Sandpoint Cleric

Petru Markhu's page

3 posts. Alias of Sir Jolt.


Congrats everyone! I enjoyed creating Petru and hope to be able to use him in the future.

Double-checked everything just to make sure there aren't any errors and I don't see anything so I'm fairly happy with my submission as is.

I was deliverately vague on appearance only because most players will associate what you look like with your avatar anyways. So I'll just go and add that Petru looks pretty much like his avatar (this makes him look older than his listed age but that actually fits his background).

Also, just wanted to say good luck to everyone, I really enjoyed some of your stories. I don't envy DM Hamied this decision; almost every class available has been submitted.

Alias of Sir Jolt here. My submission is complete (Wildblood Sorcerer). Click on the character profile for character sheet, backstory and question answers.

I made up the story as I typed it so if I've forgotten anything, need to change something for game reasons or whatever, just let me know!

DM Hamied:
I should mention that I will be attending GenCon this year and will be out of town from Aug. 3-7. I may still have computer access during that time so it might not be an issue but I can't 100% guarantee that and thought I should mention it now. If this occurs, will it be a problem? I have no issue with my character being botted by you or another palyer should it be required (which it may not but I won't know for sure until I get there). Worst case, I can use my phone though it's very slow to handle Paizo's website. If this is completely unacceptable I understand and will withdraw my submission. Otherwise, I'm EST (GMT +5) and usually have no trouble posting multiple times a day.