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This is a simple way to generate a random characters ability scores using dice and tables, see what you think:

Step 1: Roll a d4, d8, d12, and d20

Gender (d4 result)

1-2 = Male
3-4 = Female

Race (d8 result)

1 = Dwarf
2 = Halfling
3 = Elf
4 = Human
5 = Gnome
6 = Half-orc
7 = Half-elf
8 = Roll d8 again

Class (d12 result)

1 = Barbarian: STR - CON - DEX - WIS - INT - CHA
2 = Bard: CHA - DEX - INT - CON - STR - WIS
3 = Cleric: WIS - CON - CHA - STR - DEX - INT
4 = Druid: WIS - CON - DEX - STR - INT - CHA
5 = Fighter: STR - DEX - CON - INT - WIS - CHA
6 = Monk: WIS - STR - DEX - CON - INT - CHA
7 = Paladin: STR - CHA - CON - DEX - WIS - INT
8 = Ranger: STR - DEX - CON - WIS - INT - CHA
9 = Rogue: DEX - CON - INT - STR - WIS - CHA
10 = Sorcerer: CHA - DEX - CON - INT - WIS - STR
11 = Wizard: INT - CON - DEX - WIS - CHA - STR
12 = Roll d12 again

Write the ability scores down, in the order presented in the table above, on a piece of paper for your generated class.

Example wrote:

I roll (d4: 1), (d8: 6), (d12: 4)

Results: Male, Half-orc, Druid

Ability Importance (d20 result)

1-7 = 1,2,3
8-11 = 1,3,2
12-15 = 2,1,3
16-17 = 3,1,2
18-19 = 3,1,2
20 = 3,2,1

Step 2: Write the numbers generated by the d20 result next to the abilities in the order they're written. Roll the d20 again, and do the same for the next 3 abilities

Example wrote:

I roll (d20: 14)

INT (2)
CON (1)
DEX (3)

Then I re-roll d20 and get 11:
WIS (1)
STR (3)
CHA (2)

Step 3: Roll a d40 and consult this table:

1 = 18 / 13 / 11. Cost: 21; Remaining: -6
2 = 18 / 12 / 12. Cost: 21; Remaining: -6
3 = 17 / 15 / 11. Cost: 21; Remaining: -6
4 = 17 / 14 / 13. Cost: 21; Remaining: -6
5 = 16 / 16 / 11. Cost: 21; Remaining: -6
6 = 15 / 15 / 15. Cost: 21; Remaining: -6
7 = 18 / 13 / 10. Cost: 20; Remaining: -5
8 = 18 / 12 / 11. Cost: 20; Remaining: -5
9 = 17 / 15 / 10. Cost: 20; Remaining: -5
10 = 17 / 14 / 12. Cost: 20; Remaining: -5
11 = 16 / 16 / 10. Cost: 20; Remaining: -5
12 = 16 / 15 / 13. Cost: 20; Remaining: -5
13 = 16 / 14 / 14. Cost: 20; Remaining: -5
14 = 18 / 12 / 10. Cost: 19; Remaining: -4
15 = 18 / 11 / 11. Cost: 19; Remaining: -4
16 = 17 / 14 / 11. Cost: 19; Remaining: -4
17 = 17 / 13 / 13. Cost: 19; Remaining: -4
18 = 16 / 15 / 12. Cost: 19; Remaining: -4
19 = 15 / 15 / 14. Cost: 19; Remaining: -4
20 = 18 / 11 / 10. Cost: 18; Remaining: -3
21 = 17 / 14 / 10. Cost: 18; Remaining: -3
22 = 17 / 13 / 12. Cost: 18; Remaining: -3
23 = 16 / 15 / 11. Cost: 18; Remaining: -3
24 = 16 / 14 / 13. Cost: 18; Remaining: -3
25 = 18 / 10 / 10. Cost: 17; Remaining: -2
26 = 17 / 13 / 11. Cost: 17; Remaining: -2
27 = 17 / 12 / 12. Cost: 17; Remaining: -2
28 = 16 / 15 / 10. Cost: 17; Remaining: -2
29 = 16 / 14 / 12. Cost: 17; Remaining: -2
30 = 15 / 14 / 14. Cost: 17; Remaining: -2
31 = 17 / 13 / 10. Cost: 16; Remaining: -1
32 = 17 / 12 / 11. Cost: 16; Remaining: -1
33 = 16 / 14 / 11. Cost: 16; Remaining: -1
34 = 16 / 13 / 13. Cost: 16; Remaining: -1
35 = 17 / 12 / 10. Cost: 15; Remaining: 0
36 = 17 / 11 / 11. Cost: 15; Remaining: 0
37 = 16 / 14 / 10. Cost: 15; Remaining: 0
38 = 16 / 13 / 12. Cost: 15; Remaining: 0
39 = 15 / 14 / 13. Cost: 15; Remaining: 0
40 = 14 / 14 / 14. Cost: 15; Remaining: 0

The scores generated go in the order decided by your first d20 roll. With the "Standard Fantasy" option you have 15 points to spend, the following example's result would cost 19 points, meaning you have a remaining budget of -4 points.

Example wrote:

I roll (d40: 16)

Results: 17 / 14 / 11. Cost: 19; Remaining: -4
INT (2) - 14
CON (1) - 17
DEX (3) - 11

Step 4: Consult the next table and roll an appropriate die to generate the final 3 ability scores in the same way as Step 3.

Remaining Budget: 0 (d6)

1 = 13 / 9 / 8. Cost: 0; Remaining: 0
2 = 12 / 10 / 8. Cost: 0; Remaining: 0
3 = 12 / 9 / 9. Cost: 0; Remaining: 0
4 = 11 / 11 / 8. Cost: 0; Remaining: 0
5 = 11 / 10 / 9. Cost: 0; Remaining: 0
6 = 10 / 10 / 10. Cost: 0; Remaining: 0

Remaining Budget: -1 (d5)

1 = 13 / 8 / 8. Cost: -1; Remaining: 0
2 = 12 / 9 / 8. Cost: -1; Remaining: 0
3 = 11 / 10 / 8. Cost: -1; Remaining: 0
4 = 11 / 9 / 9. Cost: -1; Remaining: 0
5 = 10 / 10 / 9. Cost: -1; Remaining: 0

Remaining Budget: -2 (d4)

1 = 12 / 8 / 8. Cost: -2; Remaining: 0
2 = 11 / 9 / 8. Cost: -2; Remaining: 0
3 = 10 / 10 / 8. Cost: -2; Remaining: 0
4 = 10 / 9 / 9. Cost: -2; Remaining: 0

Remaining Budget: -3 (d3)

1 = 11 / 8 / 8. Cost: -3; Remaining: 0
2 = 10 / 9 / 8. Cost: -3; Remaining: 0
3 = 9 / 9 / 9. Cost: -3; Remaining: 0

Remaining Budget: -4 (d2)

1 = 10 / 8 / 8. Cost: -4; Remaining: 0
2 = 9 / 9 / 8. Cost: -4; Remaining: 0

Remaining Budget: -5

9 / 8 / 8. Cost: -5; Remaining: 0

Remaining Budget: -6

8 / 8 / 8. Cost: -6; Remaining: 0

Example wrote:

With a remaining budget of -4 I roll a d2 and get a 2

Results: 9 / 9 / 8. Cost: -4; Remaining: 0
WIS (1) - 9
STR (3) - 8
CHA (2) - 9

So the final generated character is:

Male half-orc druid

STR: 8
DEX: 11
CON: 17
INT: 14
WIS: 9
CHA: 9

You need to add racial adjustments and develop the character from here. Hopefully useful for quickly creating characters.