
Paige Stormblood's page

14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Hi everyone I quite enjoy role playing within Golarion and would love to write and draw my own adventures within the setting.

However even though my Oc's and stories are my creation the setting and it's immense wealth of characters arn't't and I'm concerned using this material will cause legal problems. I certainly intend to notify in the information page of each chapter that aside from my own original creations the rest is the property of the team at paizo.

Will this help solve this issue as id really love to start working on my stories.

Thankyou :)


Hey guys I'm currently deciding which campaign setting I want to have our next gamer's group situated in and It's come down to either Glorantha (The world governed by magic and shaped by myth) and Golarion (Pathfinder's very own campaign setting).

The thing is both have their appeals.
Glorantha is a very detailed and unique world which is governened not by physics but by magic. However it isn't as flexible theme wise.

Golarion is granted a kitchen sink setting, but is still quite detailed and allows use to have out campaign set in any theme or trope we want.

Please tell me your opinions on both so as it could hopefully make picking one abit easier hehe.


Hey everyone.

I was wondering if there is any way in working out the average populations for each of the Inner Sea nations and mabye even the World of Golarion.

Each nation has a pop total from as low as 10,000 to 300,000 for their main settlements so how much would local towns, farms forts, villages etc add to this on average? Varisia has a current population of near 100,000 total for its main settlements. Adding in the rest of the nation's humanoid pop would it be near a million or so total pop for Varisa or am I way off?

Hey everyone.

Lately i've been thinking of trying some low fantasy adventures and campaigns as I've had my fair share of High fantasy and want to try something different. I love the golarion setting though and want to try converting it to better fit as a low(er) fantasy setting but I'm not sure oh how to go about it yet.

A few thoughts are to make high level characters (10+) alot rarer. I.e characters from level 1-5 make the majority of the population. lv 6-9 make up mabye 5 percent, Lv 10-13 mabye 1 per 10000 on on ward etc.

What other idea's could help in making Golarion a low(er) fantasy setting?

Hey everyone. After reading through the Tome of Horrors I was interested in the story of Lucifer and how he was thrown out of hell by Asmodeus. It seems though that Lucifer doesnt exist within the pathfinder hell as I cannot recall any mention of him? Is this correct and if so is pathfinder's Asmodeus just Lucifer with a different name not another being entirely?

Hey everyone!

I have become quite entised by the pathfinder Campaign setting (one of my top 3 fantasy settings, next to arda and midnight) and was curious on how the laws of magic and physics work within the setting.

I.e Is magic unrestricted energy in which anything can be crafted from it with enough skill or does it follow certain laws in which things have to be done a certain way otherwise it would be deemed impossible. Same with physics, does this setting follow the same laws as we do or are the laws somewhat different?

Also how does physical limits work in the setting? Are humans set at the same limits as us or are there non magical ways to by pass them? I.e a 20th level fighter would certainly bypass the normal physical limits even without magical aid.

cheers xx