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Sovereign Court

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Nearly two years after my last post to this thread my players have defeated the lamias in the Reliquary and are trying to figure out how to use the lens to enter the Eye of Avarice. They will battle Karzoug next week.

The party is made up of six characters 2nd edition characters from levels 10 to 14 and I have stated up Karzoug as an 18th level Transmuter (I wanted to make sure he had access to 9th level spells). I am also considering having two or three Hounds of Tindalos to support him.

I will try to post some thoughts about the campaign, the conversion to 2nd edition, and the final combat when we are done.

Sovereign Court

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I ran Mad God's Key in Sandpoint which will led into a sidetrek in Magnimar using 0One's Pound of Flesh.

Sovereign Court

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I finally finished typing up my notes to convert Burnt Offerings to 2nd Edition.

Part One: Festival and Fire:

Initial Assault -
Goblins (4): INT Low; AL LE; AC 6; MV 6; HD 1-1; hp 3; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 10; shortsword, 7 sp

Goblin Pyros -
Goblins (4): INT Low; AL LE; AC 6; MV 6; HD 1-1; hp 3; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 10; shortsword, torch, 8 sp

Goblin Undershaman (1): INT Average; AL LE; AC 6; MV 6; P2; hp 7; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; SA cleric spells; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 12; whip, 12 sp
Spells: Protection from Good

Die, Dog, Die! -
Goblin Leader (1): INT Low; AL LE; AC 6; MV 6; HD 1; hp 7; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 12; Battleaxe, 9 sp

Goblin Dog (1): INT Animal; AL N; AC 7; MV 15; HD 1; hp 6; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg bite 1-6; SA allergic reaction; SD nil; SZ M; ML 10; (see below)

Goblins (4): INT Low; AL LE; AC 6; MV 6; HD 1-1; hp 3; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 10; shortsword, 4 sp

Part Two: Local Heroes:

The Shopkeep's Daughter -
Ven Vinder - 0-level Human (5 hp)

The Boar Hunt -
Wild Boar (1): INT Animal; AL N; AC 7; MV 15; HD 3+3; hp 16; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 3-12; SA attack until reduced to -7 hp; SD Nil; SZ S; ML 10

Monster in the Closet -
Goblin Leader (1): INT Low; AL LE; AC 6; MV 6; HD 1; hp 7; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 12; Dagger, 7 sp

Part Three: Glass and Wrath:

Against the Goblins -
Goblins (8): INT Low; AL LE; AC 6; MV 6; HD 1-1; hp 3; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 10; shortsword, molten glass, 4 sp

Tsuto Kaijitsu (3rd-level thief - assassin kit, half-elf male): AL LE; AC 6; MV 9; T3; hp 8; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; S 12, D 15, C 8, I 13, W 14, Ch 10; ML 14; shortbow, 15 arrows, 3 poisoned arrows (type A), potion of healing, ring of protection +1, blinding powder, glass vial of poison (type J), thieves tools, silver flute (50 gp), silver earrings (25 gp for the pair), journal

300 gp and 10 pp in the Secret Office.

Catacombs of Wrath
B1. Sinspawn (1): INT Average; AL NE; AC 7; MV 9; HD 3; hp 11; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1-4/1-4/1-6; SA wrathful bite; SD immune to sleep, charm and hold spells, opponents have a -2 penalty to their surprise roll; SZ M; ML 20

B3. Silver and ivory ranseur (400 gp)
B4. Vargouille (1): INT Low; AL NE; AC 8; MV Fl 12 (B); HD 1+1; hp 6; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA poison, fear, kiss ; SD nil; SZ S; ML 9
B6. Sinspawn (2): INT Average; AL NE; AC 7; MV 9; HD 3; hp 11; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1-4/1-4/1-6; SA wrathful bite; SD immune to sleep, charm and hold spells, opponents have a -2 penalty to their surprise roll; SZ M; ML 20
B8. Scroll of Flaming Sphere
B9. Zombies (11): INT Non; AL N; AC 8; MV 6; HD 2; hp 7; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA nil; SD spell immunity; SZ M; ML special

