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324 posts. Organized Play character for grimdog73.


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Cory Stafford 29 wrote:

Slayer's dish out a lot of damage via studied target and sneak attack plus can get nice ranger fighting style feat trees and some very cool talents. Student of war seem lackluster in comparison.

I agree damage wise, the slayer will gain more with the sneak attack damage and the ranger fighting style feat tree assists with the feats.

However, I wouldn't agree on the talents besides the ranger style tree. I feel most of the talents are mediocre at best. I wish there were more unique talents.

As well, I think its interesting the student of war is able to use intelligent in its class features. As well, shrugging off magical effects is helpful, and the stances provide different bonuses. But, I do agree they should have done a better job at the higher level abilities like Telling blow. I feel that ability was slapped on lol.

Cory Stafford 29 wrote:
There is really no reason to go into student of war. It's a downgrade from single classed slayer.

Interesting. Can you elaborate in more detail? I appreciate the insight.

Woodoodoo wrote:
Honestly I wouldn't go slayer unless I was going with 7 levels Swift study is just that good. Also going to be super awkward to spend two move actions in a row to study on top of the three swifts for kirin style.

Right, I agree that my action economy will be a challenge to work with. However, I believe my DM will allow me to use standard and move actions in place of swift actions.

Also, if I went for slayer 7. It would be nice to have a swift action studied target, but that would push my level progression quite further down.

Gilfalas wrote:

Couple small problems:

Your dex is too low to qualify for Double Slice and Two Weapon Rend. While you can get the TWF feats with Ranger Style and bypass their requirements you still need to qualify to take the other feats.

As lemeres has pointed out. I will be taking Artful Dodge feat for the prerequisites for the prestige class, but it also helps me with my two weapon fighting feats.

avr wrote:

Does it have to be human? An elf (or half-elf with an alt racial trait) could go for Elven Battle Focus and get int to damage that way. The advantage is that it doesn't take 3 swift actions to set up like ki-rin strike. To use TWF with that feat would probably require you to get Possessed Hand & Hand's Autonomy admittedly.

If you're going to go with ki-rin strike you probably want Combat Style Master so that you can cut the number of swift actions required to set it up down to 2.

I agree, if I can fit room for Combat Style Master then that would be helpful for the actions. However, I would stick with human instead of elf. Since the Elven Battle Focus feat replaces your existing damage modifier with Int and does not add to it.

nicholas storm wrote:
Slayer studied target goes to +2 at level 5. Seems like a shame to stop at level 4.

I agree :(. However, I believe the dip into Brawler will benefit me more in the long run, right?

lemeres wrote:
Darkghost316 wrote:
As well, i want the character to use two weapons but any combination works i suppose for the character. However, i have read the brawlers flurry and i think you are mistaken. The brawlers flurry works only with unarmed strikes and the close fighting weapon group.....which I have read not to have any two handed weapons in the group.

Well, there are heavy shields and bayonets in the close weapon group. Which are.... yeeeeeah.....

But more importantly, the flurry can also work with monk weapons. Since you are grabbing a class with martial weapons, you get a handful of them, including the nine ring sword and the Sansetsukon (a nunchuk staff thing; mostly notable for being a 1d10, 19-20/x2, bludgeoning weapon).

Thanks for that information, but I won't be able to qualify for the other two weapon fighting feats down the road.

Also this character will be an ex Roman soldier/gladiator. That is the reason I went Gladius, but maybe I could do a longsword and treat it as a spatha.

lemeres wrote:

What is the brawler level for?

And while on the topic of brawler.... are you tied to having two weapons, or just getting the number of attacks coming from two weapons?

This is important, since a second level of brawler gives you its flurry attack. This is a weird upgrade to TWF as long as you meet the rles- you can flurry with a single weapon two handed, which can give two handed power attack (x3 power attack total across both 'hands').

A consideration in the opposite direction comes from the fact that slayers can do study target as a swift action at level 7. This would both allow you a decent and consistent attack bonus, as well as bonuses to a lot of social skills.

The reason why I am going into brawler is to get improved unarmed strike to qualify for the kirin style chain.

As well, i want the character to use two weapons but any combination works i suppose for the character. However, i have read the brawlers flurry and i think you are mistaken. The brawlers flurry works only with unarmed strikes and the close fighting weapon group.....which I have read not to have any two handed weapons in the group.

Hi all,

I am starting a new campaign and I wanted to try a smart warrior build. As well, make him a two weapon warrior like a gladiator. Therefore, I was thinking the student of war would fit the bill.

Here are the stats. As well, all pathfinder content is avaliable.

Level 2 human Slayer

Str 18
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 16
Wis 12
Cha 7

My plan is to go as the following slayer4/brawler1/SoW10.

Slayer 1 - skill focus(Knowledge), combat expertise
Slayer 2 - slayer talent(ranger style[two weapon fighting])
Slayer 3 - iron will
Slayer 4 - slayer talent(combat trick[artful dodge])
Brawler 1 - toughness, improved unarmed strike(free)
Student of war 2 - improved two weapon fighting, bonus feat(kirin style)
Student of war 4 - kirin strike
Student of war 5 - double slice
Student of war 6 - two weapon rend

So basically im going to focus on my abiltiies to boost my attack and damage with studied target and combat feats from martial flexibility.

