Eagle Knight

Orland Delmar's page

64 posts. Alias of Keith S..

Full Name

Orland Delmar


The Disillusioned Sgt. Major of the Royal Scots Fusiliers; grit+4, menace +3, brains +3, shoot +2, resources +2, investigate +2, ride +1, survival +1, physique +1, fight +1

About Orland Delmar

Sgt Major Orland Delmar is a Scottish national, born in Edinborough. Joining the Army at age 16 in 1849, he became part of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, a Lowland Scots Regiment. In 1854 he was sent with his regiment to Greece and the Balkans, in support of British interests. There, the regiment became embroiled in the Crimean War between Britain, France, Sardinia, and the Ottoman Empire versus the Russian Empire.

Delmar survived the battles of the Crimean peninsula, and was promoted to the position of Sergeant of his Company. It was a hellish period of warfare, known for its notoriously incompetent international butchery, an iconic symbol of logistical, medical, and tactical failures and mismanagement. Orland Delmar himself was a fine soldier, but survival was hard in the Crimean Peninsula. He had begun to find the inklings of misgivings and mistrust in how the military and governments worked, influenced in a great part by incompetent nobles who purchased their commissions in the regiment.

From Crimea, the Regiment ended up in Arabia, and then India, putting down a series of minor revolts and bandit lords. He continued to rise through the non commissioned ranks, becoming Sergeant Major for the Royal Scots Fusiliers.

He mustered out in 1869 after 20 years of service, thoroughly disillusioned with large governments in general, and nobility in particular. He was a hard man, who had made a fair amount of money in the course of his Army career. He wasn’t ashamed to shy away from plunder, or black market profit. He also tried to steer the Regiment in the ways of honor with regards to treatment of the locals as well as their own enlisted ranks. He achieved various levels of success in this goal, which in general only lowered his opinion of his noble officers.

Disappointed (or perhaps disgusted) with his Army service, and India, he took ship east, eventually ending up in a American city known as San Francisco. It was a wide open land, fresh and unpopulated.

The High Concept: The Disillusioned Sergeant Major of Her Majesty's Royal Scots Fusiliers:
A disillusioned Sergeant Major, a Scotsman, of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. Survivor of the Crimean War and the Siege of Sevastopol, as well as numerous other conflicts. A 20 year veteran, mustered out and headed east from Calcutta to San Francisco and the American West.

The Trouble: Stands up for the Downtrodden:
He will stand up for the weak and downtrodden to protect them from being taken advantage of by those with more power. Even if this puts himself in dangerous situations.

Orland has done his own share of bullying over his time of service - beating the locals to take their food, lashes to his own men from incompetent officers, the British Government taking what it needed from starving populations.....and Orland helped it all. He is sick of it and it is time to make amends.

The Bargain: A Life:
Crimea and Sevastopol was a place of great advancement in technology, mainly in the way of taking lives. Explosive naval shells, the telegraph, rifled bullets becoming common, and...incompetent officers. Nobles who purchased their commissions so a stint in the Army could serve their political interests back home. All these things trying to kill Orland, but the most dangerous was the Colonel of his Regiment. In the trenches, in the great fields of mud surrounding Sevastopol, a fresh faced soldier offered to solve that problem for him, for the mere price of his soul. And it wasn't as if Orland's soul was worth all that much, was it?

The Colonel died the next day, when his horse fell and crushed him against a wooden redoubt. Too bad the next Colonel wasn't any better an officer.....


+4 Grit (will) I see this as being able to stand in a line with a mass of other soldiers, marching to the enemy, taking cannon fire and musket shot, and not breaking. Indeed, keeping other from breaking.
+3 Menace (provoke) part of being a leader, getting your troops to stand firm, or look threatening to the enemy. Even that big bloke from the other Regiment.
+3 Brains (lore) One needs to figure out the best tactic or strategy to win.
+2 Shoot … because this is a big part of what a soldier does.
+2 Resources ...obtaining what the Regiment (or your friends) needs.
+2 Investigate … figuring out who is stealing supplies, who started the fight, etc.
+1 Ride…. Not an officer, so not a lot of experience here.
+1 Survival …. Again, finding what one needs to survive in difficult situations.
+1 physique
+1 fight


Hard Boiled Grit (will) Stunt- may choose to ignore a mild or moderate consequence for the duration of the scene. such as a serious gunshot wound or being flanked

Attention to Detail - Investigate Stunt - you can use Investigate instead of Empathy to defend against Deceive attempts. What others discover through gut reactions and intuition, you learn through careful observation of micro expressions. learned by investigation of various infractions by troopers under his command in the Regiment

Steady Lads use Grit (will) to keep a group of people focused on a task such as not breaking against a cavalry charge, or assaulting a building. Keeping men steady under fire, whether in defense or attack, is critical to success of the Regiment in the pursuit of its duties

Unnaturally Born Leader: (special stunt)You take command not simply by natural talent, but because supernatural forces ordain it to be so. Once per scene, when you Create an Advantage that others may arguably utilize as well, the circumstances serendipitously (or unnaturally) shift further in your favor, granting two allies a boost in addition to the outcome of your Create Advantage (this boost can not be shared further).
*This occurs regardless of the outcome of your Create Advantage, so even if the Advantage fails and is used against you, you may designate two allies that each gain a boost.

British sense of humor:
invoked in social or physical situations where Orland's sense of humor keeps himself or people calm, or as a compel where Orland makes that sarcastic comment on the tip of his tongue that everyone hopes he'll hold in.

Makes the Hard Decisions:
invoked in tough situations can focus and get people moving in the right direction; compel he can make people angry with his seemingly callous assessment of facts and dispensing of justice

Some Evil is Necessary:
invoked gain a source of information from sparing the life of a dark and evil thing,compel can be forced to leave some minor evil thing alive, that may come back to haunt him as a bad decision.