Alastor Land

Paedur's page

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sunshadow21 wrote:
The analogy came about because when it was first released, it was half way seriously marketed in that vein, probably in an effort to draw the MMO crowd, and initial playtests seemed to support it.

That does not stop it being a false analogy. although I wish marketing worked in that way....I would definitely buy Lynx for Men.

Analogy is saying 'A is like B' and is a powerful way of explaining one thing in terms of another. Where it falls down is when A is assumed to be like B in all respects and any attribute or characteristic of B can be unequivocally attributed to A.

The typical fallacy in this is that the comparison is not a good one and creates significant falsehood.

Looking at some of the posts above, 4E mechanics are being attributed to video game design of a "hack n slash" nature. From this the analogy draws the conclusion that 4E cannot generate any roleplaying experience, depth or complexity. This is false.

4E mechanics have borrowed from video games the same may be true of 3E or previous D&D versions.....and amazingly the other way round. It is no bad thing...the use of the analogy to generate negative and false impressions is.