Quindo's page

Organized Play Member. 21 posts (22 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.

Shadow Lodge

Me and my co-GM have been running a savage world game using a fan made adaption and have run into a bit of a pickle. One of the player characters, john, is attempting to enter a relationship with one of the towns important NPC's, sarah. (The most powerful magic user).

Now, due to the backstory of john and sarah there are several things that will make the relationship not work. But we as GM's are trying to decide how to handle the situation. It has already been established that the group is not going into NSFW stuff, but if we outright say that "Sarah has refused your advances." Then we will look like the dick GM's who will not let him have his meta game, but who will allow other PC's to have home brew drinking contests in game.

Does anyone have a system that can be used to determine if a character would in fact give another character the time of day? If so I would love to steal it just to give a reason behind how we handle the situation.

The mechanic does not have to be from savage world and can be from any system.

Shadow Lodge

Here is a question for all those rule lawyers out there.

I am building a character with some back story/RP to it and I need a ruling on something.

The character I am building carries around a large Bastard Sword that he inherited (trait) from the demon side of his family (Oni-Spawn tiefling).

Here is where I need something clarified, If I spike/drop the bastard sword to the ground before drinking a potion of enlarge person would the sword increase in size even though I am no longer holding it?

There are some silly Rp/mechanic things I am thinking about doing with this character. One of them being after he uses all his bombs/needs to help on the front line he pops a few buff spells on himself to boost his str from 10 to 18 (ragecamist + enlarge person) and charges in wielding a huge sword. I need to know if I control if my sword goes up to a huge size or not.

And yes, this is very min/max-y. I apologies for being a newer player/GM and trying different styles of playing.

Shadow Lodge

I have joined the Gm pool for my local PFS group and I have heard some talk of GM's fudging rolls. I have not fudged any rolls for players, only some mechanics when the players act in a way not defined in the scenario.

When is a correct time to fudge a roll and how often should it be done? Does anyone have an example of when the GM fudged a roll for them or when they fudged a roll as the GM?