Korvus (mutated goblin): INT Semi; AL CE; AC 5; MV 9; HD 2; hp 12; THAC0 19; #AT 3; Dmg by weapon; SA acid breath weapon that caused 2d4 damage (save for half) that was usable three times; SD nil; SZ S; ML 20; Longsword +1, handaxe, silver dagger

B11. Scroll of Burning Hands, Wand of Shocking Grasp, rare religious book (100 gp to the right buyer)
B12. If a creature drinks directly from the altar, he
must make a save vs poison. Success indicates the creature
becomes violently ill for 2d4 hours. Failure indicates the water takes root and drives the victim mad, reducing their Intelligence by 2d6 points. A creature reduced to 0 Intelligence undergoes a horrific transformation as the vile waters unmake him and then reform him into a monstrous, deformed parody of his previous form. This condition can be removed by Remove Curse.
B13. Erylium (Quasit with +1 toughness; see Altering Monsters the Easy Way, Dungeon Master Option: High Level Campaigns): INT Average; AL CE; AC 1; MV 15; HD 3+3; hp 18; THAC0 16; #AT 3; Dmg 2-3/2-3/2-5 or by weapon; SA toxin which causes anyone struck by them to save versus poison or lose one point of dexterity for 2-12 rounds, turn invisible, detect good, or detect magic at will, regenerate 1 hit point per round, blast of fear, hideous spittle range 20-ft save vs spell or be affect as by a Stinking Cloud spell, can cast Monster Summoning I once per week; SD only be harmed by cold iron or magical weapons, resist magic 25%, save as if they were 8 HD, immune to cold, fire, and lightning; SZ T (2' tall); ML 12; miniature +1 Dagger of Throwing (1-2 damage due to small size), miniature tiara worth 25 gp, miniature black silk gown worth 25 gp, obsidian unholy symbol of Lamashtu worth 10 gp

Sinspawn: INT Average; AL NE; AC 7; MV 9; HD 3; hp 11; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1-4/1-4/1-6; SA wrathful bite; SD immune to sleep, charm and hold spells, opponents have a -2 penalty to their surprise roll; SZ M; ML 20

Part Four: Thistletop:

C1. Entrance is a Concealed Door.
C2. Pushing through thistle walls causes 1-4 hp damage.
C3. See PHB for climbing rules.
C4. Goblins (10): INT Low; AL LE; AC 10; MV 6; HD 1-1; hp 3; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 8
C5. Goblin Dogs (4): INT Animal; AL N; AC 7; MV 15; HD 1; hp 6; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg bite 1-6; SA allergic reaction; SD nil; SZ M; ML 10
C6. Pet Mountain Lion (1): INT Semi; AL N; AC 6; MV 12; HD 3+1; hp 15; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-6; SA Rear claws; SD surprised only on a 1; SZ M (4' long); ML 10
C7. Gogmurt (Goblin Shaman): INT Average; AL LE; AC 6; MV 6; P3; hp 12; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; SA cleric spells; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 12; , Leather Armour +1, spear, sling, potion of animal control, potion of healing, wand of produce flame (34 charges), 13 gp
Spells: 1 - Cause Light Wounds, Darkness; 2 - Chant
C9. Rope bride will give way if more than 3 human sized creatures attempt to cross (small creatures count as 1/2 and large count as 2). Save vs Breath Weapon to grab rope or jump to safety. An 80-ft fall into water.
C10. Goblins (4): INT Low; AL LE; AC 6; MV 6; HD 1-1; hp 3; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 10; spears, 1-6 sp

