
Phoenix Holt's page

78 posts. Alias of Samuel Stone.

Full Name

Nicolas "Phoenix" Holt


Human (Chelaxian)






Desna, Gozreh, Nethys, Zohls


Common, Polyglot, Draconic, Abyssal, Celestial, Tian, Akklo

Strength 7
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 20
Wisdom 10
Charisma 8

About Phoenix Holt

Nicolas “Phoenix” Holt
Middle-Aged Male Human (Chelaxian), Conjurer (Teleportation) 2
NG Medium humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +5 (+7 with Familiar [Alertness])
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 16 (1d6+3, +6/level [+7 if favored])
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Quarterstaff -1 (1d6-2/x2)
Light Crossbow +3 (1d6/19-20)
Spells Prepared (CL 1st; Concentration +9)
1st-Mage Armor, Summon Monster I, Color Spray (DC 16, 2), Snapdragon Fireworks
0 (at will)- Dancing Lights, Acid Splash, Daze (DC 15), Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation
Specialization Conjuration; Opposition Schools Necromancy, Divination
Str 7, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats Spell Focus (Conjuration), Scholar (+2 Arcana and Planes), Scribe Scroll
Traits Riftwarden Orphan (+2 Concentration), Eyes and Ears of the City (+1 Perception, Class Skill)
Skills Diplomacy +2, Knowledge (Arcana) +11, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (Engineering) +9, Knowledge (Geography) +9, Knowledge (History) +9, Knowledge (Local) +9, Knowledge (Nature) +9, Knowledge (Nobility) +9, Knowledge (Planes) +11, Knowledge (Religion) +9, Perception +5, Spellcraft +10, Survival +1
Languages Common, Polyglot, Draconic, Abyssal, Celestial, Tian
SQ Arcane Bond (thrush familiar)
Combat Gear crossbow bolts (15), haramaki; Other Gear candle, trail rations (5), ink, inkpen (2), paper (20), waterskin, spellbook, 20gp, 97sp, 18cp
Spellbook All 0-level spells, grease, summon monster I, mage armor, obscuring mist, color spray, silent image, vanish, protection from evil, mount, snapdragon fireworks
Shift (Su): At 1st level, you can teleport to a nearby space as a swift action as if using dimension door. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You must be able to see the space that you are moving into. You cannot take other creatures with you when you use this ability (except for familiars). You can move 5 feet for every two wizard levels you possess (minimum 5 feet). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. (8/day)
Heart of the Wilderness (Racial Trait): Humans raised in the wild learn the hard way that only the strong survive. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their character level on Survival checks. They also gain a +5 racial bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize when dying and add half their character level to their Constitution score when determining the negative hit point total necessary to kill them. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Nicolas Holt’s parents left him in the care of his uncle, Edric Holt, shortly after the boy was born. Although Nicolas never knew his parents, his uncle would often regale the boy with stories of Valeria Holt, a wizard of some renown and Nicolas’s mother. As Nicolas grew older, Edric’s stories became more and more exaggerated, until the boy’s mother became a veritable storybook hero in his mind. Eager to follow in her footsteps, Nicolas read any arcane tome he could get his hands on, and soon enrolled in the Acadamae. Nicolas had a penchant for finding himself in near death situations. He almost lost his life on five separate occasions in the course of his studies (two imp attacks, one magic duel, one summoned monster mishap, and one incident involving a poorly placed grease spell and a long flight of stairs), and earned the nickname “Phoenix Holt” (oft shortened to “Nix”) due to his ability to rise up from each incident with renewed vigor.

After graduating at a relatively young age, Nix joined the Pathfinder Society in hopes of growing in knowledge and fame. One fateful trip took him deep into the Mwangi Expanse to the city of Nantambu. Due to the heat, Phoenix had removed his shirt, and his birthmark – three spirals that lay directly above his heart – was plainly visible. Aya Allahe, a local merchant of great wealth and influence, recognized the mark as the Sign of the Seeker’s Spiral, a sign that was seen rarely on sons or daughters of Riftwardens with great destinies. Eager to both enhance the Chelaxian’s knowledge to prepare him for whatever lay before him and to promote Nantambu as a cultural haven, Aya insisted that Phoenix be enlisted in the Magaambya. There, Phoenix learned greater arcane theory, but more importantly, he learned patience and virtue. When he left the academy, he found that he no longer retained his boyish dreams of glory and heroics, but instead wished to simply make a positive impact on the world.

Unfortunately, while Phoenix learned ancient secrets in the Magaambya, Edric Holt enrolled in the Fourth Crusade, where the older man ultimately lost his life to a demon attack. Phoenix, being somewhat unreachable, did not learn of his uncle’s death until long after the fact; although his uncle had stopped sending letters, Phoenix attributed it to Edric’s general disdain for writing over talking face-to-face. Nix returned to Kenabres to visit his uncle’s grave, and has been living there for several years, hoping to hone his magic to a point where he can make an impact in the long stand-off with the demons of the Worldwound.


Phoenix Holt looks exceedingly ordinary. He stands at the average height of 5' 10", has an average face that seems at once recognizable and forgettable, and has an average hair color of mud with a few flecks of gray, which he wears at average length. Perhaps the most extraordinary thing about Nix is how terribly ordinary he looks.

Phoenix does have one unusual feature, however. On his left breast, he bears a birthmark that resembles three spirals that meet directly superficial to his heart.