As well, focusing on knowledges for know your enemy ability and for the kirin style chain. As well i took focused study for the alternate race trait.

I will be using two Gladius as my weapons or should i go longsword and Gladius instead? What are your thoughts on the build? Is it efficient enough to do the job as a frontliner?

Thanks for any input, i appreciate it.

@Avr - I got trapfinding because right now I am the only rogue like character to disarm magical traps and so forth, but I know what you mean lol. I was thinking of sticking to a big weapon like an axe instead of two weapon fighting. Because an axe speaks to me as a weapon a dwarf pirate would wield.

@Rynjin - True I was looking into that fact that I can pass requirement issues with the ranger combat styles and I thought that would be helpful. However, I feel I wouldn't get much return with two weapon fighting because I don't get that much sneak dice right away. I was thinking of going Two handed fighting and going with that combat style for free feats?

@Errant Merc - I never thought about the archetype freebooter for ranger that's very interesting, thanks lol. I don't think I would go wizard or wouldn't fit my concept if I did use the VMC rules.

Also I was thinking a build to make my slayer useful in combat and I was thinking going for an intimidate build with the feats Killing flourish and Gruesome Slaughter. What do you think, are those good feats for a slayer build?

Hi all,

I am playing in a pathfinder game and I built a Dwarf Slayer, Slayer is the new class from ACG. So basically the concept for this character is a pirate. However, I am not sure how to utilize the class for this character. I am not sure if I should go TWF or Two handed weapon. Right now I went with strength and a big weapon. Also our DM gave non casters extra abilities like increase damage dice on category size is one example. Anyway, this is what I have built so far for this character and I am level 4. The DM will allow me to re-change some feats since we are getting use to these new classes. Any advice would be great to fit my pirate concept, thanks .

Dwarf Slayer lvl 4

Str: 20
Dex: 14
Con: 16
Int: 13
Cha: 10

Feats: Improved Initiative, Power attack*, Steel soul
Talents: Trapfinding, combat trick*

Ok cool, thanks. I think so too that Dual Talent is well suited for this role. However, I was wondering in my feat build. Is Bolster Resilience a good feat to take since I can't get fatigue with my Tireless feat from FR or is it not worth it chewing up an extra feat? Does my feat build seem useful or helpful in what I am doing? Thanks

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

I haven't seen AM BARBARIAN so can't comment on that.

Other than that I kinda like the build.

Ok cool thanks. Yeah I was going for a really tough warrior concept that was trained into by slavery, a magic destroyer. So I know you like it, what do you like about it? Also I asked about is dual talent worth it for this kind of build? Or having that extra feat for this build would be better? Because I am not sure lol.

So no advice? I was thinking this worked as an AM BARBARIAN. I read the guide and followed some advice from it. Do you guys think I am on the right track? there something I can improve? Thanks :)

Hi all I am making a tough magic killing character for melee. So the barbarian fit that concept real well. We are using 15 point buy and I debating on how to make this get dual talent for human or keep the skill point and feat? I think I won't be too feat intensive for this build but tell me what you think? Thanks :)

This is what I have currently. So I don't think it would be that feat maybe I might keep dual talent? We are level 5 and I have a forgotten realms feat called Tireless so I can rage hop easier :), I traded my two traits for it.

The stats: for dual talent
str: 19
dex: 14
con: 15
int: 11
wis: 10
cha: 7

the stats: stay normal human
str: 19
dex: 12
con: 15
int: 10
wis: 10
cha: 7

1st Power attack
3rd raging vitality
5th Iron will
7th extra rage power (witch hunter)
9th Bloster resilience or combat reflexes
11th extra rage power( eater of magic)
13th dazing assualt
15th raging brutality

rage powers:
2nd superstition
4th lesser beast totem
6th beast totem
8th spell Sunder
10th greater beast totem
12th come and get me
14th strength surge
16th reckless abandon
18th Ghost rager

Duskblade wrote:

I can assure you that dual talent is actually very worth using depending on your build. After all, if your character doesn't require a lot of feats, you don't really need the bonus feat. In addition, the extra skill point per level won't really matter for a barbarian, but you can always make up for it by putting a 12 in intelligence (I personally find this to be a better option since you also gain an extra language and bonus to your intelligence-based skills).

Two-handed barbarians really don't need a whole lot of feats anyway, but I would strongly recommend using something with a high crit range as your weapon (the nodachi is a personal favorite of mine). Getting improved Crit and power attack, along with raging brutality should help you be a destructive force in battle.

Very true, it does depend if you have a feat intensive build or not. My character concept is that my character isn't a typical barbarian....he's more like a warrior created to be rough and fight magic (hences the superstition rage power tree). He suppose to understand enough and be clever in battle and use his ferocity when he needs to (hence rage).

So here is what I could do if I want to do 15 point buy....i just have to lower my dex by 2....which hurts but maybe not so bad? I always feel like barbarians are fast shock troopers than slow tanks like fighters.

str: 19
dex: 12
con: 15
int: 10
wis: 10
cha: 7

I would have one extra feat and skill points now. So my thought would be that he shrugs of damage and thats why I picked the Invulnerable Rager archetype. I also got the feat Tireless from a 3.5 book as a regional feat so now I can rage hop from level 1. So what other good feats would be good for a shock trooper?