Goblin Dogs (4): INT Animal; AL N; AC 7; MV 15; HD 1; hp 6; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg bite 1-6; SA allergic reaction; SD nil; SZ M; ML 10
C11. Pearl handled dagger worth 100 gp.
C13. Goblins (2): INT Low; AL LE; AC 6; MV 6; HD 1-1; hp 3; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 10; shortsword, 1-6 sp
C14. Goblins (6): INT Low; AL LE; AC 6; MV 6; HD 1-1; hp 3; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 10; shortsword, 1-6 sp
C15. Goblin Bodyguards (2): INT Low; AL LE; AC 5; MV 6; HD 1+1; hp 8; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 10; battleaxe, 1-6 sp
C16. Goblin Dogs (4): INT Animal; AL N; AC 7; MV 15; HD 1; hp 6; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg bite 1-6; SA allergic reaction; SD nil; SZ M; ML 10
C18. Heavy Warhorse (1): INT Animal; AL N; AC 7; MV 15; HD 3+3; hp 25 (currently 5); THAC0 17; #AT 2; Dmg 1-8/1-8; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ L; ML 6
C19. Chief Ripnugget (Goblin Chief): INT Low; AL LE; AC 4; MV 6; HD 2; hp 13; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 15; battleaxe, spear, dented crown worth 20 gp, potion of Healing, potion of Strength of Stone

Giant Lizard (1): INT None; AL N; AC 5; MV 15; HD 3+1; hp 14; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA bite; SD nil; SZ H; ML 10

Goblin Bodyguards (4): INT Low; AL LE; AC 4; MV 6; HD 2; hp 11; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 10; battleaxe, 1-6 gp

Goblin Undershaman (1): INT Average; AL LE; AC 6; MV 6; P1; hp 4; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; SA cleric spells; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 12; whip, wand of blindness (6 charges), 8 sp
Spells: Protection from Good

C20. Door is locked.
C21. 23 shortswords, 11 shortbows, 11 suits studded leather (goblin size), 2 whips
C23. silver holy symbol worth 40 gp. Keys to room C24 under seat cushion.
C24. Trapped chest. THAC0 17. Does 1-8 damage and save vs poison or loose 1-4 points of dexterity and 50% chance of lockjaw which prevents speach. Recovery takes 2d6 days. Chest contains 7,400 cp, 2,500 sp, 12 pp, a suit of human sized chainmail, 6 flawed malachites worth 10 gp each, gold holy symbol of Sarenrae worth 100 gp, a jade necklace worth 60 gp, and a scimitar +1
C27. Bunyip (1): INT Animal; AL N; AC 5; MV Sw 12; HD 5; hp 25; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA roar, sever limb, swallow whole, blood frenzy; SD telepathy; SZ M; ML 10

treasure: 100 gp, a rusted sword with a violet garnet in its hilt worth 200 gp, 3 arrows +1, and a Rod of Security.

Thistletop Dungeon Level 1

D2. 80% chance of Bruthazmus being here.
Bruthazmus (Bugbear Leader): INT Average; AL CE; AC 4; MV 9; HD 4; hp 25; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; SA Surprise, +3 to damage; SD nil; SZ L (7' tall); ML 13; footman's flail, composite longbow (+3 str bonus to damage), 3 arrows of slaying (elves), 10 gp, 6 sp.

Female Goblins (4): INT Low; AL LE; AC 10; MV 6; HD 1-1; hp 2; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ S (4' tall); ML 10

D4a. If Tsuto is still alive there is a 30% chance he will be here.
D4b. Orik Vancaskerkin (3rd level fighter, human male): AL CN; AC 1; MV 9; F3; hp 8; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; S 15, D 13, C 14, I 10, W 10, Ch 8; ML 14; +1 banded mail, bastard sword (specialized), body shield (+1 AC melee, +2 AC missile), longbow, potion of healing, 3 pp.
Note: Orik has a specialization with the bastard sword and is +1 to hit and +2 damage.
D4c. 20% chance Lyrie is here. See D15 below.
D4d. If Bruthazmus isn't in D2 he will be here.
D5. There is only a 5% chance that Nualia is here. See E4 below.
D7. Tentamort (1): INT Non; AL N; AC 3 (tentacles)/ 1 (body); MV 1; HD 2 each tentacle, 4 body; hp 6 each tentacle, 19 body; THAC0 17; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6; SA constrictor tentacle, poison tentacle; SD nil; SZ S (but tentacles 10' long); ML 10
D8. +1 hide armour
D9. Any PCs that have been captured will be here.
D12. Yeth hound (2): INT Low; AL NE; AC 0; MV 15 Fl 27 (B); HD 3+3; hp 15; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA Fear; SD Silver or magical weapons to hit, 10% magic resistance; SZ M (5' tall); ML 20
There is a 10% chance that Nualia will be here leading a ritual in which case Tsuto, Lyrie, Bruthazmus and any surviving goblins will be here.
D15. 80% chance that Lyrie will be here.
Lyrie (3rd level Magic-user, human female): AL CE; AC 8; MV 12; M3; hp 9; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; S 8, D 14, C 12, I 15, W 10, Ch 13; ML 10; Dagger, Spellbook (1 - Armour, Burning Hands, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Spider Climb, Wall of Fog; 2 - Detect Invisibility, Locate Object, Mirror Image, Shatter), wand of magic missile, ring of protection +1, silver comb (25 gp), fine silk gown (60 gp), small pouch of personal artifacts stolen from Tsuto (hair, fingernail clippings, used handkerchiefs, etc), 4 pp
Spells Memorized: 1 - Armour, Burning Hands; 2 - Mirror Image

