12+2 per level
Bonus Skill Ranks+Class+Ability+Specified(+Conditional)[+Overridden]
+14 Acrobatics 5+3+4+2Edge
+10 Athletics 5+3+0+2Edge
+14 Bluff 5+3+3+3SkillFocus(+4TrickAttack)[+2Edge]
+14 Culture 5+3+3+2Edge+1Icon
+13 Diplomacy 5+3+3+2Edge
+14+Disguise 5+3+3+3SkillFocus(+2VoiceModulator)[+2Edge]
+13 Intimidate 5+3+3+2Edge
+13 Life Science 5+3+3+2Edge
+13 Medicine 5+3+3+2Edge
+10 Perception 5+3+0+2Edge
+ 6 Piloting 0+0+4+2Edge
+18 Profession (Actor) 5+3+3+4ToolKit+1Icon+2Edge
+10 Sense Motive 5+3+0+2Edge
+14 Sleight of Hand 5+3+4+2Edge
+14 Stealth 5+3+4+2Edge
+ 2 Survival 0+0+0+2Edge
Theme Knowledge: +5 to Culture & Profession (Actor) about Acting and actors
Common, Castrovelian, Common Signed, Kasatha, Shirren, Vesk, Yasoki