This is what I have currently. So I don't think it would be that feat maybe I might keep dual talent.

1st Power attack
3rd raging vitality
5th Iron will
7th extra rage power (witch hunter)
9th Bloster resilience or combat reflexes
11th extra rage power( eater of magic)
13th dazing assualt
15th raging brutality

rage powers:
2nd superstition
4th lesser beast totem
6th beast totem
8th spell Sunder
10th greater beast totem
12th come and get me
14th strength surge
16th reckless abandon
18th Ghost rager

Crosswind wrote:

In short, no, it's not worth it going dual-talent.

In a point buy system, it's also not really ever worth it to buy a natural 17.

I'd recommend the following stat array:

16 (+2=18)/12/15/10/10/7

You basically drop 2 dex and 1 wisdom from your build. And you're going to get an extra feat, which is SUPER worth it on a barbarian. The skill point, less so, but you can trade that in for Heart of the Fields to allow you to rage cycle 1/day if you'd like.


Yeah you didn't add my points did you? Lol I didn't put a 17 I put a 16 and the reason I have 19 Str is because of my stat bump on level 4.

Also if i had to do 15 point buy minus the dual talent it would be this

Str: 19 (16+2+1)
Dex: 14
Con: 15
Int: 7
Wis: 10
Cha: 7

So i dont want to dump my Int that low =/

@blackbloodtroll: i am stuck with human....come on mage slaying superstition power FTW! :)

blackbloodtroll wrote:

What books are allowed?

What races are allowed?

Most books that are pazio official. Like CRB, APG, UM, UC, ARG, and UE

Hi all, I was making a melee character that will be a human barbarian and we had to use 15 point buy. As of now we are level 5, but I don't want to dump all my stats to 7 and have to roleplay really dumb =/. My concept was that he was enslaved and trained to kill mages and hence he is going the spell rage powers. However, I want him to be clever at least, so I was thinking of going the dual talent trait for humans. Therefore, it could help me with my stats adjustments.

So what do you all think for a melee character stuck with 15 point dual talent worth it for losing the skill point and feat? Thanks for any advice

Here is what I have as of now

Level 5 Human Barbarian

str: 19
dex: 14
con: 15
int: 10
wis: 11
cha: 7

feats: power attack, raging vitality, and open slot(iron will or step up)
rage powers: superstition and lesser beast totem
favor bonus: each point into the superstition power

Also out of the three fighters, one will be an archer and the other is a new player and he might drop we actually have one fighter lol. Also the rogue and ranger are ranged....for the rogue he might go in melee but the player for the ranger said he is all ranged. So i guess i gave my character initailly enough Str to hit or at least provide flanks.

Hey all, thanks for the advice. Very benefical and I will consider it. I did forgot to mention what diety I was following and Meabolex got right on the dot. I am going Cayden Calien and hence the drunken theme....even though all dwarf clerics are drunks, right? Lol

For domains, i was definitely go Travel. I was debating between Good, Strength, and Liberation....but im convince liberation is the best route. Also changing my stats to increase my survivablility is good too, now that i consider it because as long as i can stay up...the longer i can help the party with my abilities. Also i guess extra channel is worth it, especially for low levels.

Hi all, I am making a character to enter a group that consists of 3 fighters, a ranger, a magus, a rogue, and an alchemist. I want to play the role of the support cleric and I was looking for some advice. I have looked through some of the guides for clerics and they definitely give me some insight. Now I want some advice from experience players that have used it or done their own.

My concept is a Dwarf cleric of Cayden Caliaen. He is basically knowledgeable and wise about the course of action and use his divine power to help others. But he loves drinking and the freedom to do what you please lol. So this is what I thought would be a good stat array for him but not sure on what feats to get. Any suggestions?

Thorvin Thunderstriker

(after racial bonuses)
Str: 14
Dex: 12
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 17
Cha: 10

Weapons: Warhammer and battleaxe
Armor: Scalemail and light shield or buckler

Feats: ?? Improved initiative or Toughness or Extra channel

Sad thing, is he thinks the fighter out does the warblade past level 6 in fighting in combat not just damage.

Ok to make this quick, I have a friend that is running a game only in the pathfinder, but he is willing to convert some 3.5 material. I asked him if the warblade would be cool from 3.5. He said yes but will have to convert it.

Now he is doing a pretty big revamp of the warblade class. However, I think the Warblade class is fine as is..........but he said the Fighter can outdo the Warblade by level 6 and he thinks the Warblade needs readjusting to fit in the pathfinder system.

What do you all think, is the fighter than much powerful than the warblade in the pathfinder system?

I want to say thanks for the advice so far, I appreciate it. However, I notice some posts aren't actually answering what I am asking. So to clarify some things, this is what I am trying to accomplish.

15 point buy this is the point buy I need to use for my stats NOT anything else.

My character is base off a concept of mine and I want him to be a caster focused mage(wiz or sor) but can be able to fight when he has to. Also he will be human nothing else.

Therefore, I am still debating what spellcaster class to use, wizard or sorcerer. Also this is why I am asking, should I just focus on Int and don't have to worry about physical stats to fight because I can use my form spells to help out? Or should I distribute my stats more evenly to help me when I get into combat? That is why I am asking if I should go the normal model or get that regional feat for the proficiencies?

