Playtest Redgar's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Redgar.

Good afternoon!

I am looking at building an Operative with the Ghost specialization. Under the "associated skills" section of the Ghost Specialization, the CRB says:

Associated Skills: Acrobatics and Stealth. When you use Stealth to make a trick attack, you gain a +1 bonus to the skill check.

I'm also looking at taking the "Stunt and Strike" alternate class feature from the Character Operations Manual. This feature says it replaces Trick Attack, but it doesn't explicitly say that it counts as Trick Attack.

Would my Ghost Operative specialization provide me with a +1 bonus to Stealth checks made to Stunt and Strike?


So, I've done a foolish thing: I used a Blessing of Rovagug with 6 blessings left in the Blessings Deck. Of course, I rolled a 6.

Blessing of Rovagug reads:

Discard this card to add 3 dice to any 1 check, then search the blessings deck until you find 1d6+1 blessings and discard them.

I have to search until I find 7 blesings and discard them. I cannot fulfil these instructions. What happens?

My thoughts:

a) First I thought I was hooped, since I would have to remove more cards from the hourglass than remained. But, the instructions are not to discard 1d6+1 cards from the blessing deck; instead, I am explicitly instructed to "search until I find... and discard". It is a two-part instruction.

b) The rules under "search and examine" contain the phrase: "If you don't find a card of that type, ignore any directions related to that card". But, the first sentance of that paragraph refers to examining, not searching. From context, I therefore conclude it is a specific instruction related to examining, not searching... but the preceding sentance instructing you to stop looking for cards when you find seems equally applicable to "search" "until you find" as it does "examine" "until you find".

c) My general inclination would then be to do as much as I could, i.e. search until I find 6 blessings, then discard them. But, I'm not certain if this is correct. Does the search fail entirely because I cannot find 7 blessings?

p.13 Core Rulebook wrote:

Searching and Examining

Sometimes a power allows you to search a stack of cards and choose
any card of a particular type; that means you may look at every card
in that stack and choose any card of that type. Unless instructed
otherwise, shuffle the stack afterwards.

Sometimes a power allows you to examine one or more cards in
a stack—that means looking at the specified card then putting it
back where it came from. (Examining is not exploring, though it may
happen during an exploration.) If you are examining a location, when
determining which cards you are examining, consider only facedown

If a power tells you to examine something until you find a particular
card type, begin with the top card and stop when you find a card of
the specified type. ***If you don’t find a card of that type, ignore any
directions related to that card.***

Examine the cards in the order you find them, and put them back in
the same order unless instructed otherwise. If anything would cause
you to shuffle the stack you are examining, shuffle only after you put
back any examined cards that do not leave the stack.

p. 6 Core Rulebook, Advance the Hour wrote:
If you have to remove one or more cards from the hourglass for any reason and there aren’t enough cards to do so, the party loses the scenario (see Ending a Scenario, Adventure, or Adventure Path on page 16).

Greetings! Reaching out as there seems to be an issue with My Downloads.

Tried over the last couple of days to download the new Pathfinder Adventure Card Society Guide, and keep getting the same error:


This site can’t be reached

The webpage at [redacted] might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


(today, I tried clicking on a new link to a different product that I hadn't downloaded before, to see if it was maybe a caching or similar issue).

Not sure if this is just a 'me' problem, but thought I should post and see.




Quick suggestion for some slightly amended wording in the next version of the Adventure Card Game Guild guide.

Currently, v5.0 OP Guide, Appendix 1, p. 14. Tier Rewards, paragraph 1 reads:

After you successfully complete a new scenario, your character earns a tier reward based on the number of new scenarios your character has completed within your tier. [...]

Currently, v5.0 OP Guide, Appendix 1, p. 14. Tier Rewards, paragraph 3 reads:

Anytime after winning your fourth new scenario in any tier, you can choose to advance a tier; [...]

This latter language, in particular, appears to suggest that you can choose to advance a tier whenever you want, provided you have completed at least four scenarios at your current tier. I'm advised this is not the case.

I respectfully suggest it might be clearer if these read:

After you successfully complete a new scenario and receive scenario rewards, your character earns a tier reward based on the number of new scenarios your character has completed within your tier. [...]


Whenever you complete your fourth or fifth new scenario in any tier, after receiving scenario rewards, you can choose to advance a tier; [...]

This would more clearly tie tier advancement back to the order of operations for rewards spelled out at v5.0 OP Guide, p. 10, "After the Scenario", para. 1:

A major difference in Adventure Card Guild play is the method by which you improve your deck after completing a scenario. This happens in three steps: earning scenario rewards, earning tier rewards, and upgrading your deck.

Just a humble suggestion from a rather foolish halfling bard hitherto befuddled by "anytime". :)

Greetings and salutations, eminent rivals,

Shamelessly stealing from Curaigh's "Wizards Wanted" earlier this year, I thought I'd reach out to see if any fellow spell-slingers might be interested in an all-Caster party to tackle a scenario and swap spellbook notes at the upcoming OutpostCon?

