Persephone T's page

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About Persephone T

Persephone grew up as a slave in Katapesh, first sold when she was captured from the Brazen Peaks at the age of six. The pesh dealer who bought her didn't realize how good of a deal he'd gotten - Persephone showed no apparent signs of either her genie ancestry or her draconic heritage beyond impressively red hair, but these influences were enough to expand her longevity many times over. Her master passed away of old age when she was still essentially a teenager at 43, and she was once again sent to the Nightstalls' auctions.

But her new master Aelis was not quite what she expected - when she arrived at her new home, Aelis revealed herself as a brass dragon in human guise, and offered Persephone control of her own destiny and a place to stay while she explored what that destiny would be. Persephone accepted, and in gratitude took the Katapeshi word for dragon as her surname. Several years later, Aelis took a consort and laid a clutch of eggs; most of these whelps grew up strong, but one, Shumie, remained stunted and withered, sound of mind but feeble of body.

Shumie longed for the life of interest and adventure his clutchmates got to enjoy, so Persephone decided to depart Katapesh and seek entrance into the Pathfinder Society, with little Shumie in tow. Persephone had found that exposure to Aelis' arcane energy over time had awaken some latent magical ability in her; by adventuring with the Society, she hopes to strengthen that ability enough to find a way to help Shumie grow strong. She also hopes to find out more about her own strange abilities, as she knows little of her heritage or why she can do what she can do beyond Aelis' influence.

Note: Unless otherwise stated, Persephone adventures in her vigilante identity, which is the one that will be publicly associated with the Society. Her social identity will be reserved for times when subtlety is necessary, such as information-gathering.

Persephone Tanin
Ifrit magical child vigilante 1
CG Medium outsider (native), humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
----- Defense -----
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+4 DEX, +3 armor)
hp 10 (1d8+2); fast healing 2 when fire damage taken
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
----- Offense -----
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Machete +4 (1d6+1 fire/19-20 x2)
Ranged Shortbow +4 (1d6/x3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Magical Child Spells (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st (1/day)—grease, mount
0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, light, message
----- Statistics -----
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 14
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Diplomacy +7 (1 rank), Knowledge (arcana) +5 (1 rank), Perception +0 (1 rank), Spellcraft +7 (1 rank), Use Magic Device +7 (1 rank)
Traits Outer Dragon Blood, Freed Slave (Katapesh)
Languages Common, Draconic
Gear studded leather armor (25 gp), 2 machetes (20 gp), shortbow (30 gp), 20 arrows (1 gp), 20 blunt arrows (2 gp), Pathfinder's kit (backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, clay mug, dagger, two fishhooks, flint and steel, sewing needle, signal whistle, 50 feet of string, 50 feet of thread, a week’s worth of trail rations, waterskin, whetstone) (12 gp), familiar satchel (25 gp), 35 gp
----- Special Abilities -----

Racial Abilities:

Brazen Flame An unusual number of ifrits hail from the Brazen Peaks area, home to the remains of Xotani the Firebleeder, and their flames infuse their weapons in mortal combat, rather than protect them or grant spells. An ifrit with this racial trait deals 1 point of fire damage with its melee attacks. This racial trait replaces the energy resistance and spell-like ability traits.
Fire in the Blood Ifrits with this racial trait mimic the healing abilities of the mephits, gaining fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime they take fire damage (whether or not this fire damage gets through their fire resistance). The ifrits can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function. This racial trait replaces fire affinity.
Mostly Human A few ifrits, oreads, sulis, sylphs, and undines have appearances much closer to those of their human ancestors; in fact, they may not even realize their true race. Such geniekin appear to be human, save perhaps minor features like unusual eye color, and they count as humanoid (human) as well as outsider (native) for all purposes (such as humanoid-affecting spells such as charm person or enlarge person). These geniekin do not automatically gain their associated elemental language (but may select it as a bonus language if their Intelligence is high enough). This ability alters the geniekin’s type, subtype, and languages.

Class Abilities:

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A magical child is not proficient with medium armor. She can cast summoner spells (see spellcasting below) while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. This alters the vigilante’s armor and weapon proficiencies.

Spellcasting: A magical child casts arcane spells and cantrips as an unchained summoner. She can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time, assuming she has not yet used up her allotment of spells per day for the spell’s level, and she chooses her spells known from the summoner spell list (she cannot choose spells that would affect an eidolon). A magical child’s selection of spells is extremely limited; use Table 1–5: Summoner Spells Known on page 27 of Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained to determine how many spells the magical child knows at each level. A magical child needs to commune with her animal guide for 1 hour in order to replenish her daily spell slots. This replaces the 4th-, 8th-, 10th-, 14th-, and 16th-level vigilante talents.