Thanks, hopefully that clears things up.

Ok, it would fit my concept to have that level one fighter in my build but I definitely will be a wizard that can fight, and not a fighter that cast spells. So I guess I should build him like this?

Human Fighter1/Transmuter2

Str: 14
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 15
Wis: 8
Cha: 8

Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Spellcasting Prodigy, and Toughness.

Traits: Magical Knack and (Eyes and ears of the city)

My next level up point will go to Int and I will use my Transmuter ability to enhance my Str.

Gambit wrote:
Darkghost316 wrote:
Helaman wrote:

I am not familiar with the 'militia regional feat' - it sounds quite powerful that it gives all the Martial Weapons for a feat.

That said? Fighter(or ranger, or Cavilier, not a bad option) at level 1 and then Wiz 5, EK to 10 seems to be the standard model for a wizard who can fight as opposed to a Magus which is a fighting wizard.

Here check it out. it's for real broski.

Militia Feat

Right I agree, that is the standard model...ftr1/wiz5/EK10. However, is it better to skip the fighter level since I have this feat??

This is just personal opinion, but that feat (used to as a prereq to enter EK) is all kinds of cheesy. Drop the feat, pick up something useful, bite the bullet, and take 1 level in fighter to qualify.

Alternately you could go over the top cheese since the Players Guide to Faerun has the Incantatrix PrC (take 10 levels for I WIN) and the Persistent Spell feat (good morning 24 hour buff spells)....breakin da game, breakin da game. (DONT DO THIS)

I don't think we can use the Prc classes in the book or feats. Only the equipment and regional feats are allowed. So I was thinking militia would be good because I only lose one caster level, right? Also how about the Arcane/Sage bloodline for a sorcerer build instead of a wizard. Would that be more helpful for a EK build?

Helaman wrote:

I am not familiar with the 'militia regional feat' - it sounds quite powerful that it gives all the Martial Weapons for a feat.

That said? Fighter(or ranger, or Cavilier, not a bad option) at level 1 and then Wiz 5, EK to 10 seems to be the standard model for a wizard who can fight as opposed to a Magus which is a fighting wizard.

Here check it out. it's for real broski.

Militia Feat

Right I agree, that is the standard model...ftr1/wiz5/EK10. However, is it better to skip the fighter level since I have this feat??

Reynard_the_fox wrote:
If you're going to fight, you need some strength, lol. An int of 14 or 15 is plenty to start - just focus on buffs and battlefield control, stuff that doesn't allow saves. There's no difference between a 14 int buff and an 18 int buff, and if you try to be good in combat AND save or suck spells, you'll get neither. Start with at least 16 strength.

He will focus on casting primary and combat secondary. So I was thinking of buffing or using the transmuter ability to buff my Str when I need to. If I go strength 16, that would be pretty harsh on all the other stats, don't you think?

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Which Wizard spells are you looking to have that a Witch does not?

Also, never let the name of your class define you.
A Witch might as well be a Wizard in Faerun.

True, I agree. The hexes are nice but not what I am looking for and I like the specialist feel of the wizard for the bonus spell slot.

For spells, the Witch doesn't have shield, haste, fireball, resist energy, form of the (dragon, undead, and gaint). You can get them but only through patron so that still makes you miss quite of bit. There are more but I don't remember on top of my head.

Kat Tenser wrote:

sounds like you want an Eldritch Knight. Lore Warden 1/Wizard 5/ EK 10/ Wizard 4.

9th level spells, 16 BAB, Some bonus fighter feats... You should do alright. People will tell you EK sucks... and it does, during the first few levels. by level 10 though, you should start to come into your own.

Focus on buffs and utility spells, and let your wizard/sorcerer use their battlefield control spells and save or dies.

Right I was thinking the same thing :). However, should I take a level in fighter? Because I get proficiency in all MW with the militia feat, so now I can directly go into EK without skipping another CL before going into it. Is it better to use my regional feat on something else?

Bertious wrote:

Are all the Forgotten Realms feats available? I ask because you seem to be using the regional feats from the books. If so i would look at Carmendine Monk from Champions of Valor and Go Sohei Monk 1 Transmuter 5 then EK.

No, only the Forgotten Realms Campaign book and the Player's guide to Fauren book are being used.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Why not Witch?

The Scarred Witch Doctor is a constitution based spellcaster.
With the Racial Heritage(Orc) feat, a human can take levels in the class.
Take the Prehensile Hair Hex, and you have a natural attack based off of constitution.

Well I have seen that type of option. It sounds good, but I actually like the concept and flavor of the wizard over the witch. Also the witch doesn't get all the spells like a wizard/sorcerer.

Robb Smith wrote:
So I was thinking of getting the militia regional feat (...)
Also only Pathfinder books are allowed.

... My brain hurts.

Honestly, if you want to play a "wizard who can fight", play a magus.

Sorry for not clarifying. I know i can go Magus and its a good class. However, it doesnt fit my concept because i want to access 9th level spell and sadly Magus doesnt get all the gems of the wizard spell list and they stop at level 6 for spells.

