Sun Shaman

Papa-DRB's page

Organized Play Member. 2,392 posts (10,218 including aliases). 2 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 22 aliases.


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Hey, I found my copy and uploaded it to Google Drive.

Link: sharing

Mike Webb wrote:

Re phone - with the move to fully remote we are examining all the options to make sure we can deliver customer service quickly and efficiently. More to come on this in the near future.

I've been retired for 13.5 years so things may have changed (hopefully for the better), but when I worked full time from home, 2001 - 2009, for a 3 letter computer company in a software support position, we had a "secondary" phone number that was associated with our home number that the company paid for, from the 3 letter tele-communications company.

Went to a web site and was able to turn on and off the secondary "phone", without affecting our home number, etc. Pretty sure you could get it to round robin thru customer service phones now.

Just offering up my experience with work from home.

-- david

Dancing Wind wrote:
Papa-DRB wrote:
Sorry, can't help myself....
Check your PMs


Sorry, can't help myself....

IBM 5110 - 8 inch floppy disk

Myself and another gent, in the Industrial Engineering department of the Construction department for an International Company, coded a financial application in APL on the 5110, using 4 of the 8 inch diskettes in tandem to hold the data. This was back in the late 1970's...

-- david

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This may not apply to your situation so take what I say with a grain of salt.

I very rarely pre-order something, and when I do it is from a place that I trust implicitly, as in almost all cases the money is spent immediately.

For instance, my wife and I go to this music venue 9 or 10 times over the summer, but I actually just purchased the 4th of July (US Independence Day) tickets last week. When the rest of the season goes on sale in 3 weeks, I will purchase the July / August tickets. This is a 5 - 6 month "pre-order" and the money shows up on my credit card as soon as the pre-order is made.

The difference with Paizo, is they do not charge till something is actually shipped (physical product) so the post by Vic comes into play, unlike many other places that take the money right away.

I could see making a case for when only currently available PDFs are being purchased, and perhaps the current team will do something.

-- david

LINK to the reason Paypal won't work for Paizo. It's old, but I believe the reasoning still stands.

Paizo can not use Paypal. HERE is an old post, but I assume is still good today on why not.

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Ditto on the above 2 comments... heheh

-- david

Just to clarify, USPS Informed Delivery shows what will be delivered on that day and what was delivered over the past week. It is NOT a predictor of future deliveries.

-- david

Bagpuss wrote:
Has anyone solved the mystery of how to get that tracking link to USPS, that doesn't work, to work? I don't want something to get left outside in the rain, which I can avoid when I know which day is delivery day

As my wife and I are out of town a lot over the summer, I created an account at USPS.COM and under "Informed Delivery" (I think), you can sign up for daily emails about mail/packages coming to you. You can also not use email, but daily check what is coming.

-- david

Andostre wrote:
Thanks, David. I’ll check my order history to see if it has any additional information compared to the shipping email they sent me. If nothing there helps, I’ll email.

FYI, UPS-MI still doesn't know about it. My Paizo order history doesn't know about it. The UPS-MI order number "PZO0000xxxxxxx" is NOT the same as the US Post Office 16 digit number. There is no other number in the two emails from Paizo.

-- david

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New York, USA.

Bloody hilarious, UPS-MI doesn't have tracking information yet, but my daily email from the US Postal Service shows it being held at the Post Office for delivery on Monday (we are out of town till Sunday).

-- david

Ageron wrote:
What is the anticipated end of shipping? I have my PDFs but hope to have the physical products to look at soon too!

FYI, I got my "about to ship" in 11-20 business days on 25 August, so hopefully at worst, 23 September if it is 20 days. Today is day 7. New York state, USA, and I have downloaded my PDFs.

-- david

Maryssa Mari wrote:

Stopping by to let you know that The Pathfinder Adventure Path Kingmaker Second Edition forum is live! edition

Outstanding! and Thanks!

I second (third?) this. Please start a new Forum for Kingmaker 2E!!!

Thank you Aaron, Tonya, and Customer Service.

Sent email with Kingmaker PDF in subject line at 15:37. Got response with Redemption code at 16:30, ie. 53 minutes later! Great work! And downloaded my PDFs and looking at them now.....