Thistletop Dungeon Level 2

E3. Slashing Cage Trap. Save vs Breath Weapon to jump to safety when portcullises drop. 1 round later the two statues slash the area with their glaives for 2 rounds. THAC0 17 each. Then pit opens dropping anyone trapped 10 ft (1d6 damage).
E4. Nualia (4th level priest, Aasimar female): AL CE; AC 2; MV 9; P4; hp 9; THAC0 18; #AT 2; Dmg by weapon and claw (1-6); S 16, D 8, C 14, I 10, W 15, Ch 15; SA Lamashtu's Mark (see below); ML 18; +1 Falchion, Sihedron medallion, +1 splint mail, gold holy symbol (100 gp), 7 pp, 5 gp.
Spells: 1 - Bless, Cause Fear, Protection from Good; 2 - Enthrall, Silence 15ft radius.

Lamashtu's Mark: Once per day, when Nualia hits with her claw, the target must save vs spells or become deformed in some hideous manner (cloven hooves, horns, vestigial limbs, etc). The deformity reduces the target's charisma score by 1d6. This lasts for 1d6 hours.

Sihedron Medallion: +1 bonus to all saving throws. Once per day the wearer can be bestowed with an Aid spell.

Yeth Hound (1): INT Low; AL NE; AC 0; MV 15 Fl 27 (B); HD 3+3; hp 15; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA Fear; SD Silver or magical weapons to hit, 10% magic resistance; SZ M (5' tall); ML 20

E6. Shadows (3): INT Low; AL CE; AC 7; MV 12; HD 3+3; hp 15; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2-5; SA Strength drain; SD +1 or better weapon to hit, immune to sleep, charm and hold spells, unaffected by cold-based attacks; SZ M; ML Special
E7. Giant Crabs (2): INT Non; AL N; AC 3; MV 9; HD 3; hp 12; THAC0 17; #AT 2; Dmg 2-8/2-8; SA Nil; SD -3 penalty to opponent's surprise roll; SZ L; ML 13
E10. Malfeshnekor (Barghest): INT Exceptional; AL LE; AC 0; MV 15 (30); HD 10+10; hp 55; THAC0 11; #AT 2; Dmg 12-18/12-18; SA Spell-like abilities; SD +1 or better weapon to hit, 50% magic resistance; SZ L; ML 16

New Monsters:

New Monsters

Goblin Dog
No. Appearing: 2-12
AC: 7
Mv: 15
HD: 1
No. Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 1-6 + allergic reaction
Special Attacks: Allergic Reaction - Any non-goblinoid creature that is damaged by a goblin dog’s bite attack must make a save vs poison or break out in an itching rash. Any creature affected by this rash takes a – 2 penalty to Dexterity and Charisma for 1 day.
Special Defenses: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: Medium
Morale: Average (10)

No. Appearing: 2-8
AC: 7
Mv: 9
HD: 3
No. Attacks: 2 claws & 1 bite
Damage: 1-4/1-4/1-6 + wrathful bite
Special Attacks: Wrathful Bite - save vs poison or be affected as a Confusion spell for 1d6 rounds.
Special Defenses: Spell Immunity - immune to sleep, charm and hold spells. Sneaky - opponents have a -2 penalty to their surprise roll.
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: Medium
Morale: Fearless (20)

