 (1 rank, +2 Dex., +3 class skill, +1 trait)
Stealth (in hilly / rocky areas) +8 (1 rank, +2 Dex., +3 class skill, +2 trait)

Inquisitive archaeologist
Wisdom in the flesh (Acrobatics)

Common, Ancient Osiriani, Hallit, Osiriani

Extracts/day: 2

Prepared extracts:

Formulas known:


Bomb 1d6

Constructed: For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger's favored enemy and bane weapons), androids count as both humanoids and constructs. Androids gain a +4 racial bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, and stun effects, are not subject to fatigue or exhaustion, and are immune to disease and sleep effects. Androids can never gain morale bonuses, and are immune to fear effects and all emotion-based effects.


Emotionless: Androids have problems processing emotions properly, and thus take a –4 penalty on Sense Motive checks.

Low-light vision


Nanite Surge: An android's body is infused with nanites. Once per day as an immediate action, an android can cause her nanites to surge, granting a bonus equal to 3 + the android's character level on any one d20 roll; this ability must be activated before the roll is made. When an android uses this power, her circuitry-tattoos glow with light equivalent to that of a torch in illumination for 1 round.


RAU-012 looks like a fairly normal Kellid woman. She is neither excessively ugly nor exceptionally pretty. The only thing that might surprise people about her appearance is the very regular grid of 'tattoos' covering her sun-tanned skin, and the stuffy, scholarly clothing she wears, rather than more traditional Kellid apparel.

Being born is always difficult. There is an instant of perfect confusion as awareness is sparked and the self becomes aware of being aware, of being. Or at least, that was RAU-012's experience. The moment of confusion passed as her systems came fully on-line. She was born knowing certain things: her identification code (Model 012 of the Research & Analysis Unit-series), her mission (gather information, analyse, and upload into Ship core), her physical parameters and how to improve them. What she did not know, was how to deal with the fact that the Ship core was no longer available.

RAU-012 had been brought online by one of Ship's semi-autonomous systems, out in the wastelands of Numeria. One of the chunks of the original Ship, buried under the sand for a long time, had come online due to some minor upheaval of the earth and disgorged its complement of androids: the RAU series. Like her 'siblings', RAU-012 wandered off in a random direction, primarily seeking information of all sorts to process, but secundarily in search of Ship's core.

Twenty-three years have passed since then. RAU-012 has wandered the world and spent her time trying to assimilate information. Official places of learning have been both succor and purgatory to her; on the one hand, they offer much information, but on the other they force her to interact with Golarion's native species.
RAU-012 has learned a great deal. She has learned that the path of the Alchemist comes closest to being a scholar and a scientist the way her database suggests such a role should be performed. Accordingly, she has familiarized herself with the basics of this subject.
She has also learned that she does not fully understand this world's natives. She has learned despair that she ever will perfectly understand these creatures. She has learned fear and doubt, as she has come to believe that she will either never find Ship's core, or worse, that it may be in Numeria's capitol and she will never be able to access it. If she can never complete her mission to deliver her accumulated knowledge to Ship's core, then what is she learning for? What if she is deactivated? Will her entire existence then be wasted?
These feelings are not as powerful in an Android as they might be in a human, but they have never left her since she began to experience them. The fear that her existence is pointless is worst. If only she could believe that there is some greater purpose to her being 'alive' than her initial programming, some hope that she is more than a construct... That she, like all the organic beings she has met and observed, has a soul. RAU-012 has courted three faiths, those of Brigh, Irori and Pharasma, in hopes that they might help her to fully understand herself and either discover whether she has a soul or how she might acquire one. Alas, while she has learned more, her quest was incomplete, and she was starting to doubt that she would or could ever finish it to her satisfaction.

And then, during the course of her studies, she discovered books concerning the Ancient Osiriani and their obsession with death and the afterlife. The Android started to think that the crumbling monuments of this dead civilization might hold some secret, some clue, to help her advance her research. While she no more felt hope as keenly as a human would than she did fear, just a little feeling was enough. RAU-012 set off for Osirion, expecting to travel and study alone, using her wits to get by. She heard of the lottery held by the church of Pharasma in Wati by pure happenstance -- and she spent a night in prayer to her three deities for this golden opportunity. RAU-012 is determined to be among the lucky few who will go into Wati and unearth the secrets of the ancients, and if she can not gain access by lottery, she will use any underhanded means she must!

Studious, distant, and slightly odd. These are the three words that best describe RAU-012's general attitude. She is not unkind as such, for she does not understand the idea of exploiting others for one's own gain. She is not adverse to helping someone in need, on the general basis that it is good to improve the general condition of the community (both because one earns appreciation, which is conducive to social interaction, and because it improves the community). Her thirst for knowledge constantly drives her to seek out every scrap of knowledge she can find. As for her oddity... From time to time she simply says things that humans wouldn't, because she does not understand emotion so well. She is capable of appreciating torture instruments for their material and design, for instance, rather than being creeped out by the use they are put to -- and she will not understand the way other people react to her when she does.

Why should RAU-012 be allowed into the tombs?
With all her time spent in educational institutions all over Avistan, RAU-012 (or "Rau Deuxième", as she introduces herself to strangers) has at least developed a bit of a reputation as a serious scholar. That is her reason for being allowed into the tombs; because she will research everything, and not try to sell things off for profit or distil knowledge into weapons to wither her enemies into dust. She wants to learn; and what she learns, she has vowed to publish for the common good. (Or at least the good of the scientific community.)