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Pato Bendo's page

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About Pato Bendo

Pato Bendo
NG Medium Ithorian
Init +0; Perception +9
hp 20/20
Condition (0, -1, -2, -5, -10): 0
Fortitude 13
Reflex 11
Will 20
Damage Threshold 13
Force Points 2
Speed 6 Squares
Melee Unarmed -1 1d3-1
Special Attacks Bellow (+level attack vs. Fort defense. 3d6 damage in cone. moves -1 down condition track.)
Str 08, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 18
Base Atk +0;
Feats Skill Focus (Life Science)Force Sensitive, Force Training, Weapon Prof (simple), Skill Focus (Use the Force)
Houserule Notes Skill Focus feats only provide a +3 instead of +5. This bonus increases to +6 at level 10 automatically. Force points recover daily, total reduced to 2. +1 force point total at levels 11 and 16. Feats gained at every odd level instead of normal.
Skills Endurance +7, Initiative +0, K: Life Science +9, Perception +9, Survival +9, Use the Force +11
Racial Modifiers Skill Focus (Life Science) if trained in the skill.
Languages Basic, Ithorese, Binary
SQBellow, +2 Will Defense
Force Flow: For reasons unknown to you, The Living Force flows through you in an irregular fashion. Whenever you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll or Use the Force check, you gain one temporary Force Point. If you do not spend this Force Point before the end of the encounter, it is lost.
Force Suite

Move Object (Telekinetic):
You telekinetically move a target up to 24 meters in any direction using The Force.
Time: Standard Action
Targets: One character or object within 12 squares, and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the maximum size of the target you can lift (See below). If the target is a creature that resists your attempt, your Use the Force check must also exceed the target's Will Defense. You can hurl the target at (Or drop it on) another target in range if your Use the Force check exceeds the second target's Reflex Defense. Both targets take damage determined by your Use the Force check result.

DC Effect
15-19 Can move object up to Medium size (Deals 2d6 points of damage).
20-24 Can move object up to Large size (Deals 4d6 points of damage).
25-29 Can move object up to Huge size (Deals 6d6 points of damage).
30-34 Can move object up to Gargantuan size (Deals 8d6 points of damage).
35+ Can move object up to Colossal size (Deals 10d6 points of damage).
Special: You may maintain your concentration on the targeted object to continue to move it from round to round. Maintaining the Move Object power is a Standard Action, and you must make a new Use the Force check each round. If you suffer damage while maintaining move object, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue concentrating. If you deal damage with the Move Object Power, you cease to be able to maintain it.
If you use Move Object against a hovering or flying target (Such as a speeder or starship), the target can oppose your Use the Force check with a Grapple check as a Reaction. If the target wins the opposed check, you are unable to move the target.
You may spend a Force Point to increase the maximum size of the object by one category and deal an additional 2d6 points of damage (Maximum size Colossal (Frigate), 12d6 damage). Alternatively, you may spend a Destiny Point to increase the maximum size of an object by three categories and deal an additional 6d6 points of damage (Maximum size Colossal (Station), 16d6 damage).

Vital Transfer (x2):
You use your own life force to heal another living creature, using The Force as a conduit.
Time: Standard Action
Targets: One creature within reach
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the result, if any:
15-19 The target heals hit points equal to 2 x it's character level.
20-24 The target heals hit points equal to 3 x it's character level.
25+ The target heals hit points equal to 4 x it's character level.
Each time you use Vital Transfer, you take half as much damage as you heal (Rounded down). You may choose to heal less than the result of your Use the Force check allows. You may not heal yourself with this Force Power.
Special: You may spend a Force Point to avoid taking any damage when you use this Force Power. You may spend a Destiny Point to move the target +5 steps on the Condition Track in addition to healing them normally.

Negate Energy:
You spontaneously negate a single attack that deals energy weapon damage, such as a lightsaber or blaster.
Time: Reaction
Targets: One attack made against you that deals energy weapon damage.
Make a Use the Force check. If the result of the check equals or exceeds the damage dealt by the energy weapon, the attack is negated and you take no damage. If your check is less than the amount of damage dealt, you fail to negate the attack and take damage as normal.
Special: You must be aware of the attack (And not Flat-Footed) to negate it. If you are successful, you can spend a Force Point to regain hit points equal to the damage of the negated attack, up to a maximum of your full normal hit points.

You harmlessly absorb or deflect one Force Power used against you, perhaps even turning it against it's creator.
Time: Reaction
Make a Use the Force check. If your result equals or exceeds the check result of the Force Power directed at you, you harmlessly redirect it and suffer no ill effects. If your result exceeds the check result of the Force Power directed at you by 5 or more, you may choose to turn the Force Power against it's creator, who suffers the effect based on the creator’s original Use the Force check.
Special: If you successfully reflect a Force Power back at it's originator, the originator may attempt to Rebuke the Force Power as well, expending a use of the Rebuke Force Power and using your Use the Force check as it's target DC. If they reflect it back again, both you and the originator are affected by the Force Power. You can spend a Force Point a a Reaction to suffer no effects from a Force Power that has been Rebuked twice- once by you and once by the Force Power's originator.