Dual Identity (Ex): A vigilante hides his true identity, allowing him to move about social circles and nobility without carrying the stigma of his ruthless actions. In effect, the vigilante has two identities: one is a polite member of society while the other is a skilled and cunning warrior. To keep up this charade, the vigilante usually has two names: his true name, used in polite company, and his vigilante name, used to strike fear in the hearts of those who oppose him. Knowledge checks about one do not reveal information about the other, unless the vigilante’s true identity revealed to the world at large.
The vigilante can start each day in either of his identities, referred to simply as social or vigilante. Changing from one identity to another takes 1 minute and must be done out of sight from other creatures to preserve the vigilante’s secret. Changing identities is more than just changing outfits and clothing (although that is certainly a part of it); the process often also involves applying make-up, altering his hair, and adjusting other personal effects. Furthermore, the change is as much a state of mind as of body, so items such as a hat of disguise and similar spells and effects that change the user’s appearance do not reduce the time required to change identities. Most social talents require the vigilante to be in his social identity, but a vigilante who uses vigilante talents in his social identity risks exposing his secret.
Despite being a single person, a vigilante’s dual nature allows him to have two alignments, one for each of his identities. When in an identity, he is treated as having that identity’s alignment for all spells, magic items, and abilities that rely on alignment. For the purpose of meeting a qualification for a feat, class, or any ability, he is only eligible if both of his alignments meet the requirements. A vigilante’s two alignments cannot be more than one step from each other on a single alignment axis. For example, a vigilante with a lawful neutral social identity could have a vigilante identity that is lawful good, lawful neutral, lawful evil, neutral, neutral good, or neutral evil. If a vigilante is the target of an effect that would change his alignment, it changes both of his alignments to the new alignment.
Any attempts to scry or otherwise locate the vigilante work only if the vigilante is currently in the identity the creature is attempting to locate (or if the creature knows that the two identities are the same individual). Otherwise, the spell or effect has no effect, revealing nothing but darkness, as if the target were invalid or did not exist.

Seamless Guise (Ex): A vigilante knows how to behave in a way that appears perfectly proper and normal for his current identity. Should anyone suspect him of being anything other than what he appears to be while either in his social or vigilante identity, he can attempt a Disguise check with a +20 circumstance bonus to appear as his current identity, and not as his other identity.

Transformation Sequence (Su): A magical child’s transformation between identities is assisted by magic. This makes it faster than usual, but also more noticeable. A magical child can normally transform between her identities in 5 rounds, though this improves to a standard action with the quick change social talent and a swift action with the immediate change social talent. However, the transformation is quite a spectacle, involving loud sounds or music, brilliant colorful energies, and swift motions.

Animal Guide (Ex): A magical child starts play with a magical spirit guide in the form of a familiar, using her vigilante level as her effective wizard level. The familiar also has a social identity as a seemingly normal animal, though vigilantes with outlandish familiars might still need to hide the familiar.
At 3rd level, the magical child’s familiar reveals another aspect of its form, and its vigilante identity changes into a creature on the Improved Familiar list that would be available to a 3rd-level spellcaster (the animal guide’s social identity always remains as the original normal animal). The familiar can change its vigilante identity again when the magical child reaches 5th and 7th level, each time to familiars available at those levels. The Improved Familiar feat’s alignment restrictions apply to this ability, but only the magical child’s vigilante identity needs to have an alignment that fulfills the alignment requirements of the improved familiar. The familiar’s new vigilante form choices are permanent, and it cannot transform back into its former vigilante identities until 9th level, when the familiar gains the change shape universal monster ability if it doesn’t already have it. It can use this ability at will when in its vigilante identity to transform into any of its four vigilante identities. In vigilante form, a magical child’s familiar gains an amount of DR/magic equal to her vigilante level. This doesn’t stack with any DR/magic that her vigilante form might already possess.
If a magical child’s familiar dies, its consciousness simply leaves its body, and the magical child can replace its body after 24 hours. To do so, she must conduct an 8-hour ritual that costs 200 gp per her vigilante level, but once the ritual is complete, the familiar returns in a new body. It retains all of its memories from its earlier service to the magical child.
This ability replaces vigilante specialization.

Staunch Ally (Ex): A magical child’s familiar counts as the magical child for purposes of the startling appearance, frightening appearance, and stunning appearance abilities, and it can calculate its DCs using either its own Charisma modifier or the magical child’s, whichever is better. At 20th level, the familiar can make vengeance strikes as if it were the magical child. This ability alters startling appearance, frightening appearance, stunning appearance, and vengeance strike.

Obscurity (Ex): The vigilante is relatively unknown socially. In fact, he makes a point of keeping the life of his social identity as ordinary as possible. This social talent functions exactly as the renown social talent, but instead of improving the starting attitude of all NPCs within the community, it empowers the vigilante so that he no longer needs to succeed at Disguise checks to appear as his social identity while assuming that identity within his area of obscurity. He still has to attempt Disguise checks when NPCs within this settlement are confronted with indisputable proof that the vigilante could be more than he appears to be, such as when he uses a vigilante talent while in his social identity. This social talent counts as renown for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of social talents that list renown as a prerequisite and can be improved by such talents. A vigilante with this talent cannot select renown, nor can he select any social talent that requires him to be famous (such as celebrity discount or celebrity perks).

Shumie (rhamphorhynchus familiar):

N Tiny animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +6
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 size)
hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +2
Defensive Abilities evasion
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (good)
Melee bite +0 (1d3-2)
Space 2-1/2 ft., Reach 2-1/2 ft.
Special Attacks sudden swoop
Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 11
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 9
Feats Lightning Reflexes
Skills Fly +11, Perception +6, Stealth +11
-----Special Abilities-----
Sudden Swoop (Ex): If a rhamphorhynchus makes a charge attack while flying, it does not provoke attacks of opportunity when it enters an opponent’s space to make a melee attack. It also gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls with its bite attack when it makes a sudden swoop.

Advancement Plans:

2: Magical child vigilante, Lethal Grace talent, Two-Weapon Fighting (retraining Weapon Finesse)
3: Magical child vigilante, Arcane Strike, pyrausta familiar, Discreet Inquiries talent
4: Magical child vigilante, +1 DEX
5: Magical child vigilante, Many Guises talent,
6: Magical child vigilante, Team Player talent
7: Magical child vigilante, pseudodragon familiar, Quick Change talent,
8: Dragon disciple
9: Dragon disciple
10: Dragon disciple
11: Dragon disciple
12: Dragon disciple