Sovereign Court

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A few of my goals/philosophies while I work on my conversions are:

1. Thematic instead of direct mechanical conversions. I am not trying to figure out how a d20 prestige class or magic item might work exactly the same way while using 2nd edition. Instead I am trying to develop a "feeling" and the make things fun. For example, if I am trying to develop a kit that is a conversion of a Golarion prestige class I am trying to have the kit fill the same role and have the same feeling as opposed to trying to find mechanical equivalents for all of the prestige class' abilities.

2. Use existing 2nd edition materials as much as possible. I am married, have kids and am pursuing a career. I need to save as much time as possible.

3. I am not worried too much about "balance". Balance in 2nd edition AD&D was a minor concern. However, I do try to make sure all of my players are having fun so I try to be sure that any conversions aren't too far out there.

4. I am using a wide variety of 2nd edition AD&D materials. For my campaign, I am drawing from nearly the entire 2nd edition product roster where required. However, most of the rules are prior to the "2.5" Player's Option books. But that is not 100% set in stone as I am using such things as the spell spheres and schools as given in Player's Options: Spells & Magic as well as a slightly modified Channeller class.


NPC Conversion
I typically use a very simple conversion process for NPCs to adapt a 3.5E adventure for my 2E campaign.

At low levels I keep the hit points as given in the published adventure. I higher levels I take between 50% and 75% of the given hit points.
I determined Hit Dice by dividing the hit points by 5. I then round up or down depending on how things are going.
Thaco was calculated as 20-Hit Dice
AC = 20 - 3.5E AC
And special abilities were approximated.

For example, one of the sidetreks I have used is Mad God's Key from Dungeon 114. The final encounter in that adventure is against Cyrathas, an elven mulitclassed rogue 1/sorcerer 2. So I wanted him to have some thief abilities and be able to cast magic-user spells.
He had 13 hp as given in the adventure

HD = 13 / 5 rounded up = 3
Thaco = 20-3 = 17
His AC was given as 15 so I used 20-15=5

Special abilities:
I used the base thieve abilities for a 1st level thief as printed on my 2E DM screen and didn't worry about making any adjustments.

For spells, in the adventure he has Burning Hands, Shield and a bunch of 0-level spells. So I just kept both of the spells as they have 2E equivalents and used Cantrip to replace the 0-level spells.

For magic items, I used the 2E equivalents for what he had in the published adventure.

Did all of this add up to a 1st level thief / 2nd level magic-user? Not exactly but he used a magic wand (Grease) to great effect, lost his Burning Hands spell when he was hit while trying to cast it, lit a pool of lantern oil on fire by knocking over a torch using Cantrip, drank a potion of healing and generally made for a fun encounter.

Monster Conversion
Typically I just replace the monsters given in the adventure with their 2E equivalents. However, I do make frequent use of the rules from “Altering Monsters the Easy Way” from Dungeon Master Option: High Level Campaigns.

I will try to type up my conversion of Burnt Offerings and post it here.

Sovereign Court

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@ baron

Let me see what I can put together. Most of them are just hand written.

Sovereign Court

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Michael Johnson 66 wrote:
The original module never mentioned them cooperating...

Actually it did mention which groups cooperate and which don't.

B2 The Keep on the Borderlands wrote:
TRIBAL ALLIANCES AND WARFARE: You might allow player characters to somehow become aware that there is a constant fighting going on between the goblins and hobgoblins on one side and the orcs, sometimes with gnoll allies, on the other - with the koboids hoping to be forgotten by all, and the bugbears picking off any stragglers who happen by. With this knowledge, they might be able to set tribes to fighting one another, and then the adventurers can take advantage of the weakened state of the feuding humanoids. Be careful to handle this whole thing properly; it is a device you may use to aid players who are few in number but with a high level of playing skill. It will make it too easy if there are many players, or if players do not actually use wits instead of force when the opportunity presents itself.