Hi all, I have been wanting to make a transmuter wizard to be able to do all the cool mage tricks (like Blasting, BFC, Utility, Debuffing, and Buffing), but also able to fight back when he has to. I remember in 3.5 the polymorph spells were pretty powerful to help you out there.

However, this is a Pathfinder game and sadly all the polymorph spells are not as powerful in giving you the smack down you need when you need it. So my question is what would be a good build for a wizard that can fight? My concept is based off the fact that this guy didn't know magic and he was actually going to be a militiamen. However, during an attack he realized he could do magic and then continued to pursue in training for it after the incident.

So would a full normal transmuter Wizard succeed at this? Or would a Wizard/Eldritch Knight be better to portray this?

We are playing a forgotten realms campaign. So I was thinking of getting the militia regional feat to get proficiency in all MW to portray his little time in training to be a militiamen and I can enter EK asap after level 6 from wizard. Either case I am going for the militia feat to portray his background and flavor.

We are level 3 as of now and using 15 pt buy. Also only Pathfinder books are allowed. Here are the two builds I thought of. Tell me what would be better for a Wizard that can fight. Thanks all.

Human Transmuter 3 (all wizard til 20)

Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 17
Wis: 10
Cha: 8

Feats: additional traits( eyes & ears of the city, reactionary), toughness, and Spellcasting Prodigy. Regional feat: Militia


Human Transmuter 3 (after level 6 of wizard will go into EK)

Str: 12
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 16
Wis: 10
Cha: 8

Feats: Feats: additional traits( eyes & ears of the city, magical knack), toughness, and Spellcasting Prodigy. Regional feat: Militia

Skylancer4 wrote:
Darkghost316 wrote:
Is Warmind the PrC class worth taking to be more of a melee character or is full Psychic Warrior better to fit the melee role?
Haven't looked at it since pfrpg rewrite, but in 3.5 there was an amazing ability for some builds, I think it was sweeping strikes. You could choose an adjacent square and use your attack roll to hit creatures in that square as well. If that still remains, there are definite possibilities.

Yes I think the Warmind Prc gets that ability around the higher levels. I'm not sure how it works, is it basically like cleave?

This what I thought of as a character with 15 point buy

Level 3 Half Gaint Psychic Warrior

Str: 17 (+2 racial)
Dex: 12 (-2 racial)
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 14 (+2 racial)
Cha: 7

Just not sure what feats and psychic powers would be good for a main melee tank character. Also would the Prc Warmind help that type of character concept?

Is Warmind the PrC class worth taking to be more of a melee character or is full Psychic Warrior better to fit the melee role?

I notice the addition to the psionic classes to the pathfinder game from the psionic unleashed book. So I was wondering is the psychic warrior good as the main melee of the group? Or does it suffer too much from the 3/4 bab and d8 hit die. Does the Warmind PrC class try to mitigate that loss and gives it some nice abilities or is it not worth it? What kind of build would be efficient in providing melee power in a group? Thanks

WerePox47 wrote:
Your build is pretty solid imo... I assume your leaning towards the crit feat chains after 10th? I would have suggested the lore warden for a tripper or disarmer, but with the low int thats out the door. THF is great sustained damage so i doubt ull be disappointed in that department. Trait wise i would suggest indomitable will for an extra +1 to will saves and prob reactionary for +2 intitiative, but there are several others that are good as well.. And i realize u dont wanna play a barb, but ur wrong about them droppin off at later levels and theres more good rage powers that can be picked without erp feat, which i suggest at least twice. im pretty sure i could put tg a optimized barb build that would out dpr any fighter build put up against it.. But thats another story. Gl with ur character..

Yes, I am going for the critical feat chain. I'm thinking bleeding critical, staggering critical, and stunning critical. Also I never said the barbarian loses power in higher levels. I just mean as for myself, since I have played one. Their main power is their rage and its good. I did like and think they are more versatile with their skills and rage powers. From beast totem to superstitious the fighter can't reach that. Its just that I hate DMs always putting the barbarian in a stereotype and I make my barbarians roleplaying with a little more class(pun intended). So thats why I want Fighter, because they can kick ass and take names but come from all walks of life. I just want to be viable in higher levels as well. Is a psychic warrior better for a main melee character than a fighter, I wonder?

I don't really want to go the barbarian route this time. Even though they have some versatility with their skills and rage powers. I played one around 8 or so. I got to say they have power, but it treads off a little in the higher levels, but rage powers are great. Sadly there are only a few that are really good.

Anyway I was thinking and debating whether to go straight fighter or the archetype THF. What I concluded was that the stats I had for a straight fighter was nice but the only thing I'll be missing with the THF route would be normal movement in higher levels which would be nice.

Either way, I will be wearing fullplate and I want to keep consistent damage, so I think I'll the THF route. This what I have came up with. What do you guys think? thanks

level 3 Fighter(THF)

Str: 18 (+2 racial)
Dex: 12
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 8

Feats: Improved initiative, power attack, iron will, weapon focus(falchion), toughness

Also there is a houserule in that we can take two traits or one regional feat from the player's guide to fauren book. Whats good to get a regional feat or two traits?

Justin Ricobaldi wrote:
Darkghost316 wrote:
Also is the Two-Handed Fighter archetype worth it?

