
Pivo, Mercurial Scavenger's page

99 posts. Alias of Tenro.


Combat Guide

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About Pivo, Mercurial Scavenger

====================================== EGO ==========================================
Name : Pivo
Player :
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Background : Octopus Uplift (TH p.79)
Faction : Mercurial (EP p.134)
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Birth Gender : male
Real Age : 30
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Credit : 1350 (EP p.137)
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Aptitudes (EP p.122)

Cognition 25
Coordination 20
Intuition 25
Reflex 15
Savvy 5
Somatic 7
Willpower 10
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Reputations (EP p.285)

@-Rep 10
G-Rep 10
I-Rep 15
R-Rep 15
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Motivations (EP p.120)

+Octopus Species Sovereignty
+Uplift Rights
+Morphological Freedom
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Ego Skills (EP p.176)

K Academics : Engineering * COG 75
K Academics : Materials Science * COG 75
K Academics : Physics * COG 75
A Animal Handling SAV 5
A Beam Weapons COO 55 SPE[Lasers]
A Blades SOM 7
A Climbing SOM 27
A Clubs SOM 7
A Control * WIL 10
A Deception SAV 15
A Demolitions * COG 55
A Disguise INT 35
A Flight SOM 7
A Fray REF 60
A Free Fall REF 60
A Freerunning SOM 7
A Gunnery INT 25
A Hardware : Electronics COG 55
A Impersonation SAV 5
A Infiltration COO 30
A Infosec * COG 25
A Interfacing COG 25
A Intimidation SAV 5
A Investigation INT 55
A Kinesics SAV 5
A Kinetic Weapons COO 20
K Language : Korean INT 105
A Navigation INT 55
A Networking : Autonomists SAV 5
A Networking : Criminal SAV 10
A Networking : Ecologists SAV 5
A Networking : Firewall SAV 50
A Networking : Hypercorps SAV 5
A Networking : Media SAV 5
A Networking : Scientists SAV 30
A Palming COO 20
A Perception INT 60
A Persuasion SAV 5
A Pilot : Aircraft REF 35
A Pilot : Groundcraft REF 15
A Pilot : Spacecraft REF 35
A Pilot : Watercraft REF 15
K Profession : Appraisal * COG 65
K Profession : Mining * COG 55
K Profession : Prospecting * COG 35
K Profession : Salvage Ops * COG 75
A Programming * COG 25
A Protocol SAV 5
A Psi Assault * WIL 10
A Psychosurgery INT 25
A Research COG 40
A Scrounging INT 55
A Seeker Weapons COO 20
A Sense * INT 25
A Spray Weapons COO 20
A Swimming SOM 27
A Throwing Weapons COO 55
A Unarmed Combat SOM 7
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Ego Negative traits

Social stigma ego (EP p.151)
Solitary (TH p.93)
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Ego Positive traits

Hardening (TH p.84)
Ambidextrous (EP p.145)
Danger Sense (EP p.145)
Direction sense (EP p.145)
Eidetic Memory Ego (EP p.146)
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Psi Sleights

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Soft Gear

Anonymous Accounts (EP p.330)
Encryption (EP p.331)
Hacking Alert (TH p.140)
(3) Moderate Backup Insurance (EP p.330)
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Standard Muse (EP p.332)

Profession : Accounting(60)
Hardware : Electronics(30)
Academics : Psychology(60)

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Ego Memo

-1 Moxie
Get -1 to your Moxie Stat.

You are immune to stress from the chosen source.

Social stigma
You suffer a -10 to -30 modifier to social skill tests.

Suffer -10 to all Social Skill Tests per 2-hour period (max -30). 6 hours = WIL x 3 Test.

No off-hand modifier
You do not suffer the off-hand modifier.

+10 Surprise tests
Get a +10 modifier on Surprise Tests.

Direction sense
You have a +10 modifier for figuring out complex directions.

+10 [Skill]
+10 to a skills of your choice

+10 [Skill]
+10 to a skills of your choice

+20 Networking [Field]
get a +20 to a Networking Field skill

+10 Deception skill
get a +10 to the Deception skill

+10 Disguise skill
get a +10 on Disguise skill

+10 Free Fall skill
get a +10 to the Free Fall skill

+10 Infiltration skill
get a +10 on Infiltration skill

+10 Swimming skill
Get a +10 on Swimming skill

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====================================== MORPH ========================================
Morph Name : Octomorphs [bio] (EP p.141)
Nickname :
Apparent Age : 0
Morph Gender : male
Location :
Player :
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Morph Negative traits

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Morph Positive traits

Limber II (EP p.146)
Rapid Healer (EP p.147)
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Morph Aptitudes (EP p.122)

Cognition 25 5 30
Coordination 20 5 25
Intuition 25 5 30
Reflex 15 0 15
Savvy 5 0 5
Somatic 7 0 7
Willpower 10 0 10
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Morp Stats (EP p.121)

Damage bonus 1
Death rating 45
Durability 30
Initiative 9
Insanity rating 40
Lucidity 20
Moxie 3
Speed 1
Trauma threshold 4
Wound threshold 6
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Morph Skills (EP p.176)

