Kaptra Dorethain

Phalia's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Rhalia 002.


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Greetings all,

Had a blast checking out the playtest at GenCon but noticed something likely unintended.

Area Fire/Auto-Fire weapons don't care about the proficiency of the user, just the users Class DC. Which means that anyone can pick up a Flamethrower and use it effectively (Which is what Chk Chk did, metal!)

Not sure this is intended as, this would mean over the long term that Witchwarpers and Mystics Area DCs are just as good as Soldier. Seems weird.

Probably needs to use something like a Weapon Attack DC (not currently a thing but would be easy to use).

Grand Lodge


My party druid just got the ability to be size Large.

I can't seem to find any rules on how his size works in a smaller space during combat. Is there guidance on what happens when he goes from medium to large in a 5' wide hallway?