Since this is really all about me, I would be hoping to play in a session with a 3rd or 4th level Wizard. He has yet to play "Beyond the Halflight Path", in terms of easy/evergreen scenario selection, but I'd be game for playing a large number of the t3-5 scenarios on offer at the Con. (Alas, he has received GM credit for Tome.

Anyhow, just a thought. See you at the library!

Hello, hivemind!

I'm looking for a way to gain access to a teamwork feat, even temporarily, for which I do not meet all prerequisites (I am a halfling, not a half-orc).

I would be happy to sacrifice a feat for Adopted... except that is a Human-only feat. :(

This is for PFS play, so I sadly cannot rely on another player playing a particular character and using a class ability to grant me the feat.

I was hoping there was a Ranger "Combat-Style" for teamwork feats, or an archtype that let you gain a teamwork feat ignoring a prerequisite, but so far I am coming up empty.

Am a SOL? Thanks!


Greetings, Pathfinders!

Tried searching the forums and trawling the product thread, but didn't find answers to a couple of specific questions about the Grand Lodge Faction Journal Card.

I'm dusting off some characters that haven't seen play in a few years, and am hoping to succeed in missions for the Grand Lodge whilst playing Scenarios at GenCon. (Also, I realize I might have done one old character incorrectly!)

1. For the "Complete at least three consecutive scenarios in which you completed both the primary and secondary success conditions."

a) Suppose I have a lvl 1 character who successfully completed 2 scenarios at full pp in the storied days of yesteryear. I then dust off the cobwebs and complete my third scenario at full pp. Could I get a check for completing this goal?

b) Suppose I have a lvl 1 character that completed 2 scenarios at full pp. in season 6. I dust off the slightly less thick cobwebs and complete a third scenario at full pp. Could I get a check for completing this goal?

(I'm assuming the answer to both is yes, because I'm completing the 3rd/4th/5th/6th scenario, and I'm not trying to claim credit for achieving the goal retroactively [i.e. if I'd completed 3 in days of yore, I'd need to complete at least a 4th during the 'open season' for Faction Journals to check that box.] Also, if it was a cumulative effect that had to be actively achieved over 3 scenarios, one would expect 3 boxes to check. But I realized I should probably ask. Because I lack a "dispel magic" scroll for if I'm wrong... :-))

c) are GM'd scenarios skipped for these purposes? (I presume they are, but realize I could be wrong).

2. "Expedition Co-ordinator" (you can forgo your Downtime to organize an expedition to gather missed PP.) Is this required to be used immediately upon completion of the relevant scenario? (I'm guessing yes?)

Thanks, and look forward to rollin' some dice soon!

Addendum: 3.

For the "Adventure in a nation other than Absalom. You may only receive credit for visiting a particular nation once. Checking one of this Goal's boxes does not prevent you from checking one box for a different goal." Is the restriction sheet/season specific? I would normally assume that goals are wholly separate from each-other, including any restrictions on said goals... but given the nature of this goal, I wasn't sure.


Couple quick questions, as someone who has suddenly developed a need for a secure carrying solution for PFS swag @ GenCon...

Will the Paizo Store at GenCon be carrying any of the Messenger Bags?

Also, the PFS site lists two products that I can't find any reference to in the store:

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box Messenger Bag
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook Messenger Bag

Were these designs that sold out?

Thanks, and look forward to seein' folks next week!

So I was browsing Amazon (yay Gift Card + preorder of Crimson Throne AP!), when I stumbled upon what appears to be a fake version of the Pathfinder ACG app.

It was only uploaded a couple weeks ago, and the Icon, Screenshots, Description, and other information all appear to be straight out of the Pathfinder Adventures App. JM/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1473955822&sr=8-12

It's in the French section, though, so I don't know if Paizo has a different distribution partner for that? ("Express Games Arena", vs. Obsidian)?

If it is a fake, sadly, it appears a couple of customers may have purchased this.

Where Paizo is the IP holder of a lot of the material displayed in the app, this seemed like the kind of thing that Paizo might care about, so I thought I'd post this here in case my suspicions are confirmed and the powers-that-be want to do something about it.

Also, anyone who was unfortunate enough to download the app would miss out on a fun of playing through

half of
the real RotRL AP app, so if any disappointed customers might come here looking for help, hopefully they can be alerted to the fact that they might have grabbed the wrong app and pointed in the right direction (to either the cards or the app.)

Hi all,

I doubt that anyone from the region visits the boards, however here-goes:

I am moving to Fredricton, NB (Canada) this fall, and I am looking for a D&D group in the area. I'm hoping to find a Greyhawk / Forgotten Realms / Homebrew game (because I don't have any Eberron books,) but I'm not picky: a game is a game to me!

Anyway, if anyone knows of a game, or has any suggestions on where to look, I'd really appreciate the heads up!

Just my 2 ep worth,
