ParasiteHouse |

Firstly, I'd like to offer some insincere apologies for using this forum solely to air out pedantic interpretations of PF2e's rules. I've been gaming too long and the wrackworms in my brain keep telling me to read into things maliciously.
What does Wolf Stance do and how does it do it?
"You enter the stance of a wolf, low to the ground with your hands held like fanged teeth. You can make wolf jaw unarmed attacks. If you’re flanking a target while in Wolf Stance, your wolf jaw unarmed attacks also gain the trip trait."
Are these jaw attacks made with the jaw because they're jaw attacks, or are they made with the hands as implied in the text? Depending on the answer, being in wolf stance could (or couldn't) allow you to perform trips while armed with two weapons that don't have the trip trait or a two handed weapon without the trip trait.
If they're made with the hands, then you have to have free hands to use them, hence you can already trip, right? Does this trait give any benefit outside of adding an item bonus to the check once you get handwraps? It seems like you could more easily grab a sickle, stick a rune on it, and be able to trip outside a flank too. Come to think of it, that sounds like a fine choice even if you took wolf stance because now you've got all the physical damage types covered with one weapon and a free hand and all the sources have finesse, but I digress.
The trip trait itself stipulates that, if you roll a critical failure to trip, you can bump that up to a regular failure by dropping the weapon. How does that work for unarmed strikes in general? Do you get honorary dentures when you join the wolf clan and you can pop them out when things go pear shaped? Can you detach your hands like you ate the chop chop fruit? Can you simply not benefit from this part of the trait?
Has anybody else run up against these issues? This may be relevant to my game in the near future.