K Academics : Engineering * COG 75 80
K Academics : Materials Science * COG 75 80
K Academics : Physics * COG 75 80
A Animal Handling SAV 5 5
A Beam Weapons COO 55 60 SPE[Lasers]
A Blades SOM 7 7
A Climbing SOM 27 37
A Clubs SOM 7 7
A Control * WIL 10
A Deception SAV 15 15
A Demolitions * COG 55 60
A Disguise INT 35 40
A Flight SOM 7 7
A Fray REF 60 60
A Free Fall REF 60 60
A Freerunning SOM 7 7
A Gunnery INT 25 30
A Hardware : Electronics COG 55 60
A Impersonation SAV 5 5
A Infiltration COO 30 35
A Infosec * COG 25
A Interfacing COG 25 30
A Intimidation SAV 5 5
A Investigation INT 55 60
A Kinesics SAV 5 5
A Kinetic Weapons COO 20 25
K Language : Korean INT 105 110
A Navigation INT 55 60
A Networking : Autonomists SAV 5 5
A Networking : Criminal SAV 10 10
A Networking : Ecologists SAV 5 5
A Networking : Firewall SAV 50 50
A Networking : Hypercorps SAV 5 5
A Networking : Media SAV 5 5
A Networking : Scientists SAV 30 30
A Palming COO 20 25
A Perception INT 60 65
A Persuasion SAV 5 5
A Pilot : Aircraft REF 35 35
A Pilot : Groundcraft REF 15 15
A Pilot : Spacecraft REF 35 35
A Pilot : Watercraft REF 15 15
K Profession : Appraisal * COG 65 70
K Profession : Mining * COG 55 60
K Profession : Prospecting * COG 35 40
K Profession : Salvage Ops * COG 75 80
A Programming * COG 25
A Protocol SAV 5 5
A Psi Assault * WIL 10
A Psychosurgery INT 25 30
A Research COG 40 45
A Scrounging INT 55 60
A Seeker Weapons COO 20 25
A Sense * INT 25
A Spray Weapons COO 20 25
A Swimming SOM 27 57
A Throwing Weapons COO 55 60
A Unarmed Combat SOM 7 7
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[kinetic] Beak/Claw DV: 1d10 AP : 0 (EP p.141)
[energy] Plasma Cutter DV: 2d10+8 AP : 8 (GC p.159)
[energy] Laser Pulser DV: 2d10 AP : 0 (EP p.338)
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Bioweave Armor Light (Implant) Kin: 3 Ene: 2 (EP p.302)
Standard Vacsuit Kin: 7 Ene: 7 (EP p.333)
Stasis Module see memo (RW p.191)
Kin: 10 Ene: 9
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Saucer (EP p.346)
Speck (EP p.346)
Zephyr (GC p.163)
Ecto (EP p.325)
Smart Anchors (RW p.193)
Solar Recharger (GC p.155)
Spare Morph (GC p.151)
Standard Batteries (GC p.155)
Survival Belt (GC p.159)
Utilitool (EP p.326)
Viewers (EP p.326)
Wireless Energy Transmitter (GC p.155)
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360 degree vision (EP p.311)
Basic Biomods (EP p.300)
Basic Mesh Inserts (EP p.300)
Beak/Claw (EP p.141)
Chameleon Skin (EP p.303)
Cortical Stack (EP p.300)
Ink Attack (EP p.142)
Medichines (EP p.308)
Echolocation (EP p.301)
Polarization vision (PAN p.148)
Enhanced Vision (EP p.301)
Bioweave Armor Light (EP p.302)
Radiation Sense (EP p.306)
T-Ray Emitter (EP p.306)
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Morph Memo

+10 Climbing skill
get a +10 to the Climbing skill

+30 Swimming skill
get a +30 to the Swimming skill

+5 Coordination
get a +5 bonus on Coordination

+5 Intuition
get a +5 bonus on Intuition

+5 [Aptitude]
+5 to one aptitude of your choice

8 Arms
Your morph has eight arms, which is kinda cool.

+20 on flexibility tests
+20 modifier to escaping from bonds, fitting into narrow confines, and other acts relying on contortion or flexibility

Fast Healing
Reduce the timeframes for healing by half.

Chameleon Skin
Get a +20 modifier to Infiltration Tests to avoid being seen or noticed, as long as you are stationary.

Ignore 1 wound modifier
Ignore the -10 modifier from 1 wound.

Good vision
+20 modifier to all Perception Tests involving vision.

Radiation Sense
You sense the presence and approximate source of all forms of dangerous radiation.

Stasis Module Mod
Enter in stasis if your Durability drops below a pre-set threshold.

Survival Belt
Basic Tool Kit (p. 326, EP) - Breadcrumb Positioning System (p. 332, EP) - Electronic Rope (10 meters) (p. 332, EP) - Emergency Rations (p. 158) - Filter Straws (3) (p. 159) - Flashlight (p. 333, EP)
Flex Cutter (p. 334, EP) - 2 Nanobandages (p. 333, EP) - Solar Recharger (p. 155) - Radio Booster (p. 314, EP) - Recon Hopper (p. 161) or Recon Flyer (p. 161) - Repair Spray (p. 333, EP) - Utilitool (p. 326, EP) - Viewers (p. 326, EP)

Get a +10 modifier to skills involving repairing or modifying devices with mechanical parts, opening locks, disarming alarm systems, or performing first aid.

Get a +30 bonus to all Perception Tests involving vision or hearing for the target they are aimed at.

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