Paul Winters's page

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. 1 post (189 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

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CE turtles?

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Ha ha, good sir I applause your boldness to report something on an internet forum.

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Cleric: Arcane casters sure are weird lot. I cannot tell if this is a battle or poetry night at the inn.

Oracle: I know right? Do you see what they are wearing while in a battle?

Cleric: Anything heavier than a bath robe and they cannot wiggle their fingers right.

Oracle: Yeah… So want to get some more armor polish to complement our medium armor proficiency?

Cleric: Oh lets, I have some an orc stain left from the last battle where we were crushing in skulls.

Oracle: Should we wait for Druid to finish casting his 10 minute long reincarnation ritual while in the form of a box turtle, first?

Cleric: Of course, we cannot walk away from this dazzling display of intricate turtle hand gestures and the siren song of turtle chanting.

And so our three heroes walked into the sunset with their d8 hp and medium armor, to buy more armor polish.

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Level 20 fighter has to have a hot cup of cure critical wounds just to get going in the morning.

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If only there was roaming bands of treasure and experience obsessed psycho killers that could constantly wound townsfolk for small amounts of experience to keep business steady.