The Oliphaunt of Jandelay

Original Sin's page

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DeadDMWalking wrote:
If you'd like it, I can e-mail it. Just to warn you, there are some tweaks that may be necessary after some playtesting, but it is mostly solid. It includes the standard races and most of the MM races... If you can provide your e-mail I'll send it right over.

Thought I'd jump on the bandwagon as well, if you don't mind.


I'd really appreciate it. My group had played around with it once, but never got far. We were playing Rifts for a while, and had combined the Racial Character Classes and the Occupational Character Classes. We thought it would be a good idea to carry over to other gaming systems, but never got to it since I had to move. (Stupid me had to go and get married! LOL Destroyed my gaming group!)

Now you can start work on that pesky Rogue / Rouge thing! (Not to mention elven vs elfin.)

It really boils down to having more options. Take for instance the Rogue, which is typically a favorite. There are numerous types of Rogues, from the 'sneak in, burgle, sneak out' to the 'you can't see me until it's too late, dagger in the kidneys', to the 'fast-talking, I'm really a polymorphed silver dragon in disguise so let me in' types. Everyone has their own view of each of the classes. So instead of shoving a bunch of abilities at each level, give the players a choice of abilities that are now available at each level. This is somewhat done with the monk and the ranger, and to a lesser degree the cleric (through domain choices) and the wizard (by selecting a school of specialization). This allows the player to choose the path they want their character to follow, instead of the class descriptions dictating it for them.