Full Name |
Zord |
Race |
Goblin Cleric 3 (Elder Mythos Cultist) | hp 18/18 | Init 0, Per -2 | AC 17, T 11, FF 17 | Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 6 | Channels (6/6 uses/day, 2d6, DC16 Fort for half, 30 ft spread) |
Classes/Levels |
Size |
Small |
Age |
22 |
Alignment |
Chaotic Evil |
Deity |
Cthulu |
Languages |
Goblin |
Occupation |
Crazy Shaman |
Strength |
14 |
Dexterity |
11 |
Constitution |
10 |
Intelligence |
7 |
Wisdom |
7 |
Charisma |
16 |
About Professor Zord
Professor Zord
Male Goblin Cleric 3 (Elder Mythos Cultist)
Chaotic Evil Small Humanoid (Goblin)
Init + 0 Senses Perception -2; Darkvision
AC 17 (Size +1, armor+6, shield+1) (armor check penalty -5)
T 11
FF 17
hp 18/18 (13 class, 0 con, 0 favored class)
Fort + 3 (+3 base, +0 trait, +0 stat)
Ref + 1 (base +1, stat +0)
Will +6 (base +3, +3 stat(uses Charisma), (–2 penalty on Will saves to resist mind-affecting effects; automatically fails any save to resist the effects of confusion, insanity, and nightmare))
Spd 40 ft.
Melee Flaming Dogslicer+1. To-Hit: 5 (Str 2+1 size+ 1 BAB+1 enhancment). Damage: d4+3+d6
Range: None
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 14
Dex 11
Con 10
Int 7
Wis 7
Cha 16
Base Atk +1
CMB + 3 (BAB 2 + Str 2 - 1 size)
CMD 13 (10+ BAB 2 + Str 2 + Dex 0-1 small),
Selective Channeling: When you channel energy, you can choose a number of targets in the area up to your Charisma modifier. These targets are not affected by your channeled energy.
Improved Channel: Add 2 to the DC of saving throws made to resist the effects of your channel energy ability.
Occult Bargain (drawback trait) Effect(s):You take a –1 penalty on concentration checks, and you must invoke the entity’s name by word or text each day or be unable to regain spell slots that day. You must be able to cast 0-level and 1st-level spells as a class feature to select this drawback.
Foul Belch (goblin):Once per day as a standard action, you can force a particularly odious belch at a single opponent within 5 feet. The character affected must make a DC 12 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d6 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Possessed: Once per day, you can attempt a Knowledge check of your choice even if you are not trained in that skill and it is not usually possible to use that skill untrained. If you can normally use that skill untrained, you gain a +2 trait bonus on the check.
Adventuring Skills 1 rank per level, 1 favored class bonus, -5 Armor Check
Acrobatics: -5
Bluff: 3
Climb: -3
Diplomacy: 7 (1 rank)
Disguise: 3
Escape Artist: -5
Fly: -3
Heal: -2
Intimidate: 3
Knowledge (Religion): 4 (1 rank+2 profane+3 class+-2 intel)
Knowledge (Arcana): 4 (1 rank, 3 class, -2 intel+2 profane)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 0 (-2 intel+2 profane) use untrained
Knowledge (Planes): 4 (1 rank, 3 class, -2 intel+2 profane)
Perception: -2
Ride: -1
Sense Motive: -2
Spellcraft: 3 (2 rank, 3 class, -2 intel)
Stealth: 0
Survival: -2
Swim: -3
Background Skills (2 ranks/level)
Knowledge (History): 6 (-2 intel+3 rank+3 class skill+2 profane)
Profession (Soothsayer):4 (-2 intel+3 rank+3 class skill)
Languages common
see loot doc
Darkvision:Goblins see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Fast Movement:Goblins gain a +10 foot bonus to their base speed (this is already added to their Base Speed above.)
Size:Goblins are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Ability Score Racial Traits:Goblins are fast, but weak and unpleasant to be around. They gain +4 Dexterity, –2 Strength, and –2 Charisma.
Languages: Goblins begin play speaking Goblin.
Weapon Familiarity: Goblins’ traditional weapons are the dogslicer and the horsechopper, weapons designed specifically to bring down their most hated foes. Goblins with this trait are proficient with the dogslicer and the horsechopper, and treat any weapon with the word “goblin” in it as martial weapons. This racial trait replaces skilled.