Yes. A member in a party I was with wielded a Great Sowrd. He always struck for 4d6+15 points of damage and would crit for 6d6+30. Lol, being level 7. :D

But yeah, thf brings a lot fo damage to the table. Alternatively polearms are also very good, along with the pole-arm master architype. That way you could net enemies as well with superior reach if you are he only front line fighter.

side not question: 15 point build with slow character progression? How is that working out? I have yet to play with either of those point build cost or exp prgression track.

For your question, 15 point buy I have never tried, but the slow progression is a little rough. Since we don't meet very often, it takes a lot longer to level up and so you appreciate each level you gain something lol. How did your friend do 4d6+15?

wraithstrike wrote:
Darkghost316 wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Two-Handed Fighter archetype is the first step. Falchion is the weapon of choice. Human is the race.

What is allowed?

what is allowed? like in books? I posted it.... -_- lol. Core, UC, UM, APG, and the Forgotten realms campaign book.

Also is the Two-Handed Fighter archetype worth it? the double damage from the 3rd level and 7th level is great. Also the 100% for power attack is awesome as well, but the rest of the abilities not so much. And losing armor training kinda sucks =/. The reduce armor check and normal movement is actually pretty nice.

If you are going with a crit range weapon the weapon master archetype is nice, but you have to play to higher levels to get the most out of it.

Taking the critical based feats helps also.

What level do you think the game will end at?

True I have seen the weapon master archetype looks good for critical feat based character. For what level we might end, it depends. I can see this campaign going for up to level 20. So weapon master or Two handed fighter? Also should I dump my dex to 13 and bump my wis to 12, since I won't be getting armor training after all(tear) lol.

Also what are THE good critical feats to take, if I go falchion?

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Mithral heavy armor. The Raging Brutality feat will add additional damage as well.

True that would make it to medium for movement, but that depends if I ever get that type of armor and waiting for a long time like that would suck =/. We are going the slow progression lol and that would be a while away. Is the Two Handed fighter archetype the only viable way for a fighter to fight well with two handed weapons?

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Post 7th, go barbarian.

So...lose the normal movement and reduction to armor check, but gain the double Str damage to attacks and when I hit level 8 go the rest with barbarian?

wouldn't that not help really besides the damage boost from Rage? I mean the barbarian movement and so forth depends on medium armor and less, but I'll be wearing heavy armor instead and that negates some of the barbarians good abilities.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Two-Handed Fighter archetype is the first step. Falchion is the weapon of choice. Human is the race.

What is allowed?

what is allowed? like in books? I posted it.... -_- lol. Core, UC, UM, APG, and the Forgotten realms campaign book.

Also is the Two-Handed Fighter archetype worth it? the double damage from the 3rd level and 7th level is great. Also the 100% for power attack is awesome as well, but the rest of the abilities not so much. And losing armor training kinda sucks =/. The reduce armor check and normal movement is actually pretty nice.

Hi all, I am making a Fighter that will wield a Two-Handed weapon. In the last game session I was a human magus and I got cleaved in half by a confirmed critical from a barbarian =/. Sadly that character was awesome with stats and background but he's dead now.

So now I have to build a new character with 15 point buy and since we had no front line fighter, might as well make a fighter :). I like two handed weapons for their damage and I will go that route. So what feats are good for a fighter of this type? Also what good archetypes could I use or should I stay vanilla fighter? I can use Core, UC, UM, APG, and some forgotten realms books from 3.5. Also I will be level 3 and will have WBL of that level.

I was thinking stats like this: Str: 17 Dex: 14 Con: 14 Int: 10 Wis: 10 Cha: 8

Also whats better as a race Human or Half-Elf? We are using the slow progession, so maybe Human would ease the pain for feats and skill ranks? Thanks for any advice, hopefully this guy will survive the horrors :).

Wasum wrote:
Actually there's more important stuff to spend your feats on. Especially if you want to be awesome!

Hmmm...thanks for the advice, but could you put some reason behind it and detail, I would appreciate it. Also thats what I'm trying to find out.

calagnar wrote:
Darkghost316 wrote:

hmmm true I thinking having one debuff would be good to have to affect the weakest save of some creatures. Thanks for the advice.

Here are the spells I though of for my level 8 character.
level 0: Create water, detect magic, light, purify food and drink, stabilize, read magic, mending, and spark.
level 1: Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon, and Bless.
level 2: Lesser Restoration, Grace, and Resist Energy
level 3: Channel Vigor and Invisibility Purge or Display Magic
level 4: Blessing of Fervor

I'm thinking higher levels I would get some of the remove x magic and maybe swapping resist energy for some other spell like instant armor or effortless armor and when I gain a new 3rd spell I can get the communal resist energy. Also I was thinking of waiting to get Divine power at higher level because Divine Favor gives me +3 and it won't be worth getting Divine power until it gives me +4.

Blessing of Fervor and Channel Vigor give you almost the same type of combat bonus. So I wold pick one and stick with it. For 3rd level spells taking Invisibility Purge, and Bestow Curse. Then for your level 8 favored class bonus pick up Blindness/Deafness. For your level 6 favored class bonus pick up hold person. Starting out at level 8 gives you a starting gold of 33,000. So starting with a +1 Spell-storing Great Sword is not a bad idea.

