
Qazag Qoroshúk's page

155 posts. Alias of Peet.

Full Name

Qazag Qoroshúk



Strength 16
Dexterity 13
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Qazag Qoroshúk

Half-Orc (War Leader)
Order of the Cockatrice

[spoiler=Combat Stats]
HP: 25 (3d10+3 CON)
AC: 21 (10 +0 DEX +9 Armor +2 Shield)
Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +1
Initiative: +0
Move: 20' (50' when mounted)
BAB: +3 CMB: +8 CMD: 21

Melee: (+3 BAB, +5 STR), +2 to hit demoralized enemies
Lance: +8, 1d8+5 (2d8+10 when charging)
Battleaxe: +8, 1d8+5 (x3)
Morning Star: +8, 1d8+5

Ranged: (+3 BAB, +0 DEX)
Chakram: +3, 1d8+5 (30 feet)
Sling: +3, 1d4+5 (50 feet)

Challenge (1/day): +3 damage to enemy per hit, or +4 if I am the only creature threatening target

Tactician (1/day): Grant Teamwork feat to all in 30-ft radius for 4 rounds

Cavalier's Charge: +4 to hit and no penalty to AC on mounted charges


Starting Statistics: Size Large; Speed 50 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Attack bite (1d4), 2 hooves* (1d6); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.
Level Stats: HD: 3 BAB: +2 Fort: +3 Reflex: +3 Will: +1 Skills: 3 Feats: 2 Natural Armor Bonus: +2 STR/DEX Bonus: +1 Bonus Tricks: 2

STR: 17, DEX: 14, CON: 15, INT: 2, WIS: 12, CHA: 6
HP: 22
AC: 21 (10 -1 Size, +2 DEX, +6 Natural, +4 Armor)
Fort: +5, Reflex: +5, Will: +2
Initiative: +2
Move: 50'
BAB: +2 CMB: +6 CMD: 18

Melee: (+2 BAB, +3 STR, -1 Size)
Bite: +4; 1d4+3
2 x Hoof: +4; 1d6+3

1st level: Toughness
3rd level: Run


1st level: Intimidating Prowess
1st level bonus Teamwork feat: Horde Charge
2nd level bonus feat: Dazzling Display
3rd level: Skill Focus: Profession (soldier)

* Omen (faith) +1 to intimidate and may demoralize as a swift action 1/day
* Militia Veteran (regional) +1 to profession (soldier)


(4+INT/level + 3 FCB = 18 ranks)

Diplomacy +8 (2 ranks, +1 CHA, +3 Class, +2 War Leader)
Handle Animal +7 (3 ranks, +1 CHA, +3 Class)
Intimidate +15 (3 ranks, +1 CHA, +3 Class, +5 Feat, +2 Race, +1 Trait)
Profession (soldier) +15 (6 ranks, +0 WIS, +3 Class, +3 Feat, +2 War Leader, +1 Trait)
Ride +5 (2 ranks, +0 DEX, +3 Class)
Sense Motive +5 (2 ranks, +0 WIS, +3 Class)


Magic Gear:
Belt of Giant Strength +2

Other Gear: (2000 gp)
Spiked Full Plate Armor 1550 gp
Chain Shirt Barding (for mount) 200 gp
Heavy Spiked Steel Shield 30 gp
Lance 10 gp
Longsword 15 gp
Morning Star 8 gp
5 x Chakrams 5 gp
20 sling bullets 2 sp

1818.2 gp

[spoiler=Build]FYI guys I am making up "campaign traits" based on the previous adventure you are making up. I should have those ready soon.

We might as well start to talk about character builds.

Firstly, if you want to re-theme your character, or even play a different character, that's okay.

The previous GM in my mind went kind of overboard with character power. The three ranks per level and high point buy made it really hard for us to fail kingdom checks. As a player I will take what I can get, but it seemed that we didn't have to worry about the challenges posed by the system. We made all our kingdom checks on a roll of 2.

In my mind that takes some of the challenge out of it. The kingdom building rules are intended for an AP with four characters at 15-point buy.


We're going to do something similar, but we will use a system that is a bit more forgiving to MAD classes. It goes like this:

07 ________ -7
08 ________ -3
09 ________ -1
10 _________ 0
11 _________ 1
12 _________ 3
13 _________ 7
14 _________ 13
15 _________ 25
16 _________ 49

Using this system you get 45 points. You are allowed to gain no more than 10 extra points by dumping scores. This is roughly equivalent to 15-point buy, but it punishes you for trying to put a single score too high at the expense of others.

Before you argue that this will make your character too weak, I'll mention that I plan to give the party certain advantages. For example, in combat you will generally know the AC and HP of your enemies. This speeds things up (which is good for PbP) but gives the party an edge since they have a much clearer understanding about how tough their enemy is.

I will also point out that in hexcrawl exploration you have a lot of one-encounter days. You shouldn't assume that you will always be able to rest after every encounter but you will be able to use renewable resources a lot more frequently.

Other things:

The Not-Quite Ban-Hammer:

1. Please, avoid abilities that allow retcons, i.e. "the monster that just hit me now has to re-roll." I find that these disrupt the flow of PbP and I'd prefer to avoid them. If your class gives you something like this, the only way you get to use it is if you specify in advance in your posts "I will use my super-duper dodge power if the orc hits me for 10 damage or more." If you don't think you are organized enough to include posts like this, please don't take abilities like that.

2. Also, please avoid mass summoning abilities. I am not opposed to summoning but if you want your character to do that please make sure you are organized enough to manage this smoothly. In particular, I really don't want to see people use the 1d4+1 creatures or cast multiple summons in the same combat. Keep the speed of the game in mind.

3pp? Nope, sorry. There is enough Paizo material to drown in now and I have my hands full already.

Classes: Basically any Paizo, with a few exceptions.
* Barbarian, Monk, Rogue & Summoner should all be unchained
* No guns (so no gunslingers except bolt ace)
* Alchemists & investigators are re-themed (ask for details if you plan to play one)
* Occult classes are probably not a good fit for this campaign, though if you are really keen you can make a pitch for them. No kineticists.
* Fighters gain Combat Stamina as a bonus feat at 1st level.

Check out these Campaign House Rules. I am using them in another game and will also use them here.

Races: Most Paizo, but No "monster" races such as orcs or goblins. Also no high-powered races such as Drow. Planetouched races will be modified slightly - Aasimars and Tieflings will get nerfed a bit to make them roughly equal to other races.

Background Skills: Yes.

Hit Points: Max at 1st level. After that, as a group the party should decide whether they want to go with rolled HP or average round up.

Starting Wealth: 3000 gp. No crafting discounts (see Featless Crafting in house rules if you want to craft your own stuff).

Traits: Two, plus one free Campaign Trait. No drawbacks.
* BTW Fate's Favored is kind of broken. The fix is this: the Fate's Favored bonus only applies to one kind of thing, i.e. attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, skill checks, and so on. You decide this when you take the trait.

Let's start with that.