About Parneth Servais the OrphanBackground:
Parnath brought up by his parents in the cathedral grounds where his faith in Pharasma was solidified, until his trials of faith tested him almost to the point of breaking. His father a Paladin and his mother a Cleric of Pharasma, taught him well. During his formative years, he was even allowed to take minor roles in the ceremonies to give the dead rest. He was once allowed to carry the holy symbol in front of Bishop Jarvis for the resting rites of the lower noble Eris Malhoven. That was the highlight of his 'service', but he was a regular child helper in the services of the cathedral. His faith was tested when his parents were killed in 'an unfortunate accident'. His mother was called to put to rest a troubled spirit that had been plaguing an outlying hamlet called Trene's Halt. Garnod, his father accompanied his wife to protect her on the journey. His mother, Serela, carried with her one of the Cathedral's minor holy relics, held in an ornate wooden box. This relic, a blood red gem, protected those who were part of the ceremony from the draining powers of the restless spirits. For some unknown reason, the power of the relic failed the participants and in the ensuing chaos, both his parents died at the hands of the restless spirit. The spirit was dispatched to the care of the other planes, with the last dying actions of his father, heroically saving several other members of the congregation. The gem was bought back to the Cathedral and has never been used in these ceremonies ever since. After the death of his parents, he was taken under the care of the cathedral and taught to be a sincere and devout cleric of Pharasma. Parneth is forever grateful to the Bishop for the care that was forthcoming after the deaths, he is forever in the Cathedral's debt and will do as his God bids, through the theocracy of the Cathedral and doing Bishop Jarvis's will. Following its return, the holy relic the clergy discovered that it and several other holy items had been stolen from the abbey and replaced with worthless forgeries. It has taken time, but in all the investigations one name has always been found as a common denomintor...that of Gaedren Lamm. Parneth has prayed long and hard, but cannot rid himself of the need to revenge himself on the man who he blames for his parents death. Probable campaign trait: Orphaned, well it pretty much fits
A tall man, wearing a dark vestment edged with white, on which a pattern is seen, black roses entwined in a golden coloured spiral, looking like a fist holding the rose. From under the depths of the cowl that covers his head, you see blue steel piercing eyes looking out, from either side of a hook nose and thin drawn face, framed by long black and untidy wavy hair. Over his chest on a cheap grey metal chain hangs a wooden carving, a strange looking bird, with a rose in its beak, surrounded by a circle design. His cloths hang loosely over his frame, his hands thin and wiry extend from his sleeves. He carries an old club looking weapon, worn red leather allows him to grip it firmly. At the other end of the dull grey shaft, the weapon thickens out into a diamond like head, on which each of its eights faces is etched the shape of a beetle. A small metal shield glints from the back of the cleric, easily deployed if required to defend himself. First Draft Stats for DM NomadSage Crimson Throne game:
Parneth Servias Male Human (Varisian) Cleric 1 NG Medium Humanoid (human) Init +0; Senses Perception +3 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +1 shield) hp 10 (1d8+1) Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5; +2 trait bonus vs. illusion -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 20 ft. Melee Light Shield Bash -5 (1d3-1/x2) and Light mace -1 (1d6-1/x2) Special Attacks Gentle Rest (6/day) Spell-Like Abilities Gentle Rest (6/day) Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1, -1 melee touch, 0 ranged touch): 1 (2/day) Protection from Evil (DC 14), Cure Light Wounds (DC 14), Obscuring Mist 0 (at will) Purify Food and Drink (DC 13), Create Water, Light -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 8, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 14 Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 9 Feats Scribe Scroll, Selective Channeling Traits Love Lost (Orphaned) (All Craft Skills), Skeptic Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 jump), Climb -4, Escape Artist -3, Fly -3, Heal +7, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Ride -3, Sense Motive +7, Stealth -3, Swim -4 Languages Celestial, Common, Varisian SQ Aura, Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day) (DC 12), Cleric Domain: Repose, Cleric Domain: Resurrection, Rebuke Death (6/day), Spontaneous Casting Combat Gear Light mace, Light steel shield, Studded leather armor; Other Gear Backpack (empty), Holy symbol, wooden (Pharesma), Ink, black (2), Inkpen, Parchment (10), Scroll case (empty), Scroll case (empty), Scroll case (empty), Spell component pouch -------------------- TRACKED RESOURCES -------------------- Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day) (DC 12) (Su) - 0/5 Gentle Rest (6/day) (Sp) - 0/6 Rebuke Death (6/day) (Sp) - 0/6 -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment. Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day) (DC 12) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead. Cleric Domain: Repose Granted Powers: You see death not as something to be feared, but as a final rest and reward for a life well spent. The taint of undeath is a mockery of what you hold dear. Cleric Domain: Resurrection Associated Domain: Healing Gentle Rest (6/day) (Sp) Melee touch attack staggers target for 1r. Rebuke Death (6/day) (Sp) Heal 1d4 damage to creatures at negative HP. Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy. Skeptic +2 save vs. illusion. Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells. General Stats:
