About Petvar TarmikosPetvar was born the son of a taxidermist in Kaer Maga. Trained under his father, Petvar learned everything about how the creatures were killed, what parts of the body were important to survival and death. However, Petvar did not have the patience that the trade required. Petvar would rather play with swords and pretend to be the rescueing hero. Petvar’s parents weren’t poor, and they allowed him to learn the art of swordplay. But they always thought he would continue his father’s business. Not wanting to be a taxidermist and desiring to get out from under his father, Petvar joined the city militia. He thought that this would give him the opportunity he needed to get a fresh start and use his skills as a swordsman. Petvar talents were soon recognized and he was asked to join a special operations unit of the city militia. It was here that he was taught that not everything rests peacefully after it dies. Petvar’s unit was in charge of eradicating any undead threat to the city. PERSONAL INFO:
Human Male Urban Ranger 1 NG; Deity: Pharasma; Age: 23 Height: 5'9"; Weight: 182lb; Eyes: Green; Hair: Brown STATS:
STR 16 DEX 17 CON 11 INT 10 WIS 13 CHA 10 DEFENSE:
Init +3 (+5 if in Kaer Maga) AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +3 Dex, +1 Dodge) hp 24 (2d10) (+1 favored class bonus) Fort 3,Ref 6,Will 2 OFFENSE:
Speed 30’ Melee longsword +6 (1d8+3/19-20) or longsword +4 (1d8+3/19-20) and shortsword +4 (1d6+3/19-20), morningstar +6 (1d8+3) or morningstar +4 (1d8+3) and light hammer +4 (1d4+3) Ranged shortbow +6 (1d6/x3) Special Attacks Favored Enemy: Undead (+2) STATISTICS:
BAB +3; CMB +6,CMD 20 Feats Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium), Dodge, Double Slice, Martial Weapon Proficiency (All), Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency (All), Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting Traits Anatomist, Militia Veteran (Kaer Maga): Survival Skills Climb +8, Disable Device +8, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (Geography) +5, Knowledge (Local) +6 (+8), Perception +7 (+9), Stealth +8 (+10), Survival +8 (+10) Combat Gear Light Hammer, Longsword, Morningstar, Shortbow (w/Arrows x35), Shortsword Gear Backpack, Buckler, Candle x5, Map Case, Explorer's Outfit, Flint and Steel, Grappling Hook, Holy Water, Hooded Lantern, Oil x3, Belt Pouch, Hemp Rope (50'), Sealing Wax, Studded Leather, Thieve's Tools, Waterskin, Whetstone SPECIAL ABILITIES:
Favored Community: Kaer Maga (Ex) At 3rd level, the urban Ranger forms a bond with a community. While inside the limits of this community, he gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (local), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks. An urban Ranger traveling through his favored community leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (although he may leave a trail if he so desires). At 8th level, and every five levels thereafter, an urban Ranger may select an additional favored community. In addition, at each such interval, the skill bonus and initiative bonus in any one favored community (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by +2. For the purposes of this ability, a community is any settlement consisting of 100 or more individuals. The community may be larger than this minimum. Outlying farms, fields, and houses are not considered part of a community. This ability replaces favored terrain. Favored Enemy: Undead (Ex) Gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of selected type. Likewise, he gains a +2 to attack and damage rolls against creatures of selected type. Track +1; A ranger adds, half his level to Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks. Trapfinding Wild Empathy (Ex) +3; A character can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. The character rolls 1d20 and adds her class level and her Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check. XP:
5133 .
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