Darkghost316 wrote:

Also since Eldritch Heritage does take a while to get the inherent bonus. What other good feats would be good to get then? How about the intimidate feats? Like Dazzling Display and Intimidating Prowess, so then I can put fear into a lot of enemies? Because I will have high str and cha. Thanks for the advice again I'm really getting into this character and its my first oracle :D.

Also the substitute level bonus for your favor class for human oracles, is getting a spell known at your highest - 1. I mean is that good to get? So I can have more spells known, even if it is a level lower to your


Thanks for the input calagnar, its been really helpful. I agree that Channel Vigor and Blessing of Fervor are similar but I think Channel Vigor can help me out with my weak Fortitude save and it gives other bonuses to skills and Will saves as well. Isn't that good?

Here is the equipment I think Im going for:

Mithral Full plate
+1 greatsword
amulet of NA
bag of holding I
mstrk warhammer
composite longbow (str +5)
belt of mighty Con +2
headband of Cha +2
mstrk heavy shield

Does anybody think those are good items? Also I keep debating about the Tongues curse and Wasting curse. the wasting hurts charisma checks but it provides quite a bit on bonuses against disease, sicken, and nauseated conditions.

Also I was wondering about spells. That lets say I have resist energy for a 2nd level spell. Would it be wise to get the commnual resist energy for 3rd level and then swap the 2nd level spell for something else later when I can. Is that a good idea for all those communal type of spells?

Also for feats, I'm thinking of great fortitude to help my weak save and then maybe courgon smash to intimidate my foes that I hit :). Do those sound good?

Looks interesting, so you want to have a lot of hps, damage reduction, and strength, but you want low ac?

I mean the barbarian already suffers from low ac even with medium armor, so you really don't have to push it but thats your choice. It will come to being hit often to being hit ALL the time lol.

I played a barbarian to level 8 and I made him the tank of the group with the best medium armor I could use and with the help of the rage power "beast totem" for natural armor bonus. From this, our paladin still had better ac than me lol and she was an archer type.

Basically I would recommend better armor, but if that messes up your concept than try to get bracers of armor or something if your concept revolves around him wearing less armor and more linen cloth lol. In the end, the character is going to get hit a lot and might get taken out in a fight too early against bigger opponents. A lot of HP helps out but it is finite resource, but thankfully the DR mitigates it a little. Good luck on it.

However, I have one question whats up with the mix of rage powers? what are you going for? I would recommend the beast totem powers just because of pounce being very useful and the superstitious chain. When you get all those powers from the superstitious chain it fits a barbarian well and it definitely gives them the power to take on magic. its an all or nothing type of chain.

hmmm true I thinking having one debuff would be good to have to affect the weakest save of some creatures. Thanks for the advice.

Here are the spells I though of for my level 8 character.
level 0: Create water, detect magic, light, purify food and drink, stabilize, read magic, mending, and spark.
level 1: Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon, and Bless.
level 2: Lesser Restoration, Grace, and Resist Energy
level 3: Channel Vigor and Invisibility Purge or Display Magic
level 4: Blessing of Fervor

I'm thinking higher levels I would get some of the remove x magic and maybe swapping resist energy for some other spell like instant armor or effortless armor and when I gain a new 3rd spell I can get the communal resist energy. Also I was thinking of waiting to get Divine power at higher level because Divine Favor gives me +3 and it won't be worth getting Divine power until it gives me +4.

Also I'm thinking of getting the tongues curse, it should be good to use and will be funny in battle. When my allies keep getting confused with my celestial language lol.

Also since Eldritch Heritage does take a while to get the inherent bonus. What other good feats would be good to get then? How about the intimidate feats? Like Dazzling Display and Intimidating Prowess, so then I can put fear into a lot of enemies? Because I will have high str and cha. Thanks for the advice again I'm really getting into this character and its my first oracle :D.

Also the substitute level bonus for your favor class for human oracles, is getting a spell known at your highest - 1. I mean is that good to get? So I can have more spells known, even if it is a level lower to your highest you can cast?

@BlueEyedDevil: Right about the domains, hence I rechanged my builds and posted two different kinds. One with cleric and one with oracle. However, I feel the oracle would fit better because we already have a cleric. So I can focus on the battle aspect and a little of the other areas.

For spells, I will definitely get divine favor, divine power, and righteous might I will get for free as an oracle. But the debuffs are hard to choose because I don't have a high charisma to make them work well =/. Grace sounds good and as well instant armor, but the other debuffs I'm not sure about, I think archon aura's works only if they fail and if they hit me it breaks as well?

@TheSideKick: actually I think the inflict spells wouldnt help as much. It would only work on one attack and not when I would do a full attack you know? Also I picked alignment channel for the cleric build, so i could enter the holy vindicator class. But now it is irrelevant because I think the oracle is a better choice for me now as a battle priest :D.

@calagnar: I agree, some debuffs would be good, but wish ones? I'm going oracle, so I don't have a many choices to choose from and my DC won't be that high that the enemy will easily by past it. Some of those spells look greats :D. Like Geniekind, Eaglesoul, and Crusader's edge. However, what kind of debuffs should I get as an oracle if my charisma won't be as high to resist?

