Dr Davaulus

Oscar Hallward's page

215 posts. Alias of Andostre.

Full Name

Oscar Hallward


Aquarius, Investigator, +1 Sharp, -1 Hard

About Oscar Hallward


Investigator: When you Seek Out, you choose your 7–9 result instead of the GM. On a 10+ the GM may offer you something extra in addition to what you were looking for – if you take it, though, you must choose from the 7–9 list.

Scuttlebutt: When you tap your contacts for information and gossip, roll +Sharp. On a 10+ you can ask two questions. On a 7–9, ask one. You take +1 Forward when acting on the answers.
+ What’s the word on the street about this?
+ Who could help with this?
+ Where was _____ last seen and what were they up to?
+ What should I be on the lookout for?

Truthspeaker: When you reveal something that others had been concealing, roll +Sharp. On a 10+, the truth is out and widely believed, and Erase one Attrition. On a 7–9, it’s out, but people are alarmed or distressed, Mark Attrition.


1) Who is feeding me information on the quiet? What secret or rumour are they about to tell me?

Oscar knows that Sasha is a great source of information, and he's perfectly happy using her as an anonymous source, but Oscar is frustrated by the fact that he usually has to "pay" for the information, instead of Sasha offering the information because she believes in the principles of government transparency.

So, she probably knows more than she ever tells Oscar, but occasionally he'll be able to broker a deal with her such as an exchange of information, or Oscar keeping some other piece of news out of the press, because that's a favor that Sasha can offer to someone else. And just occasionally, Sasha telling Oscar some piece of information that results in an informative article works out well for both of them.