-- david

Crud... First thing I did was check my spam folder. No joy. eMail to customer service on the way. Thanks for the information Aaron.

-- david

Have all the backer emails for the PDFs been sent out, or are more still coming?

I got my "about to ship" for the physical product, but nothing about the PDFs.

I am so looking forward to the adventure, so I can run Kingmaker one last time.

thanks, -- david

ps. not a complaint, just a simple question.

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Got my shipping notice also.

Thanks to Aaron, for the explanation on the "landing" pages not there yet (was worried), and James for the information and updates.


Brian Bauman wrote:
Papa-DRB wrote:
Got mine last night, but it is only the slipcase. Where are the books and PDFs?
I can confirm that the books within the slipcase are not listed separately. The orders generated last night are only for physical products - PDFs are being handled separately.

Thank you Brian for the confirmation. I had sort of, in the back of my head (that vast empty space), assumed that the slipcase did not weigh in at 7 pounds.....

-- david

Submitted Thursday, August 25, 2022 05:45 PM
Status Pending


Subtotal (1 item) $0.00
Shipping & Handling $8.93
Shipping & Handling Discount - $8.93
Order Total $0.00

Shipping Address
*my address*
*New York, USA*

Shipping Method Standard Postal Delivery
Estimated 4 to 8 business days in transit
Transit Estimate Expected to ship in 11 to 20 business days

Pathfinder Kingmaker Regular Edition Slipcase Paizo Inc. 0.00

Shipping & Handling
1 item. Estimated package weight: 7 lbs. 8.93

Best regards,
Paizo Customer Service

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Got mine last night, but it is only the slipcase. Where are the books and PDFs?

-- david

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Thanks very much for the link to the 'Reaction & Out of Turn Actions'. I'll give the whole document a good read. Much of the stuff, I already know/do as I am an experienced 1E DM (tabletop & PbP) but the new 2E stuff was making me wonder if I should run my final PbP as 1E or 2E.

-- david

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The reason they do not have PDF subscriptions....

No PDF subscription

I just received the note about the 2nd Edition Kingmaker books on the way to Paizo so it is time for me to setup for my Play by Post to be run on Paizo for this.

I am an original Pathfinder 1E player, and while I have the 2E books, I have not played 2E at all.

What I am looking for are hints on how to handle PbP for 2E. Especially how folks in PbP handle the "react" action, and transitioning between "exploration" and "encounter" modes.

Thanks for any help.

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I am assuming that Paypal works the same way as Vic said so in 2017, is why Paizo does not offer it. Here is the link:

Why Paypal won't work

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Woo Hoo !!! At the Printers!!!!

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For a non-society game, you do not need to create it as a Society character.

For PBP, maybe (don't you love that answer...) If it is a non-society game, see above. If it is a PBP for a Society game, yes you need to create it as a Society character.

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NielsenE wrote:
Its been updated via the GameOn site, I think sometime in the Fall now.

Fungus! By September I will be 75. Just hope I live long enough to run it.

-- david

I thought that I read somewhere in Paizo, that the date for the Anniversary addition was April 2022 (can't find the post now). Is that still correct? or is there another date?

-- david

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Axolotl wrote:
The really crummy thing is that APs on PbP can be a slog. I'm GM'ing Reign of Winter and we've slowed down a bit. It's a multi year commitment, and the initial excitement can die down. However, there *are* those dedicated GMs and players out there, so don't give up!

Multi-year says it all. I ran a PbP on these boards that took 5 years 6+ months, and would have been just a little over 6 years, but I dropped 2 small areas that were easily bypassed. It was a box set that was a really big dungeon crawl (the players were warned when applying).

Oops... Forgot this was a 2E forum. My bad....

Ed Reppert wrote:
What, exactly, does "comes together" mean?

Not that I am an expert, but I believe he means a Dexterity 15, Strength +something fighter. As the PC gets 3 feats, take Two Weapon Fighting, Double Slice, depending on where you want to go, either Weapon Focus in your primary weapon, such as long sword, or Weapon Finesse and use short sword or rapier.

Personally I would go Ranger and take the Weapon and Shield Combat style if that is what you would like, and pump up strength as well as taking double slice as soon as you can.