XP: 0 XP Next Level: 2000 HP: 13 (Death -13) Current HP: 13 HP rolls 8 (+1 per lev Con bonus, +3 Toughness Feat, +1 Fav Class) Speed: 30ft Weight limits: 50/100/150 Fav Class Cleric Fav Class 1 pts HP 0 pts Skill Initiative [dice]1d20+0[/dice] Perception [dice]1d20+3[/dice] Parneth's Money 29.3 gp Daily Allocations:
Uses left Ability/skill etc
AC 15 = 10 + 4 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 Touch(10) Flatfooted(15) Chain Shirt(AC +4, ACk -2), Light Steel Shield(AC +1, ACk -1) CMD [dice]1d20+11[/dice] = 10 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 Attack:
Base Attack +0 CMB [dice]1d20+1[/dice] = 0 + 1 + 0 Melee Attack +1
Ranged Attack +0
Concentration [dice] 1d20+4 [/dice] = 1 CL + 3 Wis Spells per day 0/3, 1/2+1 Prohibited Spells Evil Spell DC 0/13, 1/14 Daily Spells
Spells Known
Cleric 2 + Human 1 + Int 1 = 4 Total - Skill = Ability Mod + Ranks + Skill additions Armor Check = -3
Feats, Abilities and Talents:
Class Abilities Cleric
Domain Abilities
Treasure and Equipment found and bought:
None Equipment:
2 gp Holy Symbol Wooden x2 - 2 gp Backpack 2 0.7 gp Bedroll + Blankets(winter) 8 3 gp Waterskin x 3 12 1 gp Travelers Outfit 5 5 gp Clerics Vestments 6 1 gp Flint & Steel - 50 gp Healer's Kit 1 8 gp Pack Animal, Mule 5 gp Pack, saddle 8 gp Saddlebags x2 ---- ---- 85.7 gp Mundane 3 ---- ---- 100 gp Chain Shirt 25
240 (starting money)
20 points build, Str 13 Dex 10 Con 13, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14 + 2 Wis for lev 1, Character Creation
Planned Feats: Character Creation overview, basis to make up the character sheet:
+2 in Wisdom Alignment Neutral Good Favoured Class: Cleric Diety: Pharesma Domains: Healing(Restoration), Repose Feats: Selective Channeling Toughness Traits: Sacred Conduit (Faith) Orphaned (CotCT) Focused Mind (Magic) Skill points in: Diplomacy, Healing, Knowledge(religion), Sense Motive Weapons: Dagger x2, Heavy Mace, Light Crossbow For DM Patcher:
1. How did Gaedren Lamm ruin your life? As per background, parent died using fake holy relic. Return of the real holy item to the cathedral, and revenge. 2. What do you think of the tension at the royal court between King Eodred II and the Royal Queen Ileosa? Only in as far as this adversely affects the cathedral and the general population of the city. Anything which makes the burial of the population more difficult, although more concerned if it affects the undead. 3. Do you think you could change Korvosa for the better? How? What is better? Some suffering is natural, although excessive suffering must be remedied and restitution given. Continue to keep the undead in control and not giving them the opportunity to bring harm or evil on the living. 4. What will your character contribute to the group? Basically a healer and undead fighter, but able to fight for himself it required, but as a follower of Pharesma, I expect him to be at the forefront of dealing with undead. 5. What are your plans for your character mechanically? Nothing too exotic...mainly healing and Turn Undead, maybe a bit of crafting magical items, like scrolls or potions..maybe some wonderous items, but in some respects he develops as the story takes him. 6. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective? Nothing planned, as I don't rallly know the plot...but expect progression in the cathedral hierarchy. Making the cathedral more powerful in politics. 7. Consider your character's heritage: could he (or she) possibly be of noble or royal blood, or is he (or she) a lowborn commoner? Without real connections to royal blood, although from a noble perspective, his father or mother may have been of noble blood. However, he is a pawn of the Bishop, with regards to political intrigue. I see the Bishop using him as an expendable loyal servant, who follows blindly the Bishop's missives. Unless the Bishop sends him to do actual evil, or directs his part in an evil scheme, he continues to believe the Bishop's actions are those to honor Pharesma. Background Changes for Carrion Crown AP submissions:
To further the young clerics progression in the church the Bishop has placed the acolyte into the service of the University Chapel. Here he has been able to further his studies of necromancy, whilst also aiding and healing those students that follow rites of the divine. It was here that he met the Professor and became obsessed with his studies to understand more of the necromancer and his relation to life and death. Even going as far as attending the Professor's talk and lectures whenever he could. On hearing the death and burial, he has been instructed by the Bishop to make sure that the ceremonies have been attended to correctly. Unfortunately on his way to the funeral, he was waylaid in a village to perform the rites of passage from this world to the next, making him late for the funeral. He wants to make sure that he makes amends and is able to report back to the BIshop, that all has been done and even in this dark world, Pharesma has greeted the Professor before his own god claims him. |