Now on a side note, I have decided on going oracle with the build I posted previously. But I notice the human oracle can get a favor bonus in picking spells one level lower than there highest level casted. Thats something right? I could got 10 levels after 10th level to get some more 2nd, 3rd, and 4th spells.

Also I have feats open and I was wondering should I go the Eldritch Heritage route and get up to improve? So then I use the orc or abyssal line powers to give myself inherent Str bonus?

Also whats a good curse for a battle character? Tongues or Haunted?

Also what kind of good spells should I pick besides the obvious buffs spells(divine favor, divine power, and righteous might) for a battle oracle character? Thanks for anymore advice :). I'm more used to wizard and cleric and I'm not use to limited spells =/.

I have been looking through the cleric class and the oracle class to see what I would like more or what I feel would be better in the end and I have to say the oracle looks good. However, these are the two builds I thought of for a battle priest, using cleric as one and the other oracle. I choose the greatsword as my main weapon, I just love using a big friggin sword :D. What do you guys think is a better build? Thanks

Battle Priest(Cleric/Holy Vindicator Build):

Human Cleric 7/Holy Vindicator 1 (travel and strength domains)
Str: 20 (racial +2, +2 level bump)
Dex: 12
Con: 14
Int: 13
Wis: 14
Cha: 10

Weapon: +1 Greatsword +13/+8 2d6+8 19-20/x2
Feats: Improved Initiative(Human), Power attack, Furious Focus, Weapon Focus(Greatsword), Toughness, Alignment channel(bonus feat from houserule)
Ranks: 32
Powers: agile feet, strength surge.

Later, I was thinking of going maybe combat expertise->improved trip because at my 8th power for the strength domain of cleric I get "Might of the Gods" to help with strength checks, is that a good route to go? Also the only think I really like is the "Dimension Hop" from the 8th level power of the travel domain.

Battle Priest(Oracle Build):

Human Oracle 8 (battle)
Str: 20 (racial +2, +2 level bump)
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 14

Weapon: +1 Greatsword +13/+8 2d6+8 17-20/x2
Feats: Improved Initiative(Human), Toughness, Power Attack, Furious Focus, Extra Revelation(War sight), Extra Revelation(Weapon Mastery)[Bonus feat from houserules]
Ranks: 40
Revelations: War Sight, Weapon Mastery(greatsword), Skill at Arms, Surprising Charge, Maneuver Mastery(Improved Trip)

Now, This looks pretty strong and good for a battle priest I have to admit. However, I know I will lose some flexibility, but I keep forgetting we have a dwarf cleric and he focuses on spellcasting. So I just need to figure out what are the best spells for a combat caster and what are good feats for the later levels? Any Advice? Thanks

@Wasum: I have seen the oracle class and i agree they do have some benefits, but I have to wait a level longer for spells and I won't have the flexbility of choosing my spells each day. I actually like the concept of a holy warrior and wanted to go the cleric route because of that. The oracle to me feels less flexible and doesnt have some features I would like. However, thanks I might consider but I really wanted to go cleric, is the new battle priest a oracle and not cleric anymore??

@Archmage Nex: yes, we are continuing from level 8.

@MyTThor: Thanks for the idea of HV and the Inquistor, but honestly I would want to keep my full casting, so I can have the most high level of spells asap. I want to go the cleric route because of that or I would have gone paladin lol. Thanks but cleric is what I want, but if oracle is better than that makes me sad :(.

Also side note should I dump cha to 8 and int to 10, so I can have con 16? I won't be using channels really, hence why no HV because they use the channel ability the most. Thanks, keep it coming :)

Hi all, in a week or so my group will be continuing our pathfinder campaign. we are level 8 right now and until then I was playing the main melee character as a barbarian. However, even with the high BAB, rage powers, and damage he did. I feel I want a change of pace and a touch spell power . So i was thinking of going a battle cleric. I know in 3.5 they were beasts, but can they still be in PF? Right now our group consist of elf wizard, elf paladin(archer), human sorcerer, halfling bard, and dwarf cleric. So I think my concept of a battle cleric would fit well, if I focus on the melee part, but also I would like to keep my wisdom up to get the 9th level spells.

So here is what I thought of, Human Cleric of Gorum. Domains I thought would be good would be War(tactics) and Glory(Heroism). What do you guys think of Ftr1/Clr7? Would that help me more or is full cleric class is better? Well here is what I thought as a build for now. 25 point buy and only pathfinder books allowed.

Human cleric of Gorum level 8
Domains: War(tactics) and Glory(heroism)

Str: 18 (racial +2, +1 level bump)
Dex: 12
Con: 15
Int: 12
Wis: 16 (+1 level bump)
Cha: 10

H. Toughness
1. Heavy Armor Prof.
3. Improved Initiative
5. Power Attack
7. Furious Focus
9. Extend Spell
11. Combat Casting
13. (open)
15. (open)
17. (open)
19. (open)

That is what I came up with. Honestly I'm not sure what other feats to focus on after level 11, More combat or metamagic feats? Also for level stat bumps, I was thinking going Con for level 12 and then Wis for the rest of them. If you have an magic item that boosts your wisdom, that affects what spell level you can cast, correct? Thanks for any advice, I want to be a melee combat beast.

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