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James Jacobs wrote:
In 2nd edition, your kingdom uses the character building rules. If you know how to build a character, you know how to build a kingdom already. Instead of an ancestry, a kingdom has a charter. Instead of a background, it has a type of government. And it has only one class: Kingdom. Beyond that it gets skills and feats and levels up with its own XP...

Oh wow! I am so glad that I brought this up as this sounds even better than I could have thought.

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James Jacobs wrote:
Papa-DRB wrote:

Was anything done with the Kingdom Management sub-system?

I DM'd the original AP with my home group, and have played the Owlcat CRPG. To tell the truth, I am hoping that that the Kingdom Management was "updated" to what is in the CRPG.

If no, I will either do something myself, or hope that one of the 3rd party folks does it.

thanks for any answers.

It's a new game edition, so the Kingdom Management system was rewritten from the ground up from its 1st edition version. It's role remains closer to how it worked in the 1st edition game, since the way it worked for the video game (as a series of narrative encounters with choose-your-own-adventure style choices and a VERY complex series of calculations and time-management steps better handled behind the scenes by a computer than by people playing a tabletop game) isn't really appropriate for the table.

The 2nd edition version of these rules instead presents the kingdom in a similar way to a character, sort of like how the Hell's Rebels rebellion worked, or how a starship works in Pathfinder, but taking full advantage of the new edition's rules.

Thank your for the answer!

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Was anything done with the Kingdom Management sub-system?

I DM'd the original AP with my home group, and have played the Owlcat CRPG. To tell the truth, I am hoping that that the Kingdom Management was "updated" to what is in the CRPG.

If no, I will either do something myself, or hope that one of the 3rd party folks does it.

thanks for any answers.

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Freehold DM wrote:
So this is going to be written in 2e but with a 1e bestiary for all those who prefer 1e? I'm a bit confused.

Completely written in 2E, but with two additional bestiaries that you can purchase. A DnD 5E, and a Pathfinder 1E. That is my understanding.

1) April 2022. See post six above yours.
2) Don't know

magnuskn wrote:

There are a few steps to upgrading Radiance. I'll put them under spoiler tags.

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks! Good information to have.

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I am not starting an argument, just providing links to information that Vic said:

Why no PayPal

Why no cancel of subscriptions by web

thanks..... I'll continue with my Ranger character then.

My main character is a Lawful Good Ranger. I found Radiance, and it was just a cold iron longsword (masterwork?).

For giggles, I started a new game, with a Paladin. When I found Radiance, the dialog changed dramatically and it became a +1 cold iron longsword.

If I continue with the Ranger, does Radiance ever become what it is in the Tabletop game, or does the main character have to be a Paladin?

-- david


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Dang April 2022! I hope I live long enough to run it as a PbP on the boards (I'll be almost 75 when it comes out).

-- david

Was there any announcement about this.

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I suggest posting HERE stating what you are looking for, as well as following the Recruitment threads. In the HERE forum, many GMs look there, as well as announce there.

Good Luck finding a game.

-- david (aka Papa.DRB)

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Just wondering if there is a firm release date yet?

I am a long time player(1986) and DM(1991), and agree whole heartily with Azure.

Run a PbP game under a rule system that you are extremely familiar with, Core rules only, and not Pathfinder Society. I had to give up on DM'ing two games because at 11th level or so, with everything Paizo 1E available, a combat situation was so complicated that it took hours as a DM to run a single round of combat, and it was near impossible to remember everything that players could do!

Also Hollow's Last Hope, as he said, is a very good low level module with a decent mix of Role and Roll play for a new DM to work with.

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Assuming you are looking for Play by Post, PbP Recruitment

Yes, you can have multiple archetypes as long as they do not involve the same parts of the class.

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TOZ wrote:
Aventhar wrote:

They absolutely should be able to recreate the issue.

They need to log in emulating a user that is currently experiencing the issue. Alternatively, they could create a new user mirroring the settings of someone with the problem. Either of those things should be pretty simple for IT guys.
*laughs hysterically*

ROTFLMAO !!!!!!!!

(from a 35 year veteran in the IT field!)

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