Forbidden Knowledge (Ex)
An Elder Mythos cultist gains a +2 profane bonus on all Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (planes), and Knowledge (religion) checks, and can attempt these checks untrained. This bonus doubles if the check is related to the Elder Mythos.
Unhinged Mind (Ex)
Bartering sanity for unspeakable knowledge, an Elder Mythos cultist props up his crumbling sanity with a darkly enigmatic personality. An Elder Mythos cultist uses Charisma instead of Wisdom as his key spellcasting ability score (to determine his spell DCs, bonus spells per day, bonus on concentration checks, and so on), to determine the effects and number of uses of his domain powers, and to modify his Will saving throws.
However, because of the fragile state of his mind, the Elder Mythos cultist takes a –2 penalty on Will saves to resist mind-affecting effects. An Elder Mythos cultist automatically fails any save to resist the effects of confusion, insanity, and nightmare, and other similar effects so long as the effect’s caster level is higher than his character level.
Channel the Void (Su), (6 uses/day, 1d6, DC16 Fort for half, 30 ft spread) (DC= 10 + 1/2 cleric level +2 feat + Cha Mod)
At 1st level, when an Elder Mythos cultist channels energy, he taps into the unthinkable void between the stars. This is similar to channeling negative energy, but instead of healing undead, this blast of energy harms and devours living beings, corporeal non-skeletal undead, and constructs crafted from flesh (such as flesh golems). This is not negative energy damage; instead, the damage manifests in the form of wounds from supernatural deterioration and rot. A creature that would take damage from this energy can attempt a Fortitude save to halve the damage, rather than a Will save. At 8th level, a creature that both fails the Fortitude save and would be killed or destroyed by this effect is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. A disintegrated creature’s equipment is unaffected. This ability still counts as channel energy, but it counts as neither positive nor negative energy specifically (for example, the Elder Mythos cultist couldn’t take the Turn Undead or Command Undead feat).
For the purposes of feats that require channel energy but refer to what happens if the character channels positive or negative energy, this ability alters the listed effect for negative energy. For instance, an Elder Mythos cultist could use Channel Smite to damage living or fleshy creatures with his melee attack.
This ability alters channel energy and replaces spontaneous casting.
Domain Void, Subdomain: Dark Tapestry, It Came from Beyond (Su)
Once per day, when you cast a summoning spell, any one creature you summon is more powerful than normal. The creature gains the advanced creature simple template. If you summon more than one creature with a spell, only one of the summoned creatures gains the advanced creature simple template. A summoned creature that gains the advanced creature simple template in this manner appears unnervingly deformed or unnaturally hideous, bringing with it a whiff of the emptiness of the void. This ability works only on spells you cast as a cleric—it does not work on spellcasting abilities gained from any other spellcasting classes you might have.
CL: 1
SPELL DC = 10+ spell level
Level 0
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Level 1:3 spells and 1 domain
Summon Monster 1
x2 Cure Light Wounds (d8+2)
Featherfall (Void Domain spell)
Level 2:2 spells and 1 domain
Cure Moderate Wounds
Summon Monster 2
Levitate (Void Domain spell)
Zord was a normal goblin: eating humans whenever he could, eating dogs when it was available, and otherwise digging through the trash of his wealthier neighbors.
Zord ran a little fortune-tellers stand in the corner of the cave. He was terrible at the job, and only a few of his friends would throw copper his way here and there, knowing that he just lied about things anyway. Zord was a pretty dumb, even going by goblin standards, and just barely scraping by.
One night, while mumbling and uttering various profanities in the course of his normal prayers to the goddess Lamashtu, Zord accidently said the precisely correct combinations of gibberish to piece the veil between the prime world and the distant plane of madness where Cthulu, the Great Old One, resided. Zord's soul and mind was immediately lain asunder before the might of the demigod, and Cthulu laughed and laughed to see a pitiful goblin before him.
Cthulu's laugh entered into Zord's brain, and utterly broke him. Cthulu, finding great humor in the whole situation, granted Zord a small bit of power, allowing Zord to channel destructive energy and pull misshapen creatures from the beyond.
Zord is now utterly insane, and incapable of speaking in more than single word sentences. He does like laughing, though. And his channeling of Cthulu's madness is surely something that should be feared.
When Zord summons a creature, or when coming up with some random piece of information from a knowledge check, though, his mind grows sharp, far sharper than he was even before encountering Cthulu. He is able to talk intelligently in these situations, but only to the creatures that he summons, or sometimes to himself. His friends all call him Professor Zord when this happens...