Versatile Heritage
Core Rulebook pg. 56
Humanity’s versatility and ambition have fueled its ascendance to be the most common ancestry in most nations throughout the world. Select a general feat of your choice for which you meet the prerequisites (as with your ancestry feat, you can select this general feat at any point during character creation).
Natural AmbitionFeat 1
Core Rulebook pg. 57
You were raised to be ambitious and always reach for the stars, leading you to progress quickly in your chosen field. You gain a 1st-level class feat for your class. You must meet the prerequisites, but you can select the feat later in the character creation process in order to determine which prerequisites you meet.
Lost and Alone
The Fall of Plaguestone pg. 55
You were training to become a knight in Lastwall when the Whispering Tyrant escaped his imprisonment and destroyed the nation. It was only by dumb luck that you are alive at all, but the memories of that fateful day haunt your dreams. When play begins, you have boarded a caravan heading toward a new town, having worn out your welcome at the taverns and inns of Elidir.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.
You're trained in the Intimidation skill and the Warfare Lore skill. You gain the Intimidating Glare skill feat