Dance of Blades
When you enter a fight against multiple foes, roll+DEX. On a 10+, hold 3 maneuvers. On a 7-9, hold 2. On a miss, hold 1 anyway, but your enemies already have you, in particular, at a disadvantage. Spend a hold to perform a maneuver that achieves one of the following results:
* You create an advantage and you or an ally can take +1 forward for exploiting it.
* You disengage from melee with one foe.
* You immediately cross the distance between you and one foe it is possible for you to reach.
* You throw off the effects of being stunned, confused, or enchanted.
The Hunter
Name someone you want to find, either an individual or a gang that sticks together. When you discern realities while looking for them, on a hit, the GM will also tell you if there is any evidence of their passage, and if so what. On a miss, though, something catches up to you instead, the GM will tell you what. You can only be hunting one target at a time, but you can change that target whenever you want.
Signature Weapon
This is your weapon. There are many like it, but this one is yours. Your weapon is your best friend. It is your life. You master it as you master your life. Your weapon, without you, is useless. Without your weapon, you are useless. You must wield your weapon true. Describe your weapon. It has 2 weight. Choose the most appropriate range for your weapon, then pick one enhancement and one special power it has.
* Alarm: Glows in the presence of one type of creature, your choice.
* Blunt: Does stun damage, at your option.
* Grisly: +1 damage.
* Huge: Add the messy and forceful tags.
* Perfectly weighted: Add the precise tag.
* Sharp or spiked: +2 piercing.
* Versatile: Choose an additional range.
* Well-crafted: -1 weight.
* Invent a new tag for your weapon.
Special Powers:
* Bane: Kills one specific type of monster (your choice) with but a single wound.
* Blessed by the Gods: This weapon is divine.
* Boomerang: It always returns to your hand.
* Flaming: +1d4 damage when on fire.
* Protector: Two-handed, gives you +1 armour while you wield it in melee.
* Sentient: This weapon is intelligent and can communicate.
* Stonecutter: Cuts through stone like butter.
* Vorpal blade: Ignores armour.
* Choose two more enhancements instead of a special power.