Patrick Gurdgiel |
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Ok, to this ability seems a bit vague and confusing. Wondering if anyone had any thoughts or if we could get some official answers. The ability says:
Twin Soul (Su): At 10th-level, if the witch or her familiar
is gravely injured or about to die, the soul of the dying one
immediately transfers to the other’s body. The two souls
share the surviving body peaceably, can communicate
freely, and both retain their ability to think and reason.
The host may allow the guest soul to take over the body
temporarily or reclaim it as a move action. They can
persist in this state indefinitely, or the guest can return
to its own body (if available) by touch, transfer into a
suitable vessel (such as a clone), or take over another body
as if using magic jar (with no receptacle). This replaces the
witch’s major hex at 10th-level.
Ok, so the questions...
1 - The soul transfer at death appears to have an infinite range, correct?Now the harder ones...
2 - The guest can return to it's own body by touch - does the body need a raise dead or does it just need to be healed back to a non-dead condition?
3 - The guest can take over another body as if using magaic jar with no receptacle - what does that mean?
a - If you successfully take over another body, what is the duration? Does it mirror the magic jar spell?
b - If not permanent, what happens to your soul at the end? There is no recepticle or original live body - do you bounce back to your partner's body?
c - What happens if the attempt fails? There is no recepticle, so do you go back to your partner's body?
d - Can you voluntarily go back to your partner's body (technically its not the recepticle).
4 - Can the witch die, go into it's familiar, magic jar a target, the familiar dies and joins the witch in the magic jar body, then the familiar can possess a body, etc... or does this only work if one of the two original bodies are alive?
As I read the magic jar part it seems to work like this to me:
1 - You can take a full round action per magic jar to try and possess a body
2 - The duration is the same as magic jar (hours per level)
3 - You cannot go back to your partner's body voluntarily, but if any reason you were a "soul without a home", you "die" - which sends you right back to your familiar's body.
Not that most witches are going to want to kill themselves of familiars voluntarily, but when it happens, this seems to be a really confusing effect.