Surly Nobleman

Paranoid Troubleshooter's page

12 posts. Alias of pinvendor.


Dudley-R-Lef-1 , Communications and Recording Officer

Dudley exits the local restroom facility with a perplexed look on his face. He's zipping up his uniform to cover the Warbot t-shirt. he doesn't notice the toilet paper stuck to his boot.

"Did I hear an explosion?" He blinks at the sight of Corn's headless body. " he was a traitor then? Figures."

Dudley-R-Lef-1 , Communications and Recording Officer

The Computer's decision is right. The Computer is our Friend.

Dudley-R-Lef-1 , Communications and Recording Officer

Dudley arrives in what he hopes is enough time. He looks a bit unsteady and his uniform is unzipped revealing a peek of a t-shirt with a Mark IV Warbot image on it. He looks at once both relieved and uncomfortable.

"Please be sure to inform me of your needs to communicate," Dudley says to the others. "I will be certain to assist you." He raises his Bullhorn (with Megabooster™) in case anyone had forgotten he carried it.

Dudley-R-Lef-1 , Communications and Recording Officer

Waiting on my PM back from the GM about 30 minute break activity in case it ends up being relevant.

Dudley-R-Lef-1 , Communications and Recording Officer

Dudley lowers the Bullhorn (with Megabooster™) and approaches team Leader Doc Luv.

"I have not been issued any recording device or writing implements. Will our requisition ticket be able to cover that?"

Dudley-R-Lef-1 , Communications and Recording Officer

Dudley turns his Bullhorn (with Megabooster™) towards Katlin and the others.

"Team Leader Doc Luv and Get both agree this is the best coffee-type drink they've ever tasted!" he communicates to them. He pauses long enough to finish what's left of his drink. "We should finish quickly as Team Leader Doc Luv has already reminded us we do not have much time left."

Dudley-R-Lef-1 , Communications and Recording Officer

Dudley blinks in surprise at his assigned role, but he quickly pulls out his Bullhorn (with Megabooster™) in anticipation of assisting with Communications. Then he makes sure the coffee-type drink container is empty and, since it's not, pours the rest into any available cups.

Bellowing into his Bullhorn (with Megabooster™), Dudley says, "Team Leader Doc Luv! Before we leave we have been tasked with finishing this coffee-type drink!"

Dudley-R-Lef-1 , Communications and Recording Officer

You know who knows about 'perversity'?



Dudley-R-Lef-1 , Communications and Recording Officer

Lol, I have no idea how to make skill rolls, but I have numbers for them!

Dudley-R-Lef-1 , Communications and Recording Officer

Dudley watches Get with wide eyes.

"Uh...hail the Computer?" Dudley parrots uncertainly as Doc calls for patriotism.

He joins in on the mandatory singalong as the others pick it up as well.

Dudley-R-Lef-1 , Communications and Recording Officer

Having just stood and about to speak, Dudley blinks at GET-R-Dun-1's outburst.

"Er, didn't he just say he's also Will-8-RED-E? Question answered."

He clears his throat and regards Doc.

"I am Dudley-R-Lef-1, and I am currently assigned to Production, Logistics & Commissary, the Inventory System Updaters."

Dudley-R-Lef-1 , Communications and Recording Officer

The other troubleshooters become aware of that a rather startled looking clone with messy brown hair is now with them and blinking at the dossier with his name on it.

"Uh..." He glances around in surprise and then gingerly picks it up. "Happy to be chosen for this mission." He sounds more bewildered than happy.

Would it be possible for everyone to put their clone names somewhere in their alias?

As SAR-G-ENT-6 exits and barks his final command, Dudley jumps up, grabs a cup, pours himself some motor oil coffee-type drink, and takes a swig. He closes his eyes and nervously hoping he doesn't explode as the liquid hits his stomach.