Ironfang Forest Soldier

Qísìk Beqk's page

27 posts. Alias of Solicitor.

Full Name

Qísìk Beqk


Male Hobgoblin Rogue 3 | HP: 38/38| AC: 20 | F: +7; R: +11; W: +7 | Perception +7 | Initiative +7 | Hero Points: 0/1 | Exploration:

About Qísìk Beqk

Qísìk Beqk
◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺
Hobgoblin (Elfbane)
Rogue 3 (Mastermind)
Medium Hobgoblin (Goblin, Hobgoblin, Humanoid)(lipservice to Nethys and Norgorber)
Senses; Perception +7 (Wis 0 + Prof 7 (E))
AC 20 (Dex 4 + Armor Prof 5 (T) + Armor 1 + Rune 0 )
HP 38 (24 Rogue, 6 CON, 8 Ancestry)
Fort +7 (T), Ref +11 (E), Will +7 (E)
Bonuses: Elfbane ↺ +1 circumstance bonus vs magical effect, +2 vs arcane
Resistances: -
Sword Cane +9 to hit, 1d6 piercing, Agile - Finesse - Concealable
Ignition +8 to hit, 3d6 fire, 2d4 persistent fire damage on a crit
Gouging Claw
Ignition +8 to hit, 3d4 fire, 2d4 persistent fire damage on a crit

Combat Options
◆ - Strike, Trip, Disarm, Intimidate
◆◆ - Gouging Claw, Ignition

Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16 Wis 10, Cha 10
Speed 30ft (25ft hobgoblin, 5ft Fleet)

Acrobatics (T) +9
Athletics (T) +5
Deception (T) +5
Diplomacy (T) +5
Intimidation (T) +5
Medicine (T) +5
Performance (T) +
Stealth (E) +11
Thievery (T) +9
Survival (T) +5
Crafting (T) +8
Arcana (T) +8
Nature (T) +5
Occultism (T) +8
Religion (T) +5
Society (E) +10
Lore: Hobgoblin (E) +10
Lore: Heraldry (T) +8
Lore: Belkzen (T) +8
Notes: Hobgoblin scales to Expert at 3, Master at 7, and Legendary at 15.
Skill-ups: Society (E) at 2, Stealth (E) at 3
Languages: Common, Goblin, Orc, Draconian, Jotun

Skill Feats
BG1 Courtly Graces (You can use Society to Make an Impression on a noble, as well as with Impersonate to pretend to be a type of noble or a specific individual noble. If you use the normal skills in those situations, you receive a +1 circumstance bonus to the check instead.)
R1 Streetwise (You can use your Society modifier instead of your Diplomacy modifier to Gather Information. In any settlement you frequent regularly, you can use the Recall Knowledge action with Society to know the same sorts of information that you could discover with Diplomacy to Gather Information. The DC is usually significantly higher, but you know the information without spending time gathering it. If you fail to recall the information, you can still subsequently attempt to Gather Information normally.)
R2 Quiet Allies (ally with lowest stealth check makes the roll for the group)
R3 Arcane Sense (You can cast 'Detect Magic as a level 1 spell)

Rogue Feats
R1 Nimble Dodge (Reaction, +2 circumstance bonus to AC)
R2 Underhanded Assault (2 actions, can Sneak and if you beat the stealth check (with a -2), make a Strike)

Dedication Feats
FA2 Wizard Dedication (gain two cantrips, Ignition & Gouging Claw, become trained in Arcana)

General Feats
R3 Fleet (+5 movement)

Rogue Abilities
-Mastermind Racket If you successfully identify a creature using Recall Knowledge, it is off-guard against your attacks until the start of your next turn; if you critically succeed, it's off-guard against your attacks for 1 minute.
-Sneak Attack 1D6
-Surprise Attack
-Deny Advantange

Gear (1 lvl2, 2 lvl1, 25gp)
Sword cane, Leather Lamellar, Thieves' Tools, Adventurer's Pack, Hand of the Mage, Potency Crystal (Reaction, weapon becomes +1 Striking for 1 round), Elixir of Life (1D6+1 healing)

Background & Personality
-sent as a liaison who has Oprak's blessing to get involved in whatever is going to happen, but if he fails, Oprak will deny ever sending him in an official capacity
-an older scion from a lesser noble family, his name nonetheless commands respect in hobgoblin society
-a sucker for tradition, he dresses as befits his station because he enjoys doing so
-dabbles in magic on the side, knows that it is frowned upon within hobgoblin society, but he believes it is the key forward for his people
-loves games such as chess
-curious to the point of obsession, inquisitive to the point he has (so far) failed to properly specialize and thus make a power play for a higher position within hobgoblin society
-not sure whether to be insulted or honored for